Each part of this excellent offshore engineering textbook was specifically prepared by the prominent and world-renowned industry experts. All technical information and data selected for inclusion into the book have been presented in the forms of the reference data tables and design charts.
The author, Subrata Chakrabarti, has also included numerous live examples showing how exactly the theoretical fundamentals outlined in the pages of this two-volume set should be directly applied in the technical design of the different offshore structures. In the last couple of decades many efforts were made in the fields of offshore exploration and mineral production.
The present document is mainly aimed to fill in the existing information gap and accommodate the need for the reference source in the offshore engineering. The main content of the volume covers all fundamental background materials plus their practical applications. The author has particularly emphasized the practical application of the theory and covered different aspects of the structures and clear descriptions.
The main objective of the volume was to provide the industry with the key aspects of the offshore engineering without going deep into the specific design issues. Absolutely recommended to all participants of the offshore industry due to the information/data included by the author.