Naval History


This set of three classic books will tell the readers the about the history of the shipbuilding starting from the very beginnings. You will get the detailed information about the gradual process of the evolution of ship construction. An excellent source of knowledge for the professional naval architects and ship constructors; note, however, that the information contained in the pages of this three-volume set will definitely appear of equal importance for naval historians and other enthusiasts with the interest in sea. The book addresses virtually all types of boats, vessels, yachts and other floating facilities.

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This is the first part of a two-part project describing the history of naval architecture from its beginnings until today. This first work, which is quite self-contained, covers the birth of naval architecture within the Scientific Revolution, which the science historian Alfred Rupert Hall nominally dated as lasting from 1500 to 1800.7 However, I set the beginning of my subject at about 1600, when the works of the Dutch engineer Simon Stevin and the French philosopher Blaise Pascal first expanded on Archimedes' fundamental theorems, which then became integrated into rational mechanics and began to play a role in the study of naval architecture.

Similarly, I have chosen 1800 as a natural end point for this work, marked both by the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars that stifled much government-sponsored scientific research, and by the short-lived British Society for the Improvement of Naval Architecture, which heralded the development and use of ship theory by independent engineers.

The second work in this project, tentatively titled Bridging the Seas: The Development of Naval Architecture in the Industrial Age, 1800-2000, will pick up the story at that point, and will include certain themes that had begun in the period of the first book (e.g., research into structures and strength, as well as mechanical propulsion) that were not fully developed until the advent of iron and steam.

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Here is another very popular book by Brian Lavery. The original intention of the author was to assist the readers searching for the information on the history of the British Royal Navy fleet. The topics that have been addressed in this publication are covering the naval operations held in Scotland, the Grand Fleet and it's bases, The Clyde Convoy base, naval training, sea power and the Jacobites, and others.

Some notes on the material presented in the book and the index of ships are there in the last section. This is definitely a must-have publication for every naval historian as it breaks absolutely new ground in telling the interesting and real life stories of the naval campaign of the past, which have almost been undeservedly forgotten today. Quite a large part of the Navy was based in Scotland, for example the Grand Fleet based at Scapa Flow and Trident submarines based at Fastane - we are now talking about the periods of the world wars and also years after 1960.

The vast majority of the British sailors of the World War Two were partly trained in Scotland. However, the author wants to underline that the Navy never felt "at home" in Scotland. This publication will tell readers about the times of the Royal Navy in Scotland.

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This remarkable work by Michael Connolly is tracing the rise of the American-Irish community of immigrants in Portland, Maine looking at its control of the waterfront labour over nearly a century. The present publication shall be treated as invaluable contribution to the local labour history situating its subject within much broader picture of American history at the crucial times during the formation of the social and economic identity of the nation.

The author has vivdly revealed how the maritime culture of America has declined over quite a short period of time. The author has provided the crucial professional insight into the ethnic dimension of the longshoremen of New England. He has offered his readers a truly in-depth scientific study of the on-shore labour forces making the port function for a century...

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A nice book with the content expected to be of great interest to all historians as well as true enthusiasts of the naval history, covering the time period from 1700's to 1800's including the famous Trafalgar battle. This is the absolute must-have to all lovers of maritime and especially naval history.

The publication has been mainly dedicated to the Royal Navy of Great Britain and French Navy fleet, covering the critically important and influencing developments in the fields of ship construction and tactics, ordnance and training of the people on board; note that the author has paid particular attention to the key personalities and characters of the naval history of those times and key naval battles.

The content of the book and they way in which the material has been presented, make it very useful and fascinating even to the people without academic background in history. In fact, it has already been found to be one of the most successful book among the non-technical books covering the frigates.

The text of this publication has been very well and informatively illustrated. A great volume for the people looking for a book addressing the frigates, particularly ones of the United States Navy fleet. Have a look into this perfect title and we promise that you will learn so much of interesting facts about one of the most important pages in naval history.

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This book is intended to serve two main purposes. The first is to provide ship-modelers, marine archaeologists, and historian; with a guide to how English ships of war were fined out during the great age of the sailing ship. In this respect I hope it will follow in the traditions of James Lees' Masting and Riggings and Peter Goodwin's Construction and Fitting of the Sailing Man of War 1650-1850.

However, the reader will notice some differences from these works. I do not claim to have provided every piece of data on all the fittings of the years in question nor have I attempted to draw up tables of proportions for various ships and periods. Instead, in the main text, I have described the general principles which affected the design of each fitting, and in the appendices provided material from contemporary sources which have been selected largely to provide detailed information and specific dimensions. I have not attempted to interpolate from these to provide proportions which might cover other cases, preferring to leave this to the reader. The second purpose is broader: to study the development of a particular technology for its own sake.

The book is almost entirely confined to the Royal Navy, mainly because there are sources, in the form of manuscripts, plans and models, for this body, while those relating to merchant ship owners are rare, for few records were kept in the first place, and those that were have largely perished...

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This title belongs to the series of publications providing readers with the detailed and quite comprehensive account of the technologies that have shaped the whole human history. It has been originally conceived as a fundamental reference work considered a first stop for all people who seek the information covering the aspects of the subject and is mainly concerned to be complete.

This volume is very timely and important. In fact, a last decade so much work has been done in all fields and the editors of this volume have made their team of contributing authors with the intention to bring together i a single title the chronologically different areas of work related to this problem. Another important association with this volume is that it covers all historical, geographical and even economic aspects of the galley fleets. This is the first book to enable the readers to perform a correct assessment of the subject. The readers are admitted to the workshop where they will hear the claims and sometimes the disagreements of the workforce and realize that such a publication can only show the ways to these ends.

Long story short, the publication is very useful and will be greatly appreciated by all enthusiasts of maritime history because of the rarely found and valuable information. The content covers the ancestry of the triremes, Hellenistic oared warships, oar systems, Roman empire fleets, merchant galleys, naval installations, and other marine vehicles...

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Please have a close look in this very rare and classic publication - we are glad to offer you it's completely revised and significantly expanded edition. The Marvel Book of Ships has been originally dedicated to the United States Navy fleet and the authors of this publication have made a good and successful attempt to sheds some more light on the most important and glorious pages of the history of the US Navy; the main content of the book was prepared by Orton Porter Jackson, Captain of the U.S. Navy, together with Lieutenant Colonel Frank E. Evans, U.S.M.C.

Apart from the very interesting and valuable text part, the book contains twelve perfectly colored plates and more than four hundred excellent remarkably colorful and informative illustrations, all of them made from original photographic images - the total number of photos included in the book reaches four hundred; the color plates mentioned above are depicting, for example, landing of the marines at Vera Cruz, destroyer ships in a seaway, battle-fleet in action, national merchant fags and international code of signals, famous battleships of the past, submarines etc. In short, this interesting publication will serve as a very handy reference source and just a good reading for all historians as well as all other people with a deep and serious interest in the field of naval history.



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