Navigation & Seamanship


The booklet released by the Arctic Institute. Nowadays, the NSR, standing for the Northern Sea Route, is considered a niche marine trade route with quite limited number of true ship transits. In fact, the existing export of the hydrocarbons, mainly from Russia, and their transportation along the Northern Sea Route is now expected to be growing in the nearest future.

This fact will not, however, establish the Northern Trade Route as a true trade route; it is going to increase the emphasis made on the traffic from west to east. The navigation season addressed in the present publication did commence on 28 June when the Varzyga vessel flying the flag of the Russian Federation, entered the route at Cape Zhelanya, and concluded on 28 November same year when the Bukhta Slavyanka ship flying same flag exited the route at Cape Dezhnev. The traffic on the Northern Sea Route connected the sea ports from Vancouver to Ammasalik.

The ships traveling along this route called in total forty-seven ports in fourteen countries. The Russian Murmansk port was considered a key transportation hub with twenty-four ships carrying nearly half a million of tons. Among the other important sea ports we should mention Rotterdam, Mongstad and Hammerfest in Europe, Yosu, Ulsan, and Chiba in Asia...

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We all have to be navigators since navigation is the sort of science or even art of controlling the travel. As soon as we start learning how to walk, at the same time we start learning how to navigate properly. For sure, we all start from the very simple journeys where we are able to see the destination point even before we have set-off...

This book by Tim Bartlett is an excellent reference for people who follow the navigation course by RYA. It very practical - the author explained absolutely everything the readers need to know in order to safely and accurately navigate their yachts or motorboats from port to port. The reader is offered a number of very clear and informative data diagrams, examples and color images. Each stage of the navigation has been dealt with, including everything related to the electronic navigation matters. It is one of the best available textbooks and the bestseller. The book will be particularly helpful for the newcomers, people with little to no experience in navigation.

We would say it is a true must-have for any yachtsman due to the amount and importance of the information included by the author, and the simple and easily understandable way this information has been presented to the readers. The publication has been highly-ranked by several recognized magazines such as Yachting Monthly and The Nautical Magazine.

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The dinghy sailing is considered one of the best known and most popular ways to learn sailing. It will teach the beginners all required skill that they will later apply not only to the yacht sailing, but also to the wind- and kyte-surfing. There are so many designs available today, the dinghy remains suiting the practical needs of every person, from very stable boats for the newcomers to really high-performance machines for the professional racers.

We all know that sailing is a really fantastic sport. The author of the book has been a keen sailor since he was fourteen sailing offshore yachts, dinghies and windsurfers; he is a qualified senior dinghy instructor of the RYA teaching people of all ages how to sail. The approach applied by the author is to help trainees enjoy sailing. The publication offered to your attention is an excellent partner for both the beginners to the dinghy sailing and also to the more experiences sailors willing to refresh their knowledge prior to sailing. The text of the book is rich with the colorful photographs taken from the remote cameras.

The book starts with the general information about the boats, followed by the description of the most commonly used knots. The next two chapters address the safety of the sailing and environment, and basic rules of the road. The rest of the chapters cover the rigging and reefing, sailing points, launching and recovery of beach and pontoon, and a real wealth of other important and useful knowledge.

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Lookouts are persons detailed to perform the observation of everything falling inside the assigned sector and to reporting of everything they see or hear from the subject sector to the OOD, standing for the officer-on-the-deck and the watch officer of the CIC, i.e. combat information center.

Their work and proper reporting is considered critically important for both safety and efficiency of the vessel which is commonly based on the alertness and effectiveness of the people assigned. Lookouts usually perform their work, i.e. observation and reporting, being directly supervised by the OOD; it should be noted, however, that the OOD would usually delegate subject authority to the BMOW, i.e. boatsmain's-mates-on-the-watch who assign the lookouts to the particular sections and ensures that all of them have been properly instructed, duly clothed, well-equipped and relieved.

The training of the lookouts is conducted by the CIC officers. Usually, the lookouts are first people to catch the danger therefore it is very important to properly choose the stations for the lookouts to be located and perform their observations. The lookout perform their assigned duties in accordance with the lookout doctrine of their vessel. The number of such stations will depend on the vessel type and whether it is peace- or war-time...

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The present handbook that has been prepared and then officially released by the Australian Maritime College has been primarily intended to guide the radio operators of the Australian ships fitted with the marine radiotelephony equipment, radio telephony with DSC capability, and/or Inmarsat satcom, or Australian ships voluntary fitted with the above mentioned radio equipment, or at LCS, i.e. Limited Coast Stations, especially operated by various marine rescue entities.

This book is considered a recommended one for candidates intending to undertake the exams for the MROPCP, standing for the Marine Radio Operators Certificate of Proficiency and MROVCP, in turn standing for the Marine Radio Operators VHF Certificate of Proficiency. All of the requirements and procedures that have been outlines in this publication are mainly based ob the IRR, i.e. International Radio Regulations by the ITU as well as on the provisions that govern the use of radio transmitters in the region plus radio station license conditions set by ACMA. Have a look in this publication and you may find so much useful information, and this will be particularly case for the people operating in that area.

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This work was prepared by Edward Lewandowski, and it provides the players fo the marine industry with probably the best theoretical treatment of the marine craft dynamics. The materials directly concerned with this matter have all been rendered approachable. The author has presented a good professional treatments of the forces/moments acting on the marine crafts, aiming to give readers the necessary instruments to conduct proper prediction of the marine craft motions both in calm water condition and in waves.

In addition to the development of the relevant equations, he has also provided the existing relations permitting a minimum approximate evaluations of the associated coefficients to obtain the useful results. Such approach is starting with the motion equations being applied to the rigid bodies, relative to both fixed- and moving coordinate systems, followed by the examination of the hydrodynamic forces, hydrostatics and then progressing to the forces acting on the moving craft in various sea conditions.

The author has also included several practical examples including hydrostatic calculations, directional stability, and also the wave-induced motions plus useful discussions on fin-hull interactions and heavy torpedoes, dynamics of the HSC and numerical stability etc.

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Nowadays, many contemporary satellite systems are existing there for the global navigation, for example the GPS, and all of them directly influence a whole world of marine navigation in a really tremendous manner. The number of people who are concerned with the navigational systems today is huge and the interest in such systems is constantly increasing.

This book was written by three world recognized experts in the field of navigation systems, intending to provide the interested people with a truly encyclopedic view of marine (and, in fact, not only marine) navigation. The authors have presented the fundamental elements of navigation to make readers get better technical understanding of the various techniques and methods, and of the systems that are commonly used in positioning. They have partitioned the content of the volume in three major parts.

The first part provides some maps and historical review and also physical/mathematical basics of the navigation, while the second addresses the established positioning methods, such as the celestial and terrestrial, inertial and integrated navigation plus the navigation based on satellite/image. The third part covers the ship routing and guidance. The book will definitely be practically useful to many categories of readers having the interest in navigation, including students.

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The content of the present navigational guide is mainly intended to air all mariners in getting a good working understanding of the very complex structure as well as behavior of the tropical cyclones commonly occurring in the NAO, i.e. North Atlantic Ocean. The mariners duly armed with the required knowledge and all information that has been provided by Eric Holweg in this brilliant work, will be considered prepared to "weather the storm" and avoid the potential catastrophic events, because they will know where exactly to acquire the forecasts and get the necessary guidance for the current tropical cyclones.

The present work will be discussing some ship routing and options of avoiding the hurricanes with the ultimate aim to highlight the critical thought processes, risk assessment and also all practical actions required to be considered to remain safe when the threat of the cyclone exists at open sea or in the harbor.

Needless to say that though the title of the publication mentions professional mariners, the information contained will be equally useful to the people planning to become mariners and even students, taking into account that the way in which the information has been presented makes it quite easy to catch even for the people without professional marine background.

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