Marine Engineering


We are presenting maybe the most popular and useful publication on air conditioning arrangements. Among the key improvements of this latest release of the volume we would definitely mention the expanded info on various relevant environmental problems, asbestos-related info, weather data and so many other improvements when compared to the previous edition.

The text part of this volume is pretty good and understandable. The explanations are pretty straightforward but, at the same time, the author does not go too deep into the theory. The minimum of math has been used. It should be noted that the publication is exploring the very fundamental technical concepts of the air conditioning and the author explains them in quite clear and manner. The main focus has been made on the problems and practical examples that are commonly found on the job. The book includes the updated info on the design, associated calculations, equipment data. Some of the chapters are covering the main scope of air conditioning and its uses.

The volume will be very useful for mechanical engineers providing consultations, professional HVAC engineers, designers of such systems, any personnel involved in the maintenance/repair of these systems, and, of course, the students and just any persons with the interest in the subject field.​

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The authors of the present guide released it having in mind the purpose to provide all ship masters, officers on board and shore superintendents with the required basic technical knowledge of the practical use of, and necessary precautions to be taken when using various fuel oils on board marine vessels. We all know that the misuse of the fuel oil will imminently lead to the major claims and will also jeopardize the safety of the vessel. Nowadays, the Master of the ship has to be enough knowledgeable of the technical aspects and has to be fully aware of what is going on in the engine room of his ship.

Ship owners are usually faced with the fluctuations happening to the fuel costs and constantly changing regulations relating to the emissions to the atmosphere - and both of these aspects play their role in determining of the way how the fuel systems and diesel machinery on board the ship are operated; this could cause some serious operational problems with the engine fuel system, such as clogging of the filter or purifier, failure or scoring of the fuel pump, wear of the cylinders and seizure of the fuel injectors, corrosion to the exhaust valve seats, fouling of the turbocharger turbine wheel, and many others...

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This excellent reference book was designed to give its readers a really comprehensive and professional insight into the contemporary diesel injection and electronic control systems, mainly focusing on the minimization of the emissions to the atmosphere and on the treatment of exhaust gases. The technical innovations introduces by the specialists of the Bosch company in the diesel-injection field have significantly contributed to the boom in the diesel industry.

   Nowadays the technology of the motor vehicles is really complex and that is considered  the main reason why there is a serious need for a single and reliable source of technical information covering all components and systems of the engines. This nice publication opens with a very brief but interesting historical overview, that is followed by the chapter describing the main areas where the diesel engines are commonly used. The next chapter explains the basic, fundamental principles of operation of the diesel engines, while the following chapter is concentrating on the fuel oils.







The remaining chapters of the publication cover the rest of important aspects of the construction and operation of the subject type of engines, such as their control systems, common-rail systems, unit injector- and unit pump systems, pressure lines, sensors, start-assist arrangement, troubleshooting, service technology and so many others, covering even the emission-related legislation.







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Kees Kuiken, who is the recognized expert and author of this two volume set of books, has aimed it to the people who are directly involved in the engineering, operation and due maintenance of the marine diesel engines as well to all students of marine engineering and ship construction, and even to the enthusiasts of marine engineering. Note that it will also serve as a very useful tool for the manufacturers of the diesel engines and associated machinery.

We all know that the diesel engines play a vital role in society's life and they are deservedly considered indispensable for the shipping industry. The approach applied by the author implied inclusion of all relevant technical information relating to the construction of the diesel engines, materials used, classification of the engines in categories, their maintenance and repair, and everyday use. The author has paid so much attention to the graphic material supplementing the text. This was done to help readers to gain the insight.



We can say that the book covers literally everything, e.g. efficiency and energy losses occurring in the diesel engines, engine types, fuel oils and injection systems, cooling and lubrication of the diesel engines, driving gears, starting arrangements and air supply, engine speed control, noise and vibration issues, and so many other aspects.



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The present publication is actually intended to present the critically important findings in the field of diesel engine operation, together with the special attention of the author being paid to the exhaust emission arrangements and methods to improve the transient response. In addition to what is stated above, the exhaust emission measurement and distribution of the particle size have also been covered within the discussion of the major experimental techniques.

The publication provides all readers with the professional and thorough discussion of all dynamic and thermodynamic phenomena being experienced by diesel engines at the time of the increased load, during acceleration or cold start as well as during the transient cycle. The book starts with the information relating to the critically influential turbocharger lag issue; moreover, the thorough analysis conducted by the author is covering a really wide range of topics, and the list would include transfer of heat, fuel combustion, supply of the air and friction.

Bearing in mind the amount and quality of the technical info and data included by the author in his publication, we could definitely recommend this one to all technical personnel directly involved in the operation of the diesel engines as well as to the students of engineering.

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An excellent and very useful publication that will be greatly appreciated not only by the students of marine engineering but also by the practicing marine engineers who will be able to use it as a ready reference resource. The content of the handbook was developed by the specialists of the JMEA, i.e. Japan Marine Engineers' Association. It is absolutely imperative that all seafarers are well aware of the working principles and proper handling of all shipboard valves.

They shall also be duly familiar with the arrangements of the piping on board their vessel. This will eventually contribute in the prevention of oil spills or any other environmental pollution. Note that handling would also imply bunkering and changing fuel oil tanks, ballasting and de-ballasting operations, and so many other day-to-day activities.

The seafarers are therefore expected to pay attention to the valve and pipe arrangements. Every effort was made by the authors of the present book to provide easily understandable explanations and descriptions in order to let crew members familiarize themselves with all basic structures and materials as well as the roles of the equipment and allow them to operate the vessel in a safe and efficient way.

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The efficiency of the shipboard piping and piping systems is one of the essential factors impacting both safety of the operations and their correctness. The piping is met in absolutely all hull systems and associated fittings including ballast and bilge systems, fuel oil and lubricating oil systems, IGS, crude oil burning and compressed air systems, and others. The requirements applicable to and regulations governing the piping and pumping arrangements are there to ensure their proper installation and safe operation.

The present book was written to outline the fundamental requirements, with the particular attention paid to the IMCO requirements. Some of the chapters have been devoted to such specific systems as IGS, chemical and LNG carriers, cryogenic pumps and others. The underwater arrangements and systems have also been covered, for example you will find information about the transfer locks and diving chambers, lifeboat chambers and deck compression chambers etc.

The book is a really excellent training tool for the marine engineers and students as well as any person dealing with the design of the above mentioned systems intended for marine and offshore application. It will also serve as indispensable reference source for people willing to get to the better technical knowledge of the equipment and systems.

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This is an excellent booklet developed by the specialists of the world respected MAN Diesel & Turbo. It will serve as a perfect supplementary training tool for the people dealing with the propulsion arrangements on ships. Nowadays marine diesel engines are considered primary means of ship propulsion. Their power requirement and revolution rate vary according to the form of the ship's hull and design of the shipboard propeller.

That is why in order to get the optimal technical solution one has to possess a good knowledge of the ships and diesel engine parameters influencing the propulsion systems. The authors of the present booklet have made an attempt to provide readers, especially newcomers, with the explanation of the basic terms relating to the dimensions and sizes of the ships, and also give clarification of the various parameters concerning the propeller conditions and resistance of the ship's hull etc.

Note that the content of the volume does not cover propulsion calculations since they are too complex. The material is arranged in three separate chapters and in fact each of them may be treated as a separate paper. These three chapters cover the main definitions and ship hull resistance, propeller propulsion, and engine layout together with the load diagrams.

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