Offshore Engineering


An informative source for every piling engineer, with the content updated with all important and recent developments if the field. The piling is considered a rapidly moving field of engineering and the recent decade has shown significant technical advances in the theoretical methods of piling plus in the equipment utilized and testing procedures to be followed.

Some of the above mentioned changes were driven as required by the efficiency and economy needs, reduced spoil production as well as the newly introduced methods of the piling bore supports. Here is the third edition of the perfectly established title. The document has been specifically prepared and released to provide the industry pro's and general readers with the easily accessible and nicely illustrated technical account of the important design matters, methods commonly used for the analysis and testing of the piling arrangements focusing on the practical issues and design methods incorporating the latest achievements.

It is intended to serve as a practical reference book by the geotechnical engineers and all other people involved in piling engineering. The book starts with the introduction followed by the chapters dealing with the site investigation, design of piles and their groups, basic methods, retaining walls, pile and integrity testing, choice of the proper methods and potential problems etc.

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The content of this perfect and remarkably useful handbook has originally been compiled with the ultimate intention of the author to provide the readers having the interest in the hydrocarbon production industry with a comprehensive but easily accessible technical overview of the main processes involves and equipments used within the industry, The publication contains clear explanations of the discovery and extraction of the oil and gas today.

A huge number of the images and drawings, data charts and graphs included by the author are bringing quite technical topic of production of oil and gas to life and make it much easier for the readers to understand. The volume is providing a valuable overview of the pipelines. The content will be appreciated by the people willing to familiarize themselves with the basics of the oil production as it is covering literally all important aspects, addressing oil production both offshore and on land.

The book has been written in a very simple language and may definitely serve as a quick reference book or for the self-study. Again, it will definitely meet all needs of the persons looking for the basic information on oil production since the way of explanation used by the author will let the content be easily understood even by the newcomers to the industry. The professionals, in turn, may use this volume to refresh their knowledge.

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The content of this nice training presentation has been specifically designed to provide all novices in the industry with some basic technical knowledge covering the main features and functions of the vessels commonly participating in the offshore exploration, extraction and production of  oil and gas. Any type of the offshore structure, mobile drilling/production unit or vessel can actually been divided into freely floating objects and ones fixed to the seabed.

All offshore units can usually be fixed to the seafloor by foundations, jack-up legs, anchors. The freely floating units hold their desired position by either manual handling or dynamic positioning systems. The presentation starts with the part dealing with the drilling units - subject facilities are divided into three major types, i.e. jack-ups, semi-submersibles/submersibles and drillships. Jack-up rigs are able to stand still on the seafloor, resting on a number of the supporting legs.

When the legs of the jack-up rigs are not deployed, these rigs may float and this technical feature makes the MODUs of this type suitable for easy transportation from one drilling location to another. Jack-ups commonly provide a very stable platforms for the drilling purposes; however, they can only be installed in relatively shallow water depths...

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The content of this nice textbook presents the successful attempt of its authors to provide all offshore engineers with the comprehensive treatment of the hydromechanics. The text of the volume has initially been prepared for the students who participate in the offshore technology curriculum of the Delft Technological University. The topics covered by the author were selected on the basis of their applicability in the contemporary offshore engineering.

The treatment applied by the author is including the background theoretical information together with the main application to the real life problems. The text of the volume is encompassing the applied hydromechanics for the open sea. We can say that the volume is built on the basis of the information on waves, wind and currents in order for the external forces acting on the different offshore structures, as well as the motions and stability of subject structures to be determined.

The author of the course has made every attempt to keep the notations used in the text standard. The book starts with the introduction providing the definition of the motions and problems of interest covered in the book. The main portion of the document consists of several chapters addressing the hydrostatics, phenomena of the constant potential/real flows, ocean surface waves, dynamics of the rigid body, potential coefficients, seabed boundary effects, survival loads on the tower-type offshore structure, wave forces acting on the slender cylindrical structures, operability and station keeping, etc.

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The practical interest in the construction and further development of the different offshore structures is quite rapidly increasing today because of the rising demand for the hydrocarbons making the offshore exploration and production of oil and gas much more attractive from the commercial viewpoint. Meanwhile, the offshore wind farms and wave/current/tidal energy systems, i.e. all recently introduced systems generating the renewable energy are of great interest, as well.

All of these offshore structures are always subject to the significant geohazards and that's why they always required properly designed and constructed foundations suiting their structural weight, with the applied loads duly considered. The present work provides the core technical design skills commonly required for this subject. The book is pretty self-contained, and such approach has made it useful as a comprehensive primer book even for the beginners; it will also be good when used by the students as a course book.

The readers are expected to possess at least minimum idea of the soil mechanics and very basic engineering skills. Note that the third part is intended to provide the overview of major points plus their application in offshore engineering, for the novices...

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The main outcome of this informative volume has been seriously influenced by the active engagement of the marine/terrestrial mineral exploration activities during the last decades. Subject exploration works were commenced in 1973 when the author of this book participated in the manganese nodule exploration. The content of the title has been laid out in the following way - it starts with the preface with the main body of the document consisting of eight major chapters supplemented with three appendices.

First of all, the fundamental principles of the exploration have been explained in the introductory section. Then, there is a short yet comprehensive technical description of the research ships and submersibles. The next chapters outline the main marine geophysical exploration methods and data evaluation procedures, followed by the several case stories related to the marine mineral exploration; in addition, the current status of the relevant laws and regulations concerning the exploration of marine minerals is addressed.

There might be some slight overlap of the content of different parts of this book; note, however, that it is something very difficult to be prevented taking into account the multi-disciplinary nature of the subject and also the fact that the contributions were made by the many specialists from different fields and countries.

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The official training course developed by the specialists of the Malaysian Technological University. The main content of this training course is arranged in seven major sections. The first section is purely introductory and provides students with the general information about the drilling teams and functions of the drilling engineer. The next section describes the major types of the drilling rigs, while the third section explains in detail what exactly the rotary drilling is.

The remaining sections of the course are dedicated to the well control, established drilling procedure, directional drilling, and commonly experienced drilling problems. The drilling teams usually comprise of the contractor's personnel, representatives of the operating company, and service and supply companies. The main functions of the drilling engineers include preparation of the drilling programs, and working with the geologists on logging program plus with the other specialists including mud engineers, service/supply personnel, directional engineers etc.

All of the drilling rigs have more or less same basic components; offshore drilling rigs may be bottom-supported, semi-submersible or fully floating. The booklet will show the readers the correct sequence of drilling operations on land and offshore, provide detailed explanations of different types of rigs and their technical features, explain the drilling process itself and give other useful information.

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Each part of this excellent offshore engineering textbook was specifically prepared by the prominent and world-renowned industry experts. All technical information and data selected for inclusion into the book have been presented in the forms of the reference data tables and design charts.

The author, Subrata Chakrabarti, has also included numerous live examples showing how exactly the theoretical fundamentals outlined in the pages of this two-volume set should be directly applied in the technical design of the different offshore structures. In the last couple of decades many efforts were made in the fields of offshore exploration and mineral production.

The present document is mainly aimed to fill in the existing information gap and accommodate the need for the reference source in the offshore engineering. The main content of the volume covers all fundamental background materials plus their practical applications. The author has particularly emphasized the practical application of the theory and covered different aspects of the structures and clear descriptions.

The main objective of the volume was to provide the industry with the key aspects of the offshore engineering without going deep into the specific design issues. Absolutely recommended to all participants of the offshore industry due to the information/data included by the author.

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