Shipping Industry


An excellent volume which has been already found to be useful for both classroom and online training. this volume prepared by Alan Harrison in collaboration with Remko Van Hoek presents a perfect text disseminating the knowledge and understanding of the modern logistics is a very readable manner.

The authors have provided explanations of all relevant theoretical concepts with greatest possible clarity making them understandable even to the non-experienced people and newcomers to the industry. The volume is quite pragmatic and stays close to the real business life since the authors have included many examples and case studies in the content; eventually, they have managed to thoroughly examine all aspects considered important for proper understanding of the logistics.



The text is not only accessible to the readers but also pleasant to read, which is quite a rare case. Note that the international perspective of the volume is reflecting the nature of the modern logistics and makes the book up-to-date and recommendable both to the students and to the professionals. Obviously, the information contained in the book is a must-know for every person engaged in logistics activities.



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The shipping and dry docking industries may actually be compared to two sides of the same coin, with the each side of the coin being dependent on the other for its very existence. The seafarers, within the different sectors of the marine industry, always need the practical experience and attributes of the ship construction or repair yard and its drydocking facilities, while the docking fraternity provide the safety and security crutch to keep the ships well maintained and classed.

This book by D. J. House has been solely dedicated to the drydocking of vessels. The author of the volume did his best to address such the important areas as dry docking operations, different types of the docks, proper procedures to follow when drydocking the ship, established safety procedures to be followed as necessary, dry dock stability issues; in addition, docking and marine measurement terminology as well as conversion equivalents of common units have been provided.

Finally, last chapters of this book cover dry dock legislation and material/steelwork management. Definitely very needful publication for the persons engaged in drydocking operations, either dry dock workers or crew members of the vessel intended to be docked.

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This is a very enjoyable reading - the author lets readers have a glance into a world that they know nearly nothing about. He is taking an interesting marine journey on a container vessel and an anti-pirate ship telling the story in a fascinating way, and this makes this book impossible to put down. The book provides lots of very interesting information about the contemporary shipping industry revealing some of the secrets you would never know.

Introduction; Sea blindness; Embarkation - Formalization and Filipinos; Aboard - Blue eyes and his boxes; Harbour - Another day in Paradise; Open sea - Calves can swim; Sea and Suez - A ditch in a desert; High risk area - Which way is it to Somalia?; No man's land - Veiled faces in the water; Sanctuary - The merchant navy comforts service; Animals beneath - So remorseless a havoc; Rescue - The bride in the boat; Disembark.

The text features a very informative style of writing providing an excellent insight to the maritime industry covering not only today's shipping but also the past times. In short, a perfect choice for all people willing to know more about shipping.

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The present publication is based on the valuable contributions by the recognized industry experts. Their main intention was to perform the proper and thorough analysis of the major aspects of the energy diplomacy and energy security, as well as of the maritime security in the Southeast and East Asia. The current state of the maritime security and energy security has been specifically examined as related to the Japan and Chine plus the whole Southeast Asia.

Subject topics are deservedly considered not only relevant for the high oil prices the world is facing today (note that the book was published back in 2009 when the oil prices were nearly at their peak values rising as high as 140 USD per barrel at some points) but it is also quite meaningful for the regional integration in East Asia. This volume will be examining both theoretical and practical parts of the subject making it useful for all kinds of specialists involved.

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The geographical region covered in the pages of the present publication has become a transportation hub of the global geo-economic and geo-political as well as geo-strategic importance of Asian-Pacific area in the historical period following the Cold war. The economic and political rise of China together with the India's resurgence will be treated as a true hallmark for the next half-century.

The content of this document was released to examine the major national maritime doctrines and developments of the nuclear weapons of the four Asia-Pacific powers considered major in the region, namely United States, India, China and Japan - to see what sort of the dynamic is taking place - competitive or cooperative. The author has evaluated the paradigms of the maritime transformation from technological and strategic viewpoints, and also addressed the operations and role of the nuclear-powered navy fleets in the region.

Moreover, the author has also dealt with the implications of the ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons together with the impact they have. A good and professionally made publication with the information useful for the people with serious interest in the subject...

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It is very difficult to overstate how important the international maritime shipping industry is. This publication is intended to present an inter-disciplinary approach from a really broad range of world recognized and internationally based maritime industry experts.

The content of this volume includes several chapters on topics across the spectrum of integrated subjects supplemented with contemporary papers and articles. Following important topics are covered - ports as interfaces, skills and manpower, logistics, financial risk and opportunities, together with the relevant regulatory framework.

Each part of this book includes short introduction explaining its context. The book was edited by the maritime experts Heather Leggate ,Alfonso Morvillo and James McConville, and will for sure be of great interest to the students and to the industry specialists, meanwhile being extremely useful to policymakers in the shipping industry as well as all other people willing to understand the industry from inside and be aware of its fundamental principles.

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Over past decades, the maritime logistics/supply chains have witnessed tremendous growth rates all around the planet, notwithstanding the recent economic downturn. Maritime transportation accounts for the major portion of the international trade and has therefore become a critically important factor for the economic health of many nations. In emerging economies, more new ports have also been developed to tap into the global maritime logistics network.

The global landscape of the maritime industry is changing quite rapidly and this has generated many issues which are worthy of more in-depth research. In particular, topics related to maritime logistics/supply chains have been drawing immense attention of both academia and industry. The objective of the present work book was to reflect the latest developments in the field of maritime logistics and supply chains, and to examine some research issues concerned with quantitative analysis on port competitiveness and decision support for maritime logistics/supply chain systems.

Twelve papers have been selected for publication after a thorough peer review. The papers contained have been sorted into two main groups: regional developments and performance analysis; and the second one is ports and liners operations.

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A really unique new comprehensive reference book which was released aiming to provide readers with the professional insight into the modern freight transport modelling. The authors of the book focus on models that are used to analyze the support public transport policies, introduce the recently developed approaches and describe the main techniques and methods established at operational models.

The freight transport is considered an important part of the world economy since it bridges the distances existing there between the seriously separated places of demand/supply. In the past, the associated transport flows grew continuously taking into account the increase in the human population and fall of the trade barriers.

The authors of the volume have tried to disseminate better instruments of evaluation of the freight transport policies giving concise descriptions of the mathematical models with the main focus being made of the fields deviating from the passenger models, supporting the policy design in a number of ways including performance assessment, design/optimization, forecasting of flows mentioned above, and their description on a base year...

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