

Welding Processes

Author(s) Radovan Kovacevic
Publisher InTech
Date 2012
Pages 448
Format pdf
Size 38 Mb







Though there are so many books available today on welding processes, there is still huge demand for the regular updates of the engineering community with the latest advancements in joining techniques used for the similar and dissimilar materials, as well as in numerical modeling, control and sensing.

This book has been prepared by a team of welding experts to provide the students, practicing welding engineers and researches with such updates. The content is arranged in four major parts, and the first part is devoted to the laser welding, covering the physics of the process and various applications. The second part addresses the numerical modeling of the welding processes including friction stir welding, residual stresses, distortion and other aspects.

The third part deals with the sensing of the welding processes focusing on the application of high-speed imaging. Finally, the last part of the publication covers the general topics in welding, providing readers with the required information about weld bead defects, stud arc welding etc. The authors believe that the volume will be useful to a very broad audience interested in the latest achievement in the field of welding.

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