Shipping Industry


This officially published Almanac is released annually by the world recognized Ernst & Young's global shipping industry network; subject network joins the efforts of the maritime industry experts in more than fifty Ernst & Young member companies.

This Almanac has been keeping readers informed and duly updated for the last two decades since the time when its initial edition was published. The publication is traditionally intended to provide all interested persons with a summary of the local shipping industry infrastructure as well as regulatory, tax and corporate environments for more than forty countries. The info provided in each country chapter was thoroughly researched and prepared by resident EY industry professionals.

At the closing part of the document the readers may find a comprehensive directory of EY shipping industry executives across their service major lines. These Almanacs are the must-have publications for those people who are willing to be kept in line with all latest happenings in the international shipping industry. Note that we also have 2013, 2015 and 2016 EY Shipping Industry Almanacs readily available. Download all of them and have a clear picture.

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Welcome to the 2014 Showcase of Shipping Port International, the first publication fully dedicated to presenting cargo-port destinations and their terminal operators to a the ship owners and operators. The document is covering such important aspects of maritime shipping industry as port community systems and major environmental issues, technology spotlight and port directory and so many others.

The book will be of great practical benefit for the categories of readers mentioned above due to the amount of useful information it provides. The compilers of this volume have covered the port-centric solutions and examined the security issues together with the exploration of the implications of huge sized container ships.

Though this is not a textbook but rather the informational booklet, we would still recommend you to have a look since the info contained and topics covered may be interesting and practical. Note that the opening chapter of the document contains the overview of the latest developments collected from the ports around the planet.

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This publication contains the results of the richest and comprehensive professional study ever undertaken of the conditions and factors determining both range and scope of maritime activities in Arctic region. Moreover, subject study is the first one to compare the three transportation corridors available today in the subject area.

Among the factors addressed during the study there were geopolitics and global warming problem, modern trends in the international economics, available resources, military affairs and many other interdependent and interacting factors.

The study should not be treated only as a complete and thorough interdisciplinary analysis of the Arctic region - it will also serve as a remarkably user-friendly guidebook to be used by anyone engaged in shipping, scientific, legal or commercial activities in the region.

The content is very well prepared and illustrated; it includes numerous detailed and informative maps and figures making it a really required reading for persons with any interest in Arctic region and shipping activities there. Note that there are not too many publications available today and covering this topic so have a close look.

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This book provides the examination of the relationship between the globalization and safety, environmental, and labour standards as applicablt to the maritime industry. There are nearly as many definitions of globalization as there are scholars who write about it, but the most important globalization aspect for the purposes of this study is the reduction of barriers (be they political or technical) to international economic activity.

Goods move long distances, are assembled in one location from parts made in other locations, and may be used somewhere else altogether. Freer international trade, the reduced relative cost of transportation, and increasing economic integration make possible this global movement of goods, much of which happens on the oceans on ships. The shipping industry is considered one of the most globalized industries.

By its very nature international shipping necessarily involves crossing between jurisdictions and traveling long distances in nonterritorial spaces. Ship owners can actually choose where get their ships registered and thereby choose both domestic and international regulations within which they operate.

The labor market for ship workers is as global as any; shipowners can hire workers from anywhere in the world and there is often little to no connection between the nationality of a shipowner, the country of origin of those who work on the ship, and where the ship travels.

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It's a typical Saturday morning in July. Americans all over the country are heading off on their one-week or two-week vacations. In New York, men and women wearing white gloves and dressed in the navy blue crew uniforms of the Queen Mary 2 are at LaGuardia and Kennedy airports to greet passengers coming in from all over the world. There are the Ow family from Beijing, the Tatas from Bombay, the Ambersons from Liverpool, and the Alberginis from Salt Lake City.

All of them, along with a couple thousand others arriving by taxis, cars, and trains, will be boarding the Queen Mary 2 that day to cross the Atlantic to Southampton, England, in six and a half days. For many of them, perhaps one third, this will be their first voyage on any ship ever. For others, it will be their first transatlantic voyage. In Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Port Canaveral, Tampa, and Jacksonville, the Smiths, the Gonzaleses, the Jacksons, the Finches, the you-name-them are lining up to get onto the Carnival Destiny, the Voyager of the Seas, the Norwegian Dream, the Caribbean Princess, or the Celebrity Millennium. They will be sailing to Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Mexico, and dozens of other ports in the Caribbean and beyond.

Some will be going through the Panama Canal and disembarking in Los Angeles, where thousands of people will be standing in line for the return trip. In Honolulu, the push to get on Norwegian Cruise Line's Pride of America will have started, and in Lisbon, Monte Carlo, and Piraeus, passengers will be boarding one of Seabourns luxurious vessels. In fact, with 10 million North American cmisers in 2005, we can say that all over the world, on every one of the seven continents, people will be boarding cruise ships to go somewhere— not just on Saturdays, but every day of the week. In a few short decades, what began in Miami as a small cottage business has turned into a mega-industry, pouring S32 billion into the U.S. economy in 2005 alone....

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The terrorist attacks of 9/11 followed by subsequent events of same kind have eventually fostered further dimensions to the maritime, port and supply chain security; several important measures of voluntary and mandatory character have been implemented at all levels.

And, though there was so much of the attention paid to the mechanisms of compliance, little to no attempt was made to conduct the thorough analysis of the frameworks, applications and models of the relevant security regulations.

The present volume is based on the documents which were presented at a workshop devoted to the risk management is sea port operations and logistics in London - it offers a truly unique look into the complex sphere of supply chain and port security through the selection of the contributions from the recognized experts in this field.

Particularly, this volume addresses the ongoing professional and operational challenges faced by the port and supply chain operators in a worldwide scale. The authors have covered different security models as well as functional and operational subjects. The content and arrangement of the book are very well planned in order to encompass the components and nature of the global security system.

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The first chapter of this document published by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology is providing the required basis in connection with the background info for scheduling and routing the offshore platform supply vessels within Petrobras Logistics. The hydrocarbon products are considered the most important resources of energy of today and they currently account for nearly forty per cent of the global energy consumption.

It seems quite obvious that there the only way to satisfy the energy consumption of the future generations and this why is to properly and reasonably maintain, and even try to increase the oil production level; note that the mankind should also try and provide different energy efficient solutions in addition to the ones in place today. In the opening chapter you will also get some information about the Petrobras company, one of the world's giants, their vision of the problem addressed in this volume, and Brazilian oil sector in general.

The rest of the present academic document will deal with the problem more specifically and the content may be spread to the other countries and companies since the theoretical basis will remain more or less unchanged.

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Here is a set of all releases of the UNCTAD Review of Maritime Transport since 1997. It consists of eighteen publications, including the latest one for 2014. This is one of the most popular recurrent publications of the maritime world aiming to foster the transparency of the maritime shipping markets and developments in this field.

The compilers of each release do their best to cover all latest advances in shipping and reflect them in the pages of the annually issued volumes. That is why we particularly recommend this collection of issues to the persons not only interested in maritime industry or directly involved in shipping activities but to those willing to be kept updated with all recent happenings.

Prepared by the recognized experts of such authoritative organization, these publication will definitely be very helpful in achieving subject goal of keeping the reader up-to-date. Traditionally, among the topics covered there are such important ones as the international seaborne trade, sea port developments. freight rates and so many others.

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