Shipbuilding & Repair


This is the revised edition of Ship Production featured significantly updated content made fully consistent with the latest technological advances and developments achieved since the first publication of the title. The authors of the book are mainly focusing on the state-of-the-art ship production technology together with its application to the shipbuilding technology.

They are presenting a newly introduced system optimizing the productivity in the shipbuilding industry of today. There are several new chapters included in this release of the book devoted to the basic construction and manufacturing processes, CAD and CAM applications and design. The volume is good for both graduate and under-graduate courses; however, its content will be of practical interest for the shipbuilding specialists, as well. The book opens with the historical overview of the shipbuilding including some interesting statistical data related to the ship production theory and market share.

The main part of the volume addresses the economic theory of the shipbuilding, fabrication processes, conditions of production facilities, design and engineering of ships, ship production planning, its scheduling and control measures, accuracy control and many other relevant topics.

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All who are engaged in any marine-related activities the importance of the shipbuilding it is quite obvious and there is no need to use any arguments. And ship construction is a key discipline since properly designed and built vessels provide safety of the people on board.

The present publication is a Bible of shipbuilding of the nineteenth century - just imagine, it was originally published in 1863, i.e. more than hundred and fifty years back. Of course, the modern ship construction and design technology has steeped so much forward since then but the fundamentals remained unchanged since not too many changes have occurred to the basics of the naval architecture and strength of ships.

This is a genuine classics and quite rare publication difficult to find somewhere else. All categories of readers will benefit from spending some time with this volume. The practicing ship builders and naval architects may refresh their knowledge and see what the theory of these disciplines is originating from, while the students of naval architecture and associated subjects will find many topics explained in a very simple language before they proceed to the modern literature and more specific books.

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Here is a practical book that will help any person dealing with the insidious corrosion problems commonly caused by sea water. The book constitutes a review containing carefully excerpted and collated data from diverse and difficult-to-locate sources. The technological information to be found here is based on the results of studies conducted by research teams from U.S. Naval Research Labs plus others under the auspices of government agencies.

The first chapter is really an overview and deals with the general aspects concerning the metal corrosion occurring in marine environments, while the second chapter deals with the corrosion at different sea depths and is from Technical Report R834 and the third chapter treats the effects of microorganisms. Material contained in this chapter has been elaborated from the content of three reports - a preprint of a scientific paper entitled "Bio-fouling and Effects of Organic Compounds and Microorganisms on Corrosion Processes", the "Corrosion at 4'500 Ft Depth in Tongue-of-the-Ocean", and the "Influence of Marine Organisms on the Life of Structural Steels in Seawater". The fourth chapter is an annotated bibliography containing meaningful abstracts referring to metal corrosion.

Special techniques are used to close the gap between "manuscript" and "completed book." Technological progress is so rapid that time-honored, conventional typesetting, binding and shipping methods are no longer suitable. We have bypassed the delays in the conventional book publishing cycle and provide the user with an effective and convenient means of reviewing up-to-date information in depth.

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Here is one of the best books about the welding - an excellent guide to welding prepared by the AISC experts. The publication contains absolutely all required information about all welding processes, applicable regulations and codes, calculations as well a other important data making it a must-have one for all students and specialists of the steel construction industry.

Nowadays, welding is considered an essential tool which have totally replaced riveting and other methods of joining that used to be in place before. Today it is used everywhere for constructing the box sections and plate girders, connecting the different structural members and for many other application, including shipbuilding, providing the reliable and cost effective connections.

In fact, welding allows nearly endless combinations of plates and shapes to be connected with no need for any mechanical fastening or connection materials. Note that the connections established during the welding process are usually looking neat and satisfy the form follows function criteria. Welding allows joining steels of various thicknesses and strength levels. This all makes welding the most popular method of connecting steel.

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Though there are so many books available today on welding processes, there is still huge demand for the regular updates of the engineering community with the latest advancements in joining techniques used for the similar and dissimilar materials, as well as in numerical modeling, control and sensing.

This book has been prepared by a team of welding experts to provide the students, practicing welding engineers and researches with such updates. The content is arranged in four major parts, and the first part is devoted to the laser welding, covering the physics of the process and various applications. The second part addresses the numerical modeling of the welding processes including friction stir welding, residual stresses, distortion and other aspects.

The third part deals with the sensing of the welding processes focusing on the application of high-speed imaging. Finally, the last part of the publication covers the general topics in welding, providing readers with the required information about weld bead defects, stud arc welding etc. The authors believe that the volume will be useful to a very broad audience interested in the latest achievement in the field of welding.

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This book is an excellent introduction for every workshop technician and engineer, and it will also be useful to the students of engineering lacking practical experience. The text content of the publication has been supplemented by the detailed and informative illustrations an the text itself has been presented in a clear and simple language. As a result, the author has managed to provide simple introduction to a complex subject. The remarkably broad coverage of topics has made this book very popular. The book starts with the safe practices which are obviously most important in any workshop.

The main content of the book is covering various hand processes, marking out, sheet-metal operations including bending and cutting, applicable standards, gauging and measurement techniques, cutting fluids and tools, measuring tools, turning including centre-lathe elements, controls and operations, drilling equipment and techniques, milling and grinding, different methods of joining including fasteners, brazing, riveting, soldering, locking devices etc., materials, moving loads, presswork and so many other interesting and practical topics - in fact this book provides absolutely all information you have to know when getting involved in any workshop activity.

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The present publication released by LR is aimed to give readers some general overview of the ship designers and ship construction yards located in Southern Asian region, including India, Singapore, Bangladesh, India, Malaysia and other countries.

Over a huge geographical area a broadest range of various important factors have eventually shaped the development of the ship construction in the region - among those factors there were practical experience, history, cultural factors, ambition, and demand - all of them affected and continue to affect the shipbuilding capabilities in the region.

While recently Japan, South Korea and China have had number of the ordered vessels decreased, some of the South Asian countries dealt with in the pages of this guide have experienced some growth in orders. Taking the increased quality, competitive pricing and their burgeoning capability into account, both international and local ship owners are increasingly seeing subject area as a very attractive new construction option for their future projects.

The capability of the shipyards is now getting at a competitive level when we are talking about the facilities, quality and timing of the leading construction yards... In short, this document will be found practically useful by the people involved in the organization of the shipbuilding projects due to the information contained covering numerous yards.

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For several decades, the practical application of the high-power lasers in the industry have been significantly increasing; nowadays, lasers are considered quite well-established hi-tech industrial instrument. And one of the main industrial applications of the lasers is welding.

The technical potential of such high-brightness sources of energy as lasers to establish high-quality welding seams at high rates is really outstanding and that is the reason why so many welding applications of lasers and electron beams have been developed.

The main problem of using lasers for welding was the stringent tolerances applied to the joints as demanded by the welding processes involving electron beams and lasers. The laser beams normally heat only the welding seam itself plus some very limited area around the seam. Should the wider gap be there, it may eventually result in such defects as undercuts and underfills, while sometimes the beam partly transmits through the gap instead of welding the metal.

Thus, for years people considered it impossible to use the above mentioned techniques in the industry. Long story short, it took many years and several brilliant technological advances to enable people to use the electron beams and lasers for welding. And this video will demonstrate you how the welding is made covering the most important aspects of the process...

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