Shipping Industry


Everyone knows that the maritime piracy is the oldest and classic the international crime; in the frames of the international law the pirates are commonly and deservedly treated as the "enemies of mankind". Though it was prevalent in the period between and including XVII and XVIII centuries, regretfully maritime piracy has not completely gone away.

Nowadays, the maritime piracy mainly affects the waters off West and East Africa and Southeast Asia, but it can and does strike worldwide at any time. It is considered a very serious threat to the international maritime shipping, imposing highest financial costs together with the costs of welfare and even human life. Over the past ten years three thousand or more actual and attempted pirate attacks were reported, and the annual costs were estimated somewhere between six and seven billion dollars.

This amount is actually down from as much as sixteen billion just a few years ago—due in large part, we believe, to the increasing use of on-board armed guards. Still, the problem remains a significant one that has bedeviled international efforts at enforcing anti-piracy laws. The purpose of this monograph is to use economic methods both to describe the nature of maritime piracy and to understand the difficulties involved in organizing optimal enforcement efforts...

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The author of this remarkably comprehensive and informative publication has managed to compile a brand new and wide-ranging collection of the expert opinions on the shipping trade and the environment. During the past twenty years both scholars and policy makers have been seriously struggling trying to understand how exactly the global international trade affects the natural environment.

In his book, Kevin Gallagher is providing readers with the instruments to do that. the content of the book is divided in three main parts. The first part is dealing with the trade and environmental quality, while the second part is devoted to the trade and environmental politics, and the last third part deals with the trade and environmental policy itself.

The topics covered within this book include the pollution haven hypothesis, investor rights, trade institutions, water resources management, foreign direct investment, global shipping industry, sustainable industrial development, and many others. The publication is expected to serve as an excellent practical guide for the newcomers to the industry and policy-makers who require a quick and handy reference to the relevant researches.

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The information contained in the present officially released publication has been mainly intended to be used for clarification of the scope and purpose of the "Transit Corridor" as well as to outline all practical aspects for the merchant ships commonly participating in such Group Transits.

The IR Transit Corridor was subjected to the amendment in 2009 in order to duly reflect the significantly revised analysis of GOA maritime pirate activities together with the industry feedback. The revised transit corridor was also been repositioned and is now further from the established areas of fishing - this eventually resulted in serious decrease in the number of false alerts.

The booklet provides the results of the analysis of both attempted and successful attacks undertaken by the maritime pirates, clearly indicating that subject attacks are quite infrequent in the dark time and do not have any success in the subject region.

The publication will be useful for the bridge teams and owners of the vessels engaged in the operations within subject area. Taking the information provided in the booklet in due account will help provide the safety of navigation for the vessel and crew members.

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This Guide was prepared and released with the ultimate intention serve as a supplement to the PMSC standing for the Port Marine Safety Code. This publication is containing useful info and detailed guidance related to the numerous issues directly relating to harbor authorities. This volume is providing general practical guidance and several good live examples of how exactly a harbor authority can meet its commitments concerned with the PMSC.

However, it shall be noted that this document is not expected to be treated as having legal force (same as the Guide itself) and should therefore not be considered the best means of achieving due compliance with the PMSC and harbor authorities. The content of the Guide was developed using valuable contributions by the recognized authorities.

The book provides the necessary legal background, information on the risk assessment and SMS, i.e. safety management systems, duty holder's availability, navigation management, harbor regulations, health checks and consultation, professional qualifications and other important aspects of port marine operation. The appendices provide additional information, record sheets and forms to be used.

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Edited by three recognized experts of the maritime industry, this collection of technical documents was compiled with the ultimate goal to provide people with a single source of relevant information. It is representing all valuable papers focusing on the solutions to the environmental regulations as well as to the emission control as set by the U.S. EPA, standing for the Environmental Protection Agency.

The selection of the materials includes documents on zero emission ships, overview of the gas-fuelled engines and their applications, the greening of passenger ships, assessment of the environmental impact, tradition and innovation, large sized submarine pipelines, safety and risk assessment matters, COGAS propulsion for the LNG carriers, the underwater sail, environmental management of the cruise vessels, future diesel propulsion system, thermodynamic points of energy recovery in the diesel engine exhaust, alternative energy sources, newly introduced air pollution standards, fuel-cell hybrid systems used for generating electrical power on board and many other important topics, it total more than two thousand pages of informative and practical documents.

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The content of this volume is providing readers with a good introduction to the shipping industry covering all important aspects. It shall be treated as a very valuable source of relevant information to be used by the students of maritime shipping law and by the people willing to get a proper understanding of maritime services.

The publication contains the information as well as the analytical content on both international and national shipping practices. This is a new edition of the volume; the previous book represented a general intro to the shipping explaining the maze of shipping regulations and analyzing the main relevant issues.

The present edition, apart from giving a first-rate introduction, is covering several additional aspects of the industry. It covers different sectors of the industry, co-operation issues in liner shipping, maritime governance matters, protectionism and liberalization, private shipping organizations, maritime security and applicable safety standards, limitation of liability and other topics. There are several data tables provided in the appendices to give some additional information on the cases and legislation as well as Conventions and other regulatory documents.

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The term "piracy" is commonly used when we want to describe the armed robbery acts, hijacking plus many other malicious acts all of them are carried out against vessels in international waters. Subject acts are done by the people intenting to steal the valuable assets or to extort the money from the owners of the vessels.

This publication produced in conjunction with IMB, INTERTANKO, INTERCARGO, and SIGTTO consists of the Introduction which is followed by five chapters - Risk Assessment; Preparation; Conduct During Transit of the High Risk Area; Actions on Encountering Pirates; Port Incident Actions and Reporting - and two annexes - Standard Ship's Message Format, and Useful Contacts.

The publication concludes with a list of reference sources of information. The content of the volume will be practical and useful for the shipping industry people with the interest in the contemporary maritime piracy, the dangers encountered by the vessels engaged in trading in the mentioned waters and measures that may be implemented to counteract. As the readers will see, the book covers literally all relevant aspects of the piracy in the east African region.

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The present Vessel Agent’s Handbook addresses all most important aspects for any ship agent taking into account that it describes literally all procedures that shall be followed at the time of the vessel entering the port.

Among the topics that have been covered in the pages of this practical and useful publication there are cargo declaration submission, explosive handling permits, required drills and tests to be conducted prior entering the port, marine casualties and reporting the oil spills, appeal procedures, guidance for populating and checking the content of the International Safety Management certificates, BWM mandatory reporting requirements, ISPS Code examination objectives, required nautical charts and publications, detailed definitions of dangerous cargoes, advance notice of arrival and many others.

The volume is a real must-have one for every practicing ship agent as well as to the persons intending to get engaged in the provision of ship's agency services since they will find absolutely all required information and procedures in a single handbook. The descriptions are very clear and coverage is remarkable eliminating the need for any other publications.

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