

We are glad to offer you the scientific dictionary which has been specifically developed by the author, Simon Collin, and first published about 15 years back with the declared aim to provide all students of English, including people learning the language by their own, and people willing to get familiar with the English terminology related to various fields of technology as well as some fields of science, in order to be able to conduct their day-to-day work.

This is the 2nd edition of this publication, and this one has been completely revised - as a result, it is now fully updated with the very latest developments in so many areas of science and technology. This dictionary is really world recognized and so popular, offering people more than 17000 professional terms from such aspects of science and technology mechanical engineering, chemistry and physics, electricity and electronics, earth sciences, telecom and others. This updated and completely revised release contains hundreds of new terms, from computing to the environmental protection, each of them being provided with concise and very clear definitions.

We do recommend this dictionary be treated as the truly excellent reference book the professionals of today and of the future. A number of supplements provided there at the of the publication, contain some additional valuable technical info like math symbols, Mendeleev's periodic table, measurements etc.

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This book is for everyone, taking into account the amount of useful explanations and other information it provides to the readers. Its author did his best to collect about eight thousand of marine terms and words in a single volume - note that, since some of the terms may have more than one (sometimes up to five) definition, the total number of entries reaches 8600.

The terminology contained in this dictionary refers to such important nautical aspects as seamanship techniques and navigation, marine engineering, astronomy and meteorology, naval architecture, marine science, maritime economics, insurance matters, cargo handling, and others. In addition to that, the author made every attempt to get the scope of the publication extended through various subjects that may not be directly fall under nautical works but shall still be considered helpful to the mariners.

The dictionary has immediately become very popular among maritime industry professionals because it covers the whole vessel from keel to truck and from stern walk to the bowsprit. We would definitely recommend this publication to everyone wishing to get more familiar with the terminology used in the various fields of marine industry. And, of course, it is the must-have to every professional.

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Well, this one is a rarity - the purely classic universal dictionary of the maritime terminology which is a thorough explanation of the various technical phrases/terms usually employed in the fields of construction, machinery, equipment, movements, military, and naval operations of marine vessels, together with such parts of navigation and astronomy science, as will be considered very useful to practical navigators.

The subject book is illustrated with a variety of contemporary designs in shipping, supplemented with separate views of the sails, masts, rigging, etc. In fact, this vocabulary of french sea phrases was collected from the very best authorities, and it was originally compiled by William Falconer, who is the author of the famous "Shipwreck", now much enlarged and modernized by William Burney.

This comprehensive marine terminology dictionary was first released more than two centuries ago, in 1813, and was initially designed as a reference source to be used by ship navigators, naval architects and shipbuilders. Nearly eight hundred pages provide valuable technical data related to the ship construction, ship navigation, legal and historical info, weaponry etc., supplemented with the informative illustrations and tables providing additional data.

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Nowadays, the seamen transporting the world's international trade across the oceans, are presenting all nationalities and they are speaking hundreds of languages. Therefore, English competence is required for certification of the seafarers in most of the countries. In order for the seamen to work safely and efficiently in any position on board of the vessel operating at any part of the planet the knowledge of the general English may not be enough; the seafarers would better possess the specialized lexicon of professional terminology used during the routine operations on board ships.

This course has been specifically prepared bearing trainee seafarers in mind and that is why it does not assume that the readers have too deep knowledge of the maritime matters. The publication is supplemented with the glossary and background marine information together with the keys to all exercises. Topics covered within this book include ship handling, emergencies, navigation, meteorology, cargo handling.

The training materials are arranged in two courses at different levels - pre-intermediate and intermediate. Needless to say that the publication shall be considered must-have one for any person involved in marine communication.

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This set offered to you by Pearson consists of two books supplemented with the audio files intended to assist all students in improving their pronunciation of various English terms. The course itself has been specifically designed for learners in vocational education - it may be used everywhere - not only in the classroom but also for the training arranged within the framework of their companies' training program.

The team of authors has combined an excellent grammar syllabus with the professional vocabulary plus all skills that are required to success in the chosen field. The course includes numerous topics reflecting the very latest technical developments in the field of construction; moreover, it features clearly defined language and provides functional objectives. There is also a nice Glossary included in this pack covering terminology related to such the important areas of construction as trade, building and insulation materials, controls and equipment, disposal of the waste, clients and projects, calculations of the shapes, planning of the activities, cranes used in the construction process, training required, subcontracting and so many different other aspects.

Definitely valuable reference source for everyone who are willing to improve their grammar skills/pronunciation, as well as to become more familiar with the technical aspects of the language used in construction.

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Here is another book on the grammar of English language, this one is particularly focusing on students of English who are experiencing serious difficulties with spelling and punctuation and, in addition, to learners having problems when filling in various papers and forms, and writing letters. The book will of course be of great help to them, assisting in improving the standards of their written English language.

The publication has been prepared and written in a very understandable manner, initially designed to be used by any person, including students, workers and other categories, and it will definitely serve as a very valuable source of information. The arrangement of the book makes it very easy to follow; note that the training material provided in the book has been supplemented with numerous of examples. Each of the sections contains some practical material providing the readers with the a chance to practice what they have learnt.

The opening chapter of the book addresses the basic punctuation rules and covers the parts of speech and demonstrate their proper uses. In the meantime, the second part of the publication will show readers how to use the first part and put it into practice. The publication also includes numerous sections dealing with writing reports and essays, summarizing and plotting short stories...

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This publication has been specifically designed and published to teach the English language of both discussion and conversation. The author has tried to make a prediction of the words and frequently used phrases required for the students of English to effectively participate in the conversations. That is why this book should definitely be considered the perfect training material to be used for conversation courses.

The publication is a genuine treasure trove of very useful expressions that all students would better have in their vocabulary to speak fluently. The way material is presented in the book makes the learning process very enjoyable for the students. The authors of the book have applied a so-called "lexical phrase" approach. The units that are contained in this volume are quite simple and provide a wide range of commonly used expressions that students will have to learn and memorize. Among the skills that have been covered within this publication there are expressing opinions, responding to people with sympathy and disagreeing with someone, back-channeling and others.

There are some practical exercises supplementing the theory given in each of the units. The teachers who have used this book during the teaching process have already found this volume very useful and practical and consider this book a truly great grammatical resource.

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The title of this publication is pretty self-explanatory - it is aimed to people involved in electrical engineering, whose everyday activities require proper knowledge of all involved terminology. This volume is an excellent educational resource for the professionals of electrical industry who wish to improve their English communication skills in their work environment.

The book incorporates context and vocabulary specific to the electrical fields, while each unit offers step-by-step instructions immersing students in the following four key language components, i.e. reading, listening, speaking, and finally writing. The book was mainly intended to address the most important topics including electrical concepts, electrical service entrances, types of electrical wiring, installation of various appliances, and wire codes.

The present series has been organized into 3 levels of difficulty; it offers a minimum of four hundred vocabulary terms and phrases to learn. The book will serve as an excellent reference source for professionals who have to work on preparation of the electrical inspection reports and other related technical documentation.

Fifteen chapters of the volume deal with the general and specialized electrical tools, power tools, basic elements of electricity, electrical safety issues, provide all required information on the electric wires including their types, codes and electric wire connectors, materials used in electrical engineering, etc. The glossary is also there explaining the specific terms.​

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