Navy Fleet


The content of this excellent and useful publication was specifically worked out by Peter Gilchrist who has made a very successful attempt to provide an expert's insight about the navy forces which were deployed in the Persian Gulf during the famous operation called "Desert Storm". We are all aware of the fact that one of the most critical aspects of the subject conflict was the sea war.

The USA sent six carrier battle groups, battleships USS Wisconsin and USS Missouri and, in addition to the facilities mentioned above, numerous other navy vessels. The Royal Navy of the Great Britain, although with relatively smaller resources, was spectacularly successful against Iraqi ships. Australia, France and many other nations made their vital contributions. This book describes in details all ships together with their weapons systems and capabilities.

Frigates, hovercraft, amphibious forces, mine hunters, destroyers, hospital evacuation and support vessels and the role of naval helicopters were also discussed in depth. It goes without saying that the content of the present publication will be greatly appreciated by all people with a serious interest in contemporary navy fleet. The information related to the vessel is supplemented with the illustration to allow interested readers have a full picture of what they are reading.

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Several forces shaped the best MTB of World War Two, the Schnellhoot. These included the invention of the torpedo, developments in the engine, and restriction of the Treaty of Versailles, American contract for a luxury yacht, and, of course, naval hegemony of Great Britain forces. The term Schnellboot is the German for "speedboat" and we often referred to her as S-Boat. Just the same as when we use the term U-Boat to address submarines.

The Kaiserliche Marine - Imperial German Navy - deployed their first motorboats in 1914, just before the World War One. These MTBs were well equipped to carry torpedo tubes; but, a torpedo shortage resulted in their redeployment in the Unterseeboot Zerstorer role. The content of the volume has been perfectly executed and supplemented with many photographs of a very good quality.

The author has included all necessary underlying technical details of these remarkably effective vessels. The book is highly recommended to the naval historians and ship model makers. The text part and data diagrams related to the vessels have been supplemented with several pages of the color artwork by Don Greer making the reading amazing and interesting even to the general reader.

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The present study was intentionally released to leverage most of the insights originating from the 2009 DSB report and 2008 NRAC report but it is focusing on the American naval forces. The content of this report has been arranged in two major parts. The first part of the report selects some surprises from a real continuum of surprises, starting from the disruptive technologies and up to the capability developments inferred by the intelligence, and operational deployments - it assesses what exactly the Navy, Marine Corps and USCG could do and are doing about them, remaining quite mindful about the budgetary declines of the future.

The second part of this official report examines the processes that are currently in place (or could be in place) in the above mentioned entities in order for such surprises to be avoided. Among other things, the report explores the positive and negative sides of the different ways that are commonly used to improve the response of the naval forces to those surprises through the red teaming, identifying the barriers preventing the adoption of these processes, through employment of the own capabilities etc. The report starts with framing the problem and the chapters dedicated to scanning/awareness and assessment of the surprise, followed by the information about fielding and implementation, option development, force response, prioritization etc.

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The original intention of the authors of this world famous publication was to cover the history of the technical development of each class that did actually participate in the World War Two, and show how exactly they evolved. At the beginning of the Second World War, these vessels were operating playing the role they were actually designed and constructed for, namely fast torpedo attacks conducted at the night time.

By the middle of the war, most of them have been converted into gunboats to be utilized for attacking the enemy landing barges. Finally, closer to the end part of the war some of those boats were coming from the factories sporting the rocket launchers... This book will be very interesting for every naval history enthusiasts due to the information it contains; note that there are so many illustrations and sketches in the book as well as data tables and other supplementary info. Excellent photographs will let you feel the spirit of the war. All classes of the PT boats have been covered by the author, making this publication a sort of encyclopedia of the PT boats.

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The present textbook has been released with the ultimate intention of Craig Payne to develop a good introductory document to the science and engineering of the weapons that are in use in the naval service. The philosophy of the author used when selecting the information and making the content of the book was that the individual weapons appear and disappear, however the fundamental principles of their operation remain more or less same.

Some of the subjects have been covered in a bit greater detail that it was expected in the introductory course - these details will be of more interest for the professionals in the field. The content of the document has been compiled to simplify the difficult technical concepts of the naval warfare and make them more understandable for the general reader. According to the reviews, this title could easily serve as the textbook on various relevant disciplines, including audio detection/transmission, electromagnetic radiation and others.

In fact, the ultimate objective declared by the author was to let readers get better and more thorough technical understanding of the fundamental operation principles used in the variety of naval weapons. The readers are expected to supplement the material contained in this volume with one of the available publications addressing the weapons that are currently used by the major armies of the world...

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The official paper listing the characteristics of the warships. This is the eighth edition of the book. Apart from the lists directly related to the warships, the present volume includes statistics of merchant shipping, lists if merchant steamers and dry and floating wet docks, plus a table indicating the value and extent if the Merchant and Commerce Shipping.

It is expected to serve as a handy reference book for everyone seriously interested in the naval history and navy fleets of the world. Note that the book has already been appreciated by the scholars and selected by them as being important from the cultural viewpoint and also forming one of the parts of the knowledge base possessed by the civilization.

The content of the publication has been officially reproduced from the original one remaining as true and close to the original as it is practically possible. According to the numerous positive reviews and opinions submitted by the readers, this title is critically important and shall be preserved and further reproduced in order to be available to the general public. Needless to say that the information contained in the pages of this classic book will be of great practical use for different categories of readers starting from the novices and enthusiasts and up to the professionals in the field.

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Congressional Research Service. Report by Ronald O'Rourke, Specialist in Naval Affairs. Official release. Intro - Scope and sources; Terminology used; Background - Overview of the shipboard lasers and major types of lasers under development for future use on board ships, Navy Surface Fleet - generalized vision for shipboard lasers, Various technical challenges, Recent developments, FY2015 funding request; Number of shipboard laser types to develop, Implications for ship design/acquisition; Legislative Activity for FY2015; Figures; Tables; Appendixes.

The development work conducted by the DOD, standing for the Department of Defense, in the field of the high-energy lasers and their military applications, has been underway for several decades, and eventually reached the point where it become possible for the lasers to be made ready for the installation on board ships of the Navy fleet.

The shipboard lasers of bigger power may also appear to be ready for the installation on board Navy vessels in the nearest future, and they will provide the Navy vessels with the unique ability to counter much wider range of targets, we are now talking about the ranges of up to approximately ten miles... The content of the book will be useful for the people with the interest in contemporary naval technology and warfare.

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As per the numerous reviews and feedbacks submitted by the readers from different countries and occupations, the content of this book has made many of the things covered very simple with no pretention, developing the subjects not commonly covered within other publications of this kind about the ship models and their construction, nice ship diagrams and drawings, and informative images.

The book is full of useful and valuable information. An excellent addition to the maritime library of any naval enthusiast or ship modeler. This publication has been already highly appreciated by the readers, being deservedly treated as the supreme example of the art of ship modeling and designing of the full-scale prototype. It is the first volume to be released with the intention to fill in the existing gap in the knowledge about the ship models.

John Franklin, the author of this nice and interesting title, has turned to the background and use of the ship models plus the detailed technical analysis of the construction materials, techniques applied at the time of construction, decoration matters, framing and all other related issues. The second part of the content is mainly comprising a good representative selection of more than twenty best ship models, all described in detail and supplemented with numerous technical drawings and photographs.

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