Marine Science & Oceanography


This is the very latest third edition of the "Methods...". The initial edition of the title was released about thirty-five years ago and was revised in between in order to take account of the latest interest and scientific approaches. As a result, this edition of the publication is absolutely up-to-date; the authors are making his best to to provide readers with the information on such topics relating to the studies of marine benthos as the analysis and design methods used in benthic surveys, diving systems, macro- and meiofauna techniques, sediment analysis, characterization of the seabed, sampling of the deep-sea benthos, and measurements of the energy and flow matter etc.

The book has the aims mostly similar to the ones that have been declared in the previous editions of the publication, and even retains more or less arrangement including topics covered. However, it should be noted that there are some serious changes to the content of the book - for example, the authors dropped the chapter dedicated to the vessel position fixing, and they also appropriately redistributed in several chapters the considerations of phytobethos that used to be contained in one chapter. There are some other changes made to this publication by the author

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In their publication, the authors intended to review the latest developments in the field of hydrology through the experiences of the team of engineers and scientists; it addresses the study of extreme fluid flows, water resources, data handling, basin studies and instrumentation, terrestrial hydrological processes and modelling, water quality, eco-hydrology and climate change, hydrological data acquisition and exploitation, future prospects etc.

There are some images provided at the last part of the publication to supplement the text. The hydrology itself is considered truly vital to the whole civilization and to the natural ecological system; however, it became a separate science during last fifty years or so.

The publication is mainly intended to provide interested readers, both the specialists and enthusiasts, with the comprehensive technical review of the recent developments of the contemporary hydrology via the experience gained by the multi-disciplinary team of recognized professionals, including the engineers and scientists, who have actually been there at the very forefront of many of advances. We think it is needless to underline the value of the information collected and presented by the authors of this volume.

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The present interesting title has been specifically compiled and published to present readers a good technical overview of the most important established methods, products plus various applications of marine biotechnology. The publication starts with the discussion of the chemical properties of the various marine polymers together with their types.

Then, the author of the volume addressed the utilization of these materials in detail, paying some attention also to the methods of both analytical and characterization testing. The volume is also emphasizing the polymer materials considered maximum friendly to surrounding environment, along with their applications within the industries as well as the origin. The above mentioned polymers are broadly used in the industries, including various marine purposes, well applications and others. This book is arranged in four big part.

While the first part is giving the general information on the marine polymers, the second part addresses all possible applications in the marine industry, including coatings, foams, anti-fouling, ropes, anti-corrosion materials, engine lubricants and others. The third part covers the waterborne polymers with the main accent made on the synthesis methods, waterborne coatings and also special applications. Finally, the closing part of the book has been dedicated to the water-resistant polymer materials.​

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Conducting the measurements of the sea level changes is deservedly considered to be among the most pressing goals of today's marine science, and it requires application of the sophisticated scientific techniques and approaches. The initial aim of the authors of the present handbook was to provide the interested readers with the useful and practical guidelines assisting them in this challenge, starting from the stage of the initial design of various research approached, through to the practical matters of collection and further interpretation of the relevant technical data obtained from a broadest range of the coastal environments.

The content of this volume is built on more than thirty years of researches, and the body of the work has been divided into thirty-eight chapters authored by the world leading experts. The publication is expected to serve as a very important and practically useful resource to be used by the scientists willing to get a proper understanding of the changes in the sea levels across a very wide range of relevant technical disciplines, plus policy-makers who are wishing to appreciate the actual situation with the knowledge of these changes, as well as university teachers and research students, who want to know more about this problem.

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This interesting title prepared by John Woods in collaboration with Nadia Pinardi provides the conceptual basis and major applications of the ocean forecasting. The publication was specifically released to provide readers with a consistent and exceptionally comprehensive overview on various methods and popular applications of the ocean forecasting worldwide.

Subject sector of marine technology and science is development very fast owing to the constantly increasing demand for the reliable and multi-disciplinary info related to the marine systems that would allow the sustainable utilization of the coastal resources as well as mitigation of potential global change effects. Some of the chapters of this book have been dedicated solely to the theoretical and conceptual basis of the ocean forecasting, that range from the design of the observational and modeling systems, established techniques of data assimilation, and modeling of numerical ecosystem.

The volume is also covering numerous live examples of the forecasting and modeling systems that are either in use or being established. The publication is expected to be practical and also useful for both students and scientists in all relevant disciplines, since it will enable all of them to gain proper understanding of the current level of technical knowledge/performance of the forecasting systems existing today.​

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The ocean waves generated by the wind are considered one of the most prominent features of the ocean surface. We know that the ocean covers a huge part of our planet, and the ocean waves cover all oceans. In fact, the wind-generated ocean surface wind is maybe the only object in the science of oceanography which does not require any general introduction.

The present publication prepared by Alexander Babanin, is outlining the current situation in the research related to the wave breaking and is also presenting the most important outstanding problems of today. The influence of the effects of non-breaking dissipation on the atmospheric boundary level have also been covered in the book, together with the extreme weather conditions and upper-ocean mixing.

As a result, we can consider this book to be a very valuable source of information aimed at any person with the interest in the topic, including engineers and forecasters, modelers and researchers, scientists and students in the fields of ocean engineering, oceanography and meteorology. Among the topics covered within this book there are detection of wave breaking and its measurements, probability and severity of the wave-breaking, energy dissipation, analytical theories, and so many other important topics.

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This valuable and informative plus interesting title presented today was prepared with the sole purpose to define the fundamental engineering principles relating to environmental reaction, for example design of the reactor, being applicable to the developing of the relevant processes that provide any environmental benefit.

Touching the matters of prevention of the pollution impacting the surrounding environment, the main accent was placed by Martin Abraham and Robert Hesketh - on newly presented technologies minimizing the production of various undesirable side products causing pollution; however, they have also considered the matters of application of the reaction engineering to the treatment of wastes commonly produced by other means.



The opening section of this title mainly concentrates on the environment-friendly combustion, with the three articles addressing the existing methods of reduction of the NOx and PAH formation and it also covers several combustion products sensitive to the environment.



The following section of the book includes a good collection of contributions involving the utilization of catalysts to support the reactions. Then, there section comes dedicated to the use of the fluid solvents. Remaining parts of the book contain numerous interesting documents, dealing with some novel reactor designs. ​



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Nowadays, we may observe a constantly growing concern about the state of the oceans. The significant and very rapid growth of population in coastal areas has eventually led to the increased dependence of the people on the existing marine resources. Some of the beneficial features relating to the life style and food supply require to be duly balanced against the hazards that are commonly presented by the chemical pollutants, various microbial pathogens and other sources.

This book provides a good professional review of the several key aspects of the marine environment in its relation to the human health - the content of the book has been compiled on the basis of the very valuable contributions by a group of recognized experts from a wide range of backgrounds. In the initial overview, the need for the integration of a range of various relevant disciplines, including marine biology, epidemiology, physical oceanography and molecular biology is explained.

The authors hope that such approach will play a good role in predicting the possible consequences of the changes to environment and exploitation of the existing resources upon the coastal eco-systems and, eventually, on the human health. The chapters of the book are providing the analysis in several specialized topics that will for sure be found very useful by the specialists in the field.  

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