Navigation & Seamanship


We recommend you to have a glance at this classic publication. Originally released one century back, this book was in use by several generations of students. There are so many students experiencing serious difficulties when trying to distinguish the fundamental facts from the illustrative matter provided in the pages of the textbooks, and the present volume is intended to give them some additional and very valuable information.

The material contained in this volume has been presented in the question-and-answer format making it very friendly for the readers. The book is very rare and will be great not only for the students and professionals of navigation but also to any enthusiast willing to add it to his or her collection of classic books.

The main content of the book was developed on the basis of the information which was contained in the Seaman's Handbook on Meteorology and Barometer Manual, the publications used at the time when it was prepared. For so many years this book remains valuable, useful and very much appreciated by the students all around the world and y the masters and mates who already passed all training and examinations but still want to refresh their knowledge.

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This excellent publication is deservedly treated as the textbook for all mutihull sailors of today. Though there are so many books available on the market and detailing principles of general seamanship, this one differs from their all. It is rather addressing the catamarans and trimarans covering the skills that are normally required to get proper understanding of their construction and sailing.

Everyone shall agree that the seamanship cannot be a pure black-and-white sort of skill. It is a continuous evolution of the knowledge involved, a building of relevant information through the practical experience. According to the reviews, this volume is a truly perfect reference source for the sailors. It will definitely provide sailors with huge amount of useful information required to all sailing on a catamaran. The readers have found this publication very valuable and keep recommending it to others.

Any person contemplating multihull sailing shall have a look and go through the content of this volume as necessary. The list of topics covered by the author includes fifty different titles including storm sailing, sheet systems, transfers, anchoring, collisions, apparent wind, cyclones and many other important ones. There is a comprehensive glossary of multihull sailing terminology included for ready reference.

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Ice traditionally affects both manouverability and speed of the vessel very seriously and this eventually results in the commercial outcome of the voyages being impacted. This equally applies to all merchant ships regardless of their class, size or type. Some vessels are originally designed and constructed to be operated in heavily iced waters.

Such vessels are commonly capable of operating in ice-covered seas provided they are handled by duly experienced staff. However, the marines should not rely only on the technical capabilities of the vessel and they will have to consider all potential aspects of ship safety and economics when planning a particular voyage.

It should be noted that the deficiencies related to the organization and communication, routing operations and relevant instructions are frequently identified as the causes of the maritime accidents and damage to the ships hull and machinery leading to the loss of human lives, significant negative impact on the environments and commercial losses.

The present monograph was prepared by the expert in shipping and is intended to be used by the navigators handling 1A and 1AS classed vessels. The publication will be greatly appreciated by the bridge crew of the ships engaged in operations in the iced waters who will find useful information and practical instructions.

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The twelfth revised edition of the UKHO's traditionally needful and practical compendium of the maritime information required to all mariners. The volume contains general information related to the nautical publications and charts together with the relevant maritime regulations and operational information. The content of the handbook also covers currents and tides plus sea characteristics, fundamentals of meteorology, navigation in iced waters, navigational restrictions and hazards to be taken into consideration.

Thirteen chapters of the publication are covering the theory of charting and surveying, Admiralty publications, paper and electronic charts and diagrams, digital navigation, and flow of information between UKHO and navigators, the sea and meteorology including all important aspects such as warning signals, climate, weather routing of vessels, storms and cloud formations, tidal streams and ocean currents, tsunamis, rollers and sand waves etc.

There is a compact sea ice glossary in the chapter devoted to ice navigation. One chapter has been solely devoted to the international organizations including IMO, IHO, UNCLOS and others. In short the volume provides absolutely all information required for safe navigation and also covers marine pollution prevention, commercial operations, ship safety and security and even military operations.

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This is another classic publication on marine navigation. The book was first published in early twentieth century, namely back in 1902, and today it is deservedly treated as a very valuable historical work. The present book is intended to be used exclusively by the sailors and its content was compiled on the basis of the author's experience of sailing and ship navigation.

One of the recognized navigation experts of his times, the author managed to collect all information on the ship navigation, process it and present in a form of the textbook providing readily available instructions and tips. The volume is covering absolutely all areas and this makes it very useful and practical even to the navigators and students of today.

Of course, one shall understand the difference in the techniques and especially navigational equipment and systems available at those times and today, but we do understand that theoretical fundamentals of ship navigation have not significantly changed since then. The text part of the treatise is accompanied with the numerous data diagrams and tables. An absolutely recommended and must-have publication for every professional and future ship navigator.

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This classic volume is the original work first presented more than a century ago. Though so much time has passed since the date of its original release, the content of the book retains importance and self-descriptiveness. Created by the prominent experts of the past times, the volume provides useful information and tells readers about the things that are quite difficult to be found explained in most of the other available publications.

The style of explanation is very clear allowing the material to be easily understood and followed for the people with little to no sailing experience at all. The main content of the book is arranged in six sections covering the trigonometry, the mariner's compass, the sailings, construction of charts, terrestrial magnetism, the propeller wheel, explanation of the tables, traverse table, nautical sines/cosines, tangents/cotangents, secants/cosecants.

As you can see, the layout of the publication remains intact - in fact, this is the digitized original version of the useful manual which will be of great practical interest even to the modern navigators and students since the author addresses the very basic, fundamental knowledge on which any contemporary navigation technique are built.

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An excellent, comprehensive and perfectly illustrated guidebook for the beginner sailors. The author has included the information required to get easy and quick understanding of the major factors concerning the seamanlike handling of the small sailboats. The volume is intended to serve as a reference source for the amateurs; however it will be of interest for the sailing instructors and even experienced yachtsmen.

Every effort has been made by the author to make the book accurate and unique, presenting the fundamentals of sailing by a contemporary direct approach through the extensive use of data diagrams, photos and illustrations. Maybe the best choice as the first sailing book. In the mean time, the author has also covered some advanced techniques. The explanations are very clear and will be understood even by absolute newbies, preparing them to understand much more complex treatments during further training.

All necessary basic sailing instructions have been compiled by the author and presented in a single, easily accessible and reader-friendly volume. The chapters of the publication have been organized in a remarkably practical manner making the process of learning very smooth and enjoyable. In short, this is one of the most recommendable sailing guidebooks for beginners. The author has even addressed the law aspects and also included compact glossary of sailing terms.

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The original intention of the author of this volume was to prepare a book that would be used as the useful self-teaching instrument for the people having a desire to learn more about the celestial navigation from both academic and practical points of view. The content of this volume will for sure interest the experienced marine navigators who have got tires of "turning the crank" with the navigation tables and who are willing to have some better technical knowledge of the subject.

The author has intentionally not covered the old-fashioned methods implying utilization of the sight reduction tables together with the pre-computed solutions, taking into account the wide usage of the electronic calculators and computers. The reference has been made by the author to the H.O. 229 and H.O. 249 methods and the author presented the fundamental background as well as the equations enabling readers to perform their own calculations and come to the correct answers having a proper understanding of the process and using only the calculator, note that the scientific one will be required having the trigonometric and inverse functions.

The book starts with the historical overview and some basic information, followed with the description of the concepts of celestial navigation, using the sextant, corrections commonly made to the measurements, sight reduction, lunars, star identification, and other topics considered important.

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