There is no any single volume in the world that could fully cover the whole scope of fire protection; in fact the IMO documents alone are occupying so many reams of regulatory material. This publication is mainly comprised of selected relevant materials that would definitely be of primary interest and even necessity for all people involved in maritime activities; in addition, some useful references have been listed there in the book for persons looking for the further supplementary information.
The ultimate purpose of this volume was to provide all interested parties with the information related to the equipment and various systems that are commonly fund on board of marine vessels. James Cowley, who is the author of the present book, has made the reference to several specific vessel casualties, the details of which have also been included. However, it should be noted that only the publicly available casualty details have been included, since many shipping companies and Flag authorities would prefer not to see subject casualties mentioned anywhere.
The main idea is to prevent the future casualties, using the lessons and experience gained in the casualties that have already happened. The particular emphasis has been made on the structural fire protection as, in the author's opinion, its principles and associated limitations are not understood well enough...