Shipping Industry


Because of the fast-moving and interesting developments in the reefer trade in recent decades, the need arose to expand on the information given in our previously published book "Marine Refrigeration Manual". The underlying aim of the present book is to enable readers to learn about the essentials of their specific area of the reefer trade without having to resort to the reading of extensive literature.

We hope that, as such, this compendium will prove to be an invaluable guide to readers in all branches of the "cold chain", i e. shippers, carriers, fruit surveyors, ship's officers and everyone involved in the storage and transport of perishables. in this book we have devoted specific attention to growth and post-harvest handling, containensation, modern reefer design and the world reefer trade.

Detailed information is also given about the cultivation, perishability, storage and transport of various fruits, especially the increasingly popular exotic fruit varieties. Present and future changes resulting from the Montreal Protocol are discussed in the chapters on CFCs and the alternative refrigerants. This book does not describe the principles of refrigeration, the technical aspects of reefer plant or subjects such as the transport of frozen cargoes; these were dealt with in "Marine Refrigeration Manual".

The information given in this book has been checked with the greatest of care. However, the author can accept no liability for errors or omissions, for subsequent changes in the details provided, or for the results of the application or use of the information.

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Here is one of the most useful and so much needed additions to the available ocean related literature. the content of the publication has been written very well and in a very understandable manner making it interested even for a general reader. The book contains detailed case studies shaking some consciences.

It is an excellent contribution to the ongoing discussion concerning the global governance in the maritime industry and is expected to be helpful in persuading people remaining opposed to the position that the flag authorities' rights are becoming their responsibilities. All of the industry experts recommend this title to the people interested in maritime shipping.

The authors of the volume draw on live studies trying to illustrate all of the issues covered, as well as the examples of the incompetent company management. The authors have also demonstrated that the governments sometimes pay little to no attention to the robbery, deprivation, abandonment and even death cases perpetrated by the ship owners abusing human rights on board their vessels. As you can see, all of the issues addressed in the book are of a really critical importance, so you would better have a look...

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The aim of this book is to give a presentation of the basic elements of ports, covering their administration, economics, operation and management. As ports are among the oldest forms of transport infrastructure which have remained in continuous use. and have been a vital part in the social and economic growth of regions, it is necessary to consider, at least briefly, the historic development of ports in order to understand many of their facets.

This book is intended to provide a clear picture of the ports industry so that those involved with ports are enabled to see the specific fields of interest and thoroughly understand how the basic models of the port operates within the maritime transport industry. Maritime transport is a rapidly changing industry it is not sufficient to learn one's business by "sitting next to Nellie". The modern transport specialists shall be able to adapt to the ongoing changes in the shipping industry. One of the critical aspects of modem management is the ability to manage change and it is hoped that this book will give an insight as to how port management is coped with changes that took place over the last century.

When Gary Crook of UNCTAD was asked for a suitable title, he suggested "Ports: The misunderstood key to prosperity". Such an approach has become an integral part of most of the professional and academic courses that are concerned with the shipping, marine ports and transport. The structure and content of this book are based on the lectures given to, and the interaction I have had with, students in London and at the WMU in Malmo over the last 25 years...

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Some ten years back the ITMMA and the Department for Regional, Port and Transport Economics of Erasmus University Rotterdam jointly organized a conference on the theme "Ports in proximity". The theme of ports in proximity is highly relevant: while most of the port users are international companies, most ports are governed by local institutions.

The present volume has been released to provide a good overview of the most important modern researches concerning a broad range of case studies of international nature. The authors of the publication have applied the major effective concepts of supply chain management as well as strategic management and transport and port economics throughout the content of the volume in order to let their readers get to the proper understanding of all processes that are commonly underlying both functional and spatial dynamics.

They have also performed examination of the opportunities existing there between the adjacent and competing sea ports, identifying the paths for the further joint researches and studies. Have a close look if you are interested in a subject area of shipping industry and you will find so much of useful information inside.

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One of the best titles available today providing the most up-to-date information about the planning, constructing and maintaining marine ports. The content was prepared in response to the constantly growing demands of a global world economy, which have eventually resulted in significant changes in the ships, cargo handling and maritime transportation technologies.

The publication presents in a single volume all recent developments and latest information related to the port planning, their building, maintenance and provision of the security. The book was edited by the recognized experts and authorities in the shipping industry whose combined efforts have resulted in the excellent volume addressing all important issues relating to the development of ports and harbors, floating and bottom-fixed terminals as well as other structures and facilities considered essential for the effective functioning of any port.

The content includes valuable information about the design and further construction of the breakwaters, port security practices, environmental issues; it also provides the seismic guidelines to be taken into account when performing the design of marine structures. The book will be appreciated by all engineers working with the marine ports...

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This book is mainly concerned with the regime and current practice of the granting of refuge in a port or any other safe haven, i.e.,a "place of refuge", to a vessel needing immediate assistance. A ship may actually require assistance in various situations, and sometimes that assistance may be provided to the vessel while it is at sea, such as when a seriously ill or injured seafarer on-board needs to be airlifted to receive urgent medical treatment in a hospital.

Occasionally, there are situations where the ship's safety is at stake as a result of stress of weather, so-called force majeure or an urgent necessity. Perhaps the ship has received salvage assistance, and the salvor is instructed and obligated to take the stricken ship to a safe place. In such situations it is considered absolutely imperative for the ship to seek and enter the closest safe haven available.

When a ship seeks refuge, in all cases it will be for exceptional reasons and in exceptional situations. The place of refuge is not normally the intended destination of the vessel. The content of this publication will be of practical interest for the persons dealing with subject issues, planning the shipping activities including the possible situations where the vessel may have to seek for a refuge port.

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Nowadays, the naval engineering is considered the area of professional study and expertise concerning the important aspects of design of the naval vessels, their construction as well as operation and routine maintenance. The ONR, the abbreviation standing for the Office of Naval Research provides all necessary assistance to the specialists engaged in the technical and scientific researches supporting the naval engineering.

The main content of the present study is made on the basis of the information obtained from the meetings at the Marine Board of the TRB, i.e. Transportation Research Board. Subject discussions have highlighted the significant role played by the ONR in education and research activities in the field of naval engineering and have also identified the demand for the assessment of the effectiveness of the Office in fulfilling this important role...

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The present publication provides readers with the results obtained in the course of the very latest researches as well as the technological innovations that all were presented during the Conference held in Trondheim, Norway in 2014.

The content of the document is arranged in several chapters, presenting the articles covering such areas as the optimization of the port-ship interface, maritime transportation activities and related operations in the Arctic region, effective infrastructure of the sea ports, various novel fuels including LNG, their use and distribution, use of the environmentally-friendly and efficient sources of energy in ports and on board ships, remotely controlled and remotely monitored shipping traffic control and surveillance, logistics optimization, safe maritime operations and many other important topics.

The volume is expected to significantly contribute to the reliability and efficiency of the maritime transport and operations; it will be useful to the practicing engineers and scientists working in the field of marine technology researches.

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