Shipping Law


In the maritime shipping industry, the Master of the vessel is often mentioned in cases, occasionally as a party and frequently in obiter dicta and is discussed in the secondary sources and reviews; however, there are usually not too many references available to follow for many interesting points. In this publication by Informa the authors have placed in a single book a survey of the law affecting the shipmaster within the jurisdictions in which he finds himself and his vessel.

Note that the present volume is neither about how to be a shipmaster nor about the practice of shipmastering to the top standards - it is a book placing the Master in context of shipping law, regulation, custom, and practice both domestically and internationally in the different legal domains in which he might be examined. The topics addressed in this volume include the doctrines of the "Law of the Shipmaster" and the major domestic laws that commonly govern the master of the vessel in the UN States and the IMO; Principal References; Charter parties; Constitutions; Maritime Statutes; List of Acronyms; Convention and Codes. In short, this is a must-have publication for the practicing lawyers and for the students.

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The present volume written by Francisco Vicuna was released to explain all problems as well as the pressures on the fisheries operating on the high seas currently; the author has also analyzed how subject situation is actually leading to the significant changes in both environmental and legal considerations that normally govern these activities.

He provides detailed examinations of the relevant international agreements and conventions discussing them together with the major developments in the field of the state practice plus the actions that are being undertaken by the different international organizations - all of them have been presented in the tables.

The conservation of fisheries and their management have been covered, and the matters of compliance and enforcement in these fisheries have been paid particular attention. Long story short, this is a book for those involved in the activities related to the fisheries operating in high sea and willing to be aware of all relevant issues.

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In this very comparative and thorough study of shipping interdiction, the author considers the State action of searching, stopping and arresting foreign flag vessels with their crew on the high seas in case of piracy, drug smuggling, slavery, migrant smuggling, fisheries management, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and maritime terrorism.

This book will be very useful to those engaged in any shipping related activities. The author has also provided good examination of the rules governing the use of force and human rights protection, as well as the compensation for incorrect interdiction. The publication is very well written and contains the results of the very well performed research, that is why it is so highly readable and authoritative. The author has managed to catch the balance between the depth and detail, providing readers with the in-depth analysis.

This is a recommended reading for literally all players of the maritime industry since none of the topics covered in the book may be considered irrelevant to any category of people working in the industry; in fact, they are all equally affecting everyone and shall be taken good care of in order to provide safe and efficient operation.

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The main aim of this volume is to introduce the readers to the modern legal concepts that surround the process of ship registration and to provide them with an objective and correct assessment of all issues commonly arising when so-called "flags of convenience" (or "open registers") are used, plus to perform detailed examination of the procedures in numerous key jurisdictions.

The content of the publication incorporates the individual national chapters with the materials being presented in a common format to enable the busy practitioners to gain ready and quick access to the relevant information and easily compare the requirements of one jurisdiction with another. This latest edition of the title has been significantly expanded and now includes several new chapters that are devoted to Belize, Singapore and NIS, standing for the Norwegian International Register.

The majority of the national chapters include an additional section that deals with the yachts where the flag authorities adopted relevant codes of practice applicable to commercial yachts or other measures implemented to attract private and commercial yachts to their flag. Ironically, going from open registers to national registers has broadened the categories of ship owners qualified to be owners of registered vessels in those jurisdictions...

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Today, sea transportation plays a significant role in the international transport of raw and mineral materials, in addition to other types of goods. This is partially due to the huge distance between the supply and demand markets as well as the nature of global trade.

Because of the diversity in demands in the field of carriage of goods in national and especially international markets, different types of sea transportation contracts are required to fulfill distinct demands. Generally, two different types of contracts of affreightment exist : 1) Bills of lading and 2) charterparties which are governed by a specific legal framework and different provisions. Various forms of charterparties have their own provisions, legal framework and standard forms.

One of the most commonly used form of charterparties is voyage charterparty based on which the charterer charters the vessel to carry cargo from agreed port or ports to determined port or ports, hi voyage charterparty, every act which is related to management, crewing, supplying the fuel and paying for it, port charges and every other necessary issue concerning the carriage of goods by the vessel and its operation, remains in the hands of the ship-owner, in return, the charterer has the duty to pay the freight and provide the cargo based on the contract.

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An excellent book on the shipping law, intended to describe the fundamental principles of the English law of marine carriage of goods. The publication is primarily aimed at students, though it is should not be treated as a reference book. The author, Paul Todd, is one of the leading experts in this field and professor in the Southampton University - he has tried to offer his readers an easily accessible and comprehensive overview of the maritime shipping law.

He concentrated on the principles of the common law, and used line data diagrams, case studies, sample problem questions, annotated appendices and other methods to duly support the material provided in this volume. The book will be very useful for the students who are studying the present topic as a part of LLB/LLM course.

They may use it as a easily accessible and thorough overview of the subject prepared for the students and concentrated on the principles. In short, the volume presents all major topics. Highly recommended to both practicing and future lawyers.

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Here is the second part of the two-volume set - the first part devoted to the jurisdiction and risks is also available at our website. The book addresses the management of the risks and liabilities. Among the key features of this third edition of the book we may note the explanation of the applicable Rules of liability attribution, professional analysis of the regulatory regime together with the newly introduced IMO and EU legislation.

All recent developments have been reflected including economic torts, ship managing risks, fiduciary duties, shipbuilding and ship sale risks, newly implemented BIMCO standard contract terms, mortgagees risks, piracy risks, general average, pollution liabilities, performance bonds and many other important aspects of ship risk management.

As it was the case with the first book of the set, this document is must-have book on a bookshelf of any professional practicing maritime lawyer.

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The present unique title is examining the issues related to the jurisdiction as well as maritime law and practice looking from a modern perspective. The authors of the volume are highlighting the significance of the risk management making an attempt to avoid the pitfalls in arbitration/litigation and also to minimize the exposure to the associated liabilities.

This edition is fully re-structured and revised. The book now consists of two separate volumes each of them being self-contained. The first part of the set offered herein covers the important juridical issues together with the risks. In turn, the second volume is exploring the various critical aspects of maritime law, liabilities and risks. The book is tackling a real wealth of very complex and widely ranged jurisdictional aspects.

It features the professional analysis of the recent cases, particularly those of international nature. The book is expected to be of great use for the academics and practicing lawyers as well as other shipping industry specialists worldwide. An excellent and practically useful volume which shall be there in the professional library of any maritime lawyer for easy and ready reference.

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