Navigation & Seamanship


The book was written by Adam Weintrit in collaboration with Tomasz Neumann, who arranged the content of in the five major parts, addressing main areas of the marine navigation, and particularly common methods and algorithms, avoidance of the collisions, different geodetic problems existing in navigational applications, aviation/air navigation plus route planning utilized in the marine navigation.

The compilers aimed to clearly demonstrate to the reader marine navigation origins and also to explain how exactly various techniques, navigational methods plus the associated systems were technically developed. The book starts with the part which deals with the methods and algorithms and covers the Fuzzy-neuron model, application of the CFD methods to the maneuverability assessment for the different marine vessels sailing in the shallow waters; it also covers the asymptotic stability of the 2D linear systems, and Kalman-Bucy observer design, various established numerical/experimental methods when to calculating the hydrodynamic profiles and evaluating the insurance expediency, etc.

The second part of the volume focuses on the collision avoidance, covering the anti-collision principles with the relevant methods, scenarios, models, including various methods of assessment of the causation factor, safe ship control sensibility, experimental researches, collision zone definition, route similarity analysis...

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This informative monograph is addressed to the maritime industry professionals and scientists sharing their knowledge plus the results obtained from several researches relating to all navigation aspects and also maritime transportation and safety issues.

The main body of this publication has been partitioned into several subchapters; the first of them is providing general info on the maritime training and associated education relating to the use of the GIS and analysis of the perception of people taking the navigation course, while the second is dealing with the on-board safety drills and associated researches.

The following chapter is dealing with the crew manning/human resources - here readers may find the info directly relating to different problems of supply chain of human resources, code of conflict, safety culture, career planning, work performance and other matters.

Remaining chapters of the volume are covering the maritime piracy/terrorism together with the influence they have on the international shipping, plus maritime policy covering changing of the vessels' flags for various commercial and other reasons, financial indices and freight markets plus other matters of economic character. A separate chapter is there dedicated solely to the problems of logistics and also maritime transportation specific for the Baltic Sea geographical region.

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The content of this monograph starts with the chapter dedicated to the ship control and dealing with the relevant equipment including the adaptive control systems on container ships, together with the technical concepts related to the control of vessels. The second chapter focuses on the problems directly relating to the decision supporting systems such as NAVDEC, materials on the technical development of the support systems and trial tests, decisions related to the safety of the shipping traffic in different sea situations, handling of the vessels in windy conditions etc.

Third chapter deals with the marine traffic and here the readers will find all required information related to the development and evaluation of the routing measurements, expert indication, analysis of the traffic incidents. Fourth chapter of the volume covers the SAR, i.e. Search and Rescue problems, including SAR of migrants, design of the lifesaving appliances based on the ergonomics, radar signals, risk analysis and regional exercises concerned with the oil spill preparedness.

The next chapter is dedicated to the meteorological aspects and weather conditions including numerical weather prediction, analysis of the associated criteria, global warming etc. This one is followed by the chapters relating to the navigation systems, air navigation and maritime communications, algorithms and methods...

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The content of the present publication by Adam Weinrit, one of the world recognized specialists in the field, was released to provide all participants of the maritime shipping industry with an excellent source of reference with the particular attention paid by the author to the aspects of the marine safety considered key ones - the list of such areas includes safety of marine navigation and shipboard systems for handling and maneuvering, as well as AIS, standing for the automatic identification systems and marine traffic control systems, various navigation instruments, equipment and associated systems, anti-collision arrangements and means of communication. In addition to that, this volume addresses such important topics as pilot navigation and inland/sea-river navigation, weather navigation and routing, various aspects of hydrometeorology, established methods and algorithms used, plus various aspects of reliability and safety of the shipboard technical systems; the author has also covered the human element factors and management of the available crew resources, education and professional maritime training, maritime policy together with the recommendations and proposals. In short, the book will be interesting to the pro's in maritime transportation and navigation.

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This excellent and informative guide will provide readers with the valuable storm handling tips. The storm handling is one of the hottest and most debated topics in the field of the seamanship; some seafarers prefer heaving-to while others usually choose running off.

The author of the volume is a professional and prominent sailor who sailed around the globe twice, single-handed, logging in total more than twenty hundred thousand nautical miles under sail. The approach used by the author makes the text very readable and descriptions very clear even to the newcomers. Note that the content may equally apply to the monohull and multihull vessels.

The book is offering remarkably comprehensive coverage of the subject and has been prepared in a simple and no-nonsense manner with huge amount of supplemental practical information and real life examples for better understanding. Moreover, the author is writing with striking clarity and precision, and his humor makes the book not only interesting but even fascinating, providing both novices and experienced seafarers with the realistic advice worked out on the basis of the author's own experience and analysis of the other's experience.

The content of the volume will help readers to increase their theoretical skills and choose the proper safety equipment for their boats, plus will enable them to boost their confidence in handling the boats in adverse weather conditions. 

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An excellent source of reference for the prudent mariners providing them with the significantly improvised and no-instrument methods. The content has been found to be useful, fun to read, interesting and informative, helping readers to get the proper clear understanding of the general principles of navigation not addressed earlier. The text of the publication is thorough, well-thought and authoritative, making it a very definitive professional work for the seamen of all experience levels.

The seamen know that any instrument can fail, get broken or fall overboard. The present title by David Burch is aimed to show the seafarers how to find a way regardless of the navigational equipment possessed, and regardless of what boat or vessel they operate. The author has made a great job in explaining readers the making use of literally all available means and materials and apply them to the calculation of the speed and direction of the vessel, longitude and latitude and also to deal with all important aspects of dead reckoning and piloting of the vessel.

They will learn about the steering of the ship by sun, wind, swells and stars, finding the sun in the fogbanks, improvise their knotmeters and sextants, estimate the leeway, current and latitude, and a wealth of other vital information.

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David Steel, the author of this perfect, very useful and informative two-volume set, was deservedly considered to be among the world recognized and respected naval publishers who worked in the past, namely in the late XVIII/early XIX centuries. His interesting and well-though publications were focusing on the naval strategy and established ship construction techniques.

The present work by Steel was originally released nearly forty years ago and was treated as the very first English manual providing all interested readers including students and specialists, with the best naval practice. The content of this set was specifically designed and worked out to aspire the young officers. The success of these books resulted in establishing the brilliant reputation of David Steel as a publisher. These publications provide all readers with the good descriptions of both practical and theoretical aspects of the masts/rigging, sails and the whole science of sailing.

The author perfectly combined the practical advice which is supported by both scientific and math explanations with the numerous helpful illustrations providing valuable insight into the British seamanship of the times of the Napoleonic wars. We would recommend these volumes to all persons with the deep interest in naval sciences.

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The book opens with a section dedicated to the general differential equations relevant to the dynamics of ships, and the aim of this section is the derivation of the equations covering the general body motion in both inertial and body-fixed reference systems with/without principle axis; here, the author has paid particular attention to the acting forces and moments that commonly arise from the acceleration through the water.

The second section addresses the equations related to the maneuvering of the vessels with three freedom degrees, including systems of coordinates, aims and assumptions of the ship maneuvering theory, all equations and exercises for easier understanding of the theory. The next section is dealing with the determination of the added masses, while the fourth section describes the steady maneuvering forces, including their representation and experimental determination, again with some exercises.

The sixth section covers the forces acting on the ship rudders including their general representation and determination of the associated coefficients plus the interaction between the propeller and rudder of the vessel. The remaining sections of the volume are dealing with the yaw stability, transversal forces acting on propeller plus the associated yaw moment, maneuverability diagram, application of CFD methods for the maneuverability problems, and other valuable and important information.

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