Shipping Law


The book is primarily aimed to the people willing to get the understanding of the sea functions during the twenty-first century addressing both diplomatic and commercial activities, including the activities in non-territorial waters. The content includes numerous informative examples.

The intention of the author was to get the modern maritime diplomacy completely redefined. In his book the author has provided clear description and analysis of the maritime diplomacy concept largely neglected in most of the books on the subject. the use of the maritime diplomacy will be interesting for the parochial effects of the relevant activities.

In addition, it could act as a sort of valve used to release any tension without any conflict arising. The book has been written in a very accessible yet quite authoritative manner and may be recommended to all groups of readers from beginners to the professionals.

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This is a unique new publication on the shipping law. Apart from providing the general information on the letters of indemnity, the authors of the book tried to cover the most important topics, such as bills of lading, the international approach to the LOIs, policy considerations, "Clean Bills" letters of indemnity, change of destination letters, enforcing "discharge" LOIs, implied indemnities, Gafta and Fosfa contract forms etc.

Among the key features of this volume we would note the detailed analysis of the enforceability of the letters of indemnity, liabilities and rights of all parties involved, including shipowners, buyers and sellers etc. The book also contains some historical overview of the maritime indemnity contracts and associated letters.

The readers may use this volume as the comprehensive and thoughtful guidance serving as a very useful addition to the professional library of any maritime lawyer and shipping practitioner. in fact, this is the only publication available on the market today, covering the subject in such remarkable detail.

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The present seventh edition of the volume shall be deservedly treated as one of the best publications on laytime and demurrage available today; it will answer all the questions related to this aspect of the maritime law. Since the release of the original edition of the book in 1986, it continues to offer readers the authoritative, reliable and professional in-depth analysis of these queries.

The book has gained the worldwide popularity because of the unrivalled coverage of the aspects and very lucid style of writing used by the author; it will provide a remarkably comprehensive overview of all sides of laytime and demurrage. The author has traced the law development from the very beginning back in XIX century up to the present day, delivering a thorough analysis of the laytime clauses, covering both fixed and customary ones as well as the rules governing the laytime commencement and discussing the circumstances under which the laytime could get suspended.

The author has also performed the analysis of the demurrage rules together with the important issue like detention and dispatch. The book may be used by the maritime professionals, ship owners, arbitrators, charterers, and legal professionals as the practical guide.

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The content of the present volume may be treated as an excellent reference work which is expected to be useful not only to the practicing marine lawyers but in fact to any person interested in maritime security. With no doubt we can say that this is a major resource for the discussion of virtually all important legal aspects of the maritime security. The book is very well structured making it very easy to use.

Today, there is hardly any other volume on maritime security that would be as thorough and comprehensive as this one. The authors are world respected maritime law experts who have performed thorough examination of both EU and NATO security and also covered important aspects of the environmental protection, security zones, maritime claims etc.

The book shall also provide readers with the coverage of the ongoing issues in the South China Sea region, maritime piracy, law enforcement, blockades, illegal transportation of the mass destruction weapons and many other matters. An excellent reading for the people with the interest in maritime security issues of today's world.

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This is the second, significantly updated edition of the present publication from the world recognized "Lloyd's Commercial Law Library" series. Ewan McKendrick, Professor of the English Private Law and the author of the present volume, included the extensive and thorough professional examination of the FM, i.e. force majeure in French Law, a well as the drafting of the relevant clauses, application of the force majeure in the ship construction contract, and application of the commercial impracticality in accordance with the Article 2-165 of the UCC, i.e. Uniform Commercial Code.

The book is a must-have in the library of any marine lawyer. The FM together with the frustration are considered to be the matters of serious commercial interest; however, they were neglected in most of the previously released law books; and in his volume, the author has made a successful attempt to remedy subject deficiency and to perform the critical evaluation of the general principles that relate to the frustration and force majeure taking into account the difficulties. Talking about the evaluation, we would like to underline that the content of the volume does not adopt anyone's consistent line...

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The original intention of the Thomas Cottier, the author of this book, was to try and undertake a thorough and detailed analysis of the evolution of equity in the today's international law of the sea. In his publication he focused on the most important aspects of the relationship of legal rules on delimitation and of equitable principles touching all relevant factors.

He explored the relationship of law and equity in different complex individual cases and in particular circumstances which couldn't be easily solved by any of the ready-made, fast and hard legal rules. The author has performed the assessment of the treaty law and the UNCLOS impact, depicting the process of trial-and-error in the law of International Court of Justice and expounding the fundamental principles and factors.

The main focus has been made by the author on equity covering its implications for the legal methodology, offering further practical guidance relating to the international economic law. Obviously, the publication will be of great professional interest to the persons involved in the subject processes regardless of the actual roles they have been assigned.

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The last two years have seen big changes in U.S. environmental regulations and, likewise, big changes in the Environmental Law Handbook. The most important change to note is that the Environmental Law Handbook, previously published by Government Institutes for over thirty-five years and through twenty-one editions, is now published by Bernan Press, a leading publisher of government information, and the largest source for publications from U.S. government agencies and worldwide intergovernmental organizations.

As GI's flagship publication, the Environmental Law Handbook has consistently delivered a comprehensive and accessible source for the most accurate and up-to-date information on environmental laws in the United States. Each chapter is written by a recognized legal authority, and although the information represents the state of the art of the field, it is always presented in a straightforward and accessible way and in plain English, with as little legal jargon as possible. Even though the twenty-second edition of the Environmental Law Handbook is now published by Bernan, you can still rely on it to be your top source for information on the environmental legal and regulatory structure and its implications.

As always, you get leading experts in the field, all of whom are practicing lawyers, giving you up-to-date information and interpretations on the major environmental laws. Chapters likewise offer actionable advice for businesses regarding how to comply with new and updated federal regulations. As in previous editions, the twenty-second edition of the Environmental Law Handbook begins with a general introduction to environmental law and a chapter on how the laws are enforced before delving into individual environmental laws and issues.

Several chapters have been extensively updated, including the chapters on the Clean Air Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, climate change, pesticides, and the Comprehensive Environmental Resource, Compensation, and Liability Act.

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Introduction; Abbreviations; Historical and present perspective; Table of treaties & other international instruments; Table of cases; The settlement procedure under UNCLOS - General obligations and preliminary means of dispute settlement; Limitations on/optional exceptions to applicability of various compulsory procedures entailing binding decisions - Choice of procedure and provisional measures; Deep seabed mining, including alternative mining regime; Conclusion.

The oceans cover approximately 5/7 of the surface of our planet; they are playing a vitally important role in supporting human life on earth. Needless to say that they are considered the most important natural resource. Each country of the world has some strategic, social and political interests there and these interests shall be treated as a sort of manifest in numerous maritime activities, for example marine transportation of cargoes, fishing, naval missions, exploration and production of the minerals and hydrocarbons, scientific researches etc...

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