Shipbuilding & Repair


The present set of documents comprises of two separate volumes and belongs to the Cambridge Ocean Technology Series. The publication is mainly intended to provide readers with the comprehensive guidance on the marine use of various composite materials.

The first of the books included in the pack is named Fundamental Aspects and covers the production technology and materials science, provides structural analysis and FEM, describes the failure mechanisms, addresses the important environmental aspects, etc.

The second book, Practical Considerations, will examine how the theory is used in the design and construction of the structures like submersibles, boats, offshore installations etc.

Needless to say that the content of each book will be of great interest to the people engaged in the design and actual construction of the ships and other marine structures because the thorough knowledge and deep understanding of the different construction materials is one of the key factors determining the quality, construction effectiveness and reliability of the newly built vessel.

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We are hereby introducing an excellent training set made of three volumes released to describe all issues relating to both theory and practice of welding. The content of these volumes has been specifically prepared in order to support the AWS SENSE 2.0 guidelines for training.

They combine the text part basing on the theory with the laboratory manuals and other relevant supporting materials. The arrangement of the material in the books is following the modular structure of the guidelines from AWS and is intended to guide the students through the entire process of improving their welding skills.

The first book is the core volume - it introduces readers to the welding concepts - it covers five major aspects - occupational orientation, HSE matters, interpretation of drawings and symbols, thermal cutting process, and weld inspection testing and applicable codes.

The second volume is covering two popular welding processes - GMAW (standing for the gas metal arc welding) and FCAW (meaning the flux cored arc welding). The last book of the set addresses two other processes - SMAW (i.e. shielded metal arc welding) and GTAW (which is gas tungsten arc welding) processes. In short, all required information is provided.

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An excellent and classic reference book for the naval architects and marine engineers, draftsmen, deck officers and all other people involved in construction, operation and maintenance of the vessels. The content of the book was compiled with the ultimate purpose to assemble in a single volume and convenient manner, practical data for day-to-day reference.

Note that the theoretical calculations are omitted purposely. It represents so many years of collection of the material and its classification that has been assembled specifically for the everyday use. The data contained in the book has been collected from numerous sources including trade literature and technical papers.

The material in the volume is arranged in ten sections starting from the weights, formulae used, strength of materials, materials used for the ship construction, methods of their manufacture, wood and non-ferrous materials, various ship calculations including freeboard calculations, stability, ship hull resistance, machinery calculations, launching and many others, hull construction, data on different types of vessels, operating and repair costs for the diesel engines, machinery, oils, fuels, boilers, steam engines, propellers, steam turbines, paddle wheels, internal combustion engines, auxiliaries, piping arrangements, electricity. drainage, refrigeration, heating, ship equipment, ship operation, up to the ship chartering and marine insurance, literally everything you will need...

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The publication will provide a good practical guidance to the selection of materials, welding procedures and techniques, giving a truly expert advice for those willing to perform welding works in full compliance with the provisions of the applicable international codes and standards, implementing and following them in the course of their everyday construction as well as inspection activities.

This second edition features significantly updated content covering the most important standards and codes, including ASME, AWS, CWS, DNV, standards released by the UK Welding Institute and others. The volume starts with the metallurgy with particular attention paid by the author to the physical metallurgy and alloys, heat treatment of steel materials, mechanical properties of the metals and their testing etc. Then we proceed to the practical application of metallurgy, i.e. welding processes and welding metallurgy, NDE, i.e. non-destructive evaluation, applicable standards and technical codes.

There are numerous case studies included in the publication to illustrate theoretical information and make a sort of bridge to the real life world of welding. Among other important topics covered by the author we would note corrosion resistance, welding defects, inspection of the weld seams, distortion and shrinkage etc. The rules commonly governing the development of the welding design have been addressed together with the instructions to be followed when selecting materials etc.

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An excellent booklet released by BOC to provide general introduction to the cutting and welding. The content of this compact but very informative volume starts with the recommended safety precautions, taking into account the importance of safety measures; this chapter includes coverage of the clothing and fire protection aspects. The next chapter deals with the gases used for cutting and welding including their storage and handling at the workplace.

The fuel gases processes are addressed within the next chapter - here the authors also touch the flame properties and output. Then, we proceed to the gas welding and oxygen-acetylene welding procedures from beginning to the shutting down stages. the rest of the chapters are covering various welding techniques, joining processes and welding information including tips for improving the quality of the weld seams, silver brazing and gas cutting, mild steel cutting and flame heating.

There is a separate chapter devoted to the typical designs where the different joint designs are compared. Notes on proper care of the welding and cutting equipment are also included in the volume. The document will be of great practical interest in the cutting and welding, including shipbuilding industry.

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This is a compact but very informative and useful booklet providing a summary of the main aspects related to the welding certification. It will be useful to the people willing to get the basic knowledge of the subject without going to deep into the theory and relevant procedures. We have been approving the welding procedures through testing and certifying the welders for more than fifty years.

According to the established practice which shall be strictly followed, the testing shall be done prior to commencement of the production and is therefore considered a QA, i.e. Quality Assurance, rather than just a QC, i.e. Quality Control, measure. The material in this booklet is arranged in section sections. The first section is purely introductory while the remaining sections are dealing with the welding certification itself, welding the specimen, testing and certification, and also some info about SAFed.

There are also several appendixes to the main part of the document – here you will find the information about the test certificates including some samples to be used. Though the publication was not developed specifically for the shipbuilding industry, the content will be useful to all people involved in ship building and ship repair.

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Have a look at this absolutely excellent textbook on welding. According to the numerous reviews by the readers from different parts of the world and involved in different industries, there is literally no other volume that would contribute so much to the prevention of the accidents more than this one.

The book will tell readers where they must not weld and also contains seventy-five images, ten detailed sketches and huge amount of relevant technical knowledge gathered from more than fifty years of practical experience in the field of construction. The publication will clearly explain all you need to know about welding providing the information normally not available from the ordinary textbooks.

Among the matters covered in the pages of the book there are welding stresses, confined expansion and many other things that could have negative effect on the quality of the welding seam. The book shall be treated as a perfect welding guidebook and maybe the best one for self-study. The authors prepared a truly great manual which gained a lot of popularity not only in the United States but in the other countries as well, and is recommended to anyone whose job involved welding, designing or inspecting welds.

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The content of the present publication was specifically developed to assist people working with the aluminium as well as various aluminium alloys. As you know, subject material is in quite wide use in the contemporary shipbuilding. Since connection of different parts of the ship’s hull normally implies their welding one to another, it is very important for the workers and designers to have a good understanding of the welding process.

This is also important because having a good technical knowledge on this would help in evaluation of the weld design at earlier stages, predicting all possible problems in the future. The content of the book will provide all of them with the basic information relating to the metallurgic principles, which they well have to be aware of in order to do a good and defect-less job.

The volume shall be used as a comprehensive guidebook to all shop-floor engineers since the author has covered all important areas including weldability of the aluminium alloys, advantages and disadvantages of application of the different processes, quality assurance and control, solving of the different problems involved, and many other aspects deserving attention.

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