The present incident report was intended to highlight some of the critically important concerns over equipment and the availability on board of appropriate technical information and documentation; however, similar concerns still remain. During past several years there has been continued concern among the Membership of our organizations over the number of incidents that involve lifeboats.
One possible benefit from the earlier survey may well have been to make seafarers more aware of the inherent dangers of lifeboat launching and recovery procedures relative proportions of data shown in the charts are unaffected. we would definitely recommend every crew member sailing on the vessel with the lifeboat installed, to go through the content of this report very carefully.
Performed by the representatives of the world respected entities, this survey report will be good when used to raise the crew awareness in the subject area. the charts included by the compilers of the report demonstrate the proportions of the types of boats involved in the incidents, illustrate primary causes of the incidents, provide the breakdown of the incidents that are caused by the design faults and give some other valuable information.