Marine Science & Oceanography


This new book by Murry Salby was specifically written with the intention to provide all interested readers with an integrated treatment of all processes that control the Earth-Atmosphere system. The content of the volume has been developed on the basis of the initial principles through the proper balance of theory and possible applications. The book is built on the materials contained in the previous publication by the author, with its scope being significantly expanded to include the climate matters.

This is an excellent textbook for the intermediate level students and we would recommend it to be used as the reference source for both researchers and graduates - the text in the publication is supported with the problems and their solutions explained in detail. The volume will provide a conceptual and at the same time quantitative understanding of the various controlling influences, that are integrated via the theory and their applications.

The book was released to lead the readers through the development of the various physical processes shaping the weather, climate, and global energetics. There are several problems of different difficulty, presented at the end of the each chapter to develop the knowledge and quantitative application of the students; subject problems are supported by correct answers and solutions.

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Traditionally, water and air are so much familiar for all of us that anyone is expected to be well aware of everything related to them. However, we do understand the difficulty experienced when trying to make any prediction of the behavior of the air and water. The reason for that is that there are too many unanswered questions that seriously limit our knowledge of the subject.

We only have some general understanding of the processes causing the generation of the cyclones, tsunamis and all other phenomena. Is it possible to accurately predict the weather for tomorrow or for the next month at all? The present volume is intended to give some answers to the above questions through application of the newly introduced strategy when the one describes before he or she explains the matter.

The author starts considering the air and water at rest, or at the so-called equilibrium, and then moves towards the discussion on the various dynamic phenomena, emphasizing the larger scale structures. Most of those are covered in the volume, and then the author starts talking about the human-made structures, such as the marine ports and dams serving to make the water resources work for the human beings. More than one hundred of detailed pictures and several equations supplement the narrative text part.

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The process of provision of improvement in the reliability of long-range forecasts of severe weather and floods, droughts and other natural disasters, is critically important to the livelihood of the mankind, especially of millions of humans who can be potentially affected by such events.

The proper understanding and correct prediction of the ISV, standing for the intra-seasonal variability, is considered crucial to the improvement of the associated forecasts and also the reliability of the projects related to the climate changes through the corresponding climate models.

This second edition of the volume has been significantly updated, numerous original chapters have been re-written while some new chapters have been added covering the new developments in the field of the ISV research. In the introduction to the initial edition of this classic volume, the authors have written about their goal to provide readers with the reference text on ISV with the intention to fill the existing gap between the climate predictions and weather forecasts.

And in the present second release of the book the authors, William Lau and Duane Waliser, seek to further this serious goal. Absolutely recommended publication for any professional in meteorology and actually anyone with the interest in this field.

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Today, the amount of the food that is thrown away every year worldwide, reaches around 1.3 billion tonnes. This book is intended to presents the major findings of an extensive piece of research on the state of the problems related to the food waste in several countries, as further stated in the book. The results obtained are showing that the scale of the problem with regard to food waste varies between each country and is limited by an insufficient number of studies performed in the area.

In almost all of the countries covered within the book, this problem is considered most prevalent in the area of food wastes that are commonly generated by the manufacturing sector, for example from inefficient utilization of the by-products. In Sweden and Germany, the main problem is a food being thrown away by the households; however, subject food could still be suitable for consumption. The values reach sixty-five and thirty-five percent, respectively.

The method of the reduction or prevention of the food wastes most often applied across the seven countries is the donation of food. In addition, Germany has initiated a large number of engagement campaigns and activities aimed at reduction of food waste, whereas, Sweden has launched projects only focused on single organizations or institutions...

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There were numerous incidents in the past where the man-made sound caused serious injuries to the marine mammals. This has led to the researches in this field and the results of the researches have been reflected in the field of this volume offering readers a truly objective and professional look at how exactly the ocean noise shall be treated taking into account the lack of the regulatory framework as well as the existing scientific uncertainty over the effects that the noise has on marine system.

The content of the publication shall definitely be treated as the essential information for the oceanographers, people engaged in the international shipping, engineering activities, offshore exploration of oil and gas, policymakers, biologists and all other parties involved. The author examined the problem of the anthropogenic sound in a global content, investigating their nature and significance and considering the needs for the new regulations.

The author particularly concerns the responses of the legal system to the ocean noise problem. The volume covers the scientific aspects and policy development, the use of the MPA, i.e. marine protected areas, and other important aspects.

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This volume written by A. Kostianoy and A. Kosarev has been mainly dedicated to the environment of the Aral Sea. This work is presenting quite detailed description and systemized knowledge that have been accumulated to date and related to the marine chemistry as well as physical oceanography and marine biology of the sea in question, and with particular attention paid by the authors to the monitoring of the state and various parameters of the nature of the Aral Sea together with all its surroundings, by means of the satellite techniques.

It belongs to the popular "environmental chemistry" series. The authors have also tried to highlight the key reasons for the environmental crisis that is currently progressing in the subject area, and all associated socio-economic problems. The material contained in the book bases on the valuable observation data obtained by the authors in the course of several shore and sea expeditions, on the data collected from the archives of state institutes, and from the relevant scientific literature, supplemented with the results of numerous international and Russian national researches and projects conducted during the past decades. This publication will be mainly addressed to the pro's of marine biology and chemistry, plus physical oceanography and other relevant fields.

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The biofouling is considered a very costly problem which is faced in a really wide range of various technical systems, from the maritime industry to power industry, purification of the water, paints, and even microelectronics. The organisms that attach themselves to the outer surfaces and then accumulate on them, form the so-called biolfilms that might potentially result in the interferences, and this is actually a natural process.

Normally, people in the industry apply a medical paradigm when trying to get rid of this problem, and such approach implies killing the biofilms. However, this will inevitably lead to the excessive use of the biocides; in addition, note that the success of such strategy would be quite limited. And, moreover, this could lead to serious damage to the equipment and even the environmental pollution.

That is why simply killing the fooling organisms cannot be considered a good strategy. This volume will present the most successful strategies of prevention of the adhesion, mitigation of the extent and effects caused by the biofouling, detection and removal of the fouling layers. The authors have elaborated the holistic approaches and took into consideration such important aspects as limitation of nutrients, replacement of the biocides with other methods etc.

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The present publication provides lots of useful information about the integration of the newly introduced technologies in the field of the ocean observation. The content bases on the valuable contribution by numerous recognized experts ad covers the chemical, physical and biological processes taking place in the oceans from micro and up to macro scale.

The authors have provided the information that will definitely be useful and interesting to both oceanographers and people engaged in the research activities, in fact to all persons requiring efficient solutions to the existing measurement problems. The observational techniques applied to the oceans have shown rapid development in the last decade and one of the intentions of the authors of this volume was to address the requirements for the single overview of today's and future trends in this field. They have elucidated all scenarios of the observational techniques and tools and covered all three observation modes, i.e. deep ocean, upper ocean and surface.

The information related to the data modeling and quality has also been included. The volume collects a good summary of observational methods together with their practical applications. It will be appreciated by the students and specialists in the field of ocean engineering and oceanography; however, it will also present interest to the engineers in the other fields.

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