Ship Handling


The main declared purpose of the present booklet is to demonstrate the techniques that shall normally be applied in order to use the facsimile weather maps in the maximum effective way. eh author have also tried to provide the basic information that will be required to duly understand the development of the weather and waves. The forecasts significantly improved during past decades, following the improvement of the radio equipment.

However, the mariners were never able to have a detailed picture of the situation. And this was changed with the introduction of the radiofacsimile. Let us have a look at some advantages of the radiofacsimile. First of all, they enable mariners to see the weather pattern at a glance and to follow most changes. In addition to that, the mariners can use the weather maps to see the facts used by the meteorologists issuing the map.

They are also enabled to perform general prediction of the weather for their area up to seventy-two hours ahead as well as plan evasive actions to avoid storms before they get into it. Should the storm be unavoidable, the mariners will at least have an idea of how long such storm is going to last. Having actual weather maps will permit you to better judge the situation than by just relying on the forecast...

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The official manual for the Port Revel Shiphandler course. The volume opens with the introduction acquainting trainees with the training centre, telling how and where the training is provided and what results can be expected. The Port Revel is situated on a human-made lake remodeled to reproduce real conditions of sailing.

At scale, the available water area is representing a navigable zone of approximately three by two nm; this allows several sailing modes at the same time, with the normal maneuvering speed. The fleet of the training centre consists of nine vessels. While seven of the ships are models of either bulk carriers or oil tankers, the eighth one is a replica of the LNG carrier "Ben Franklin".

Finally, the last ninth model is a replica of the "CGM-Normandie" post panamax container vessel featuring carrying capacity of 4400 TEU. All of the above listed vessels except Normandie have diesel motor and steam turbine. Taking into account that the Normandie can actually be controlled from her front deck (like car carriers and cruise ships), it means that the available fleet reproduces twenty different ships. The models have all been fitted with the conventional features that would be normally found on board any real vessel.

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This document will be useful for the crew members of the vessels required to comply with Ballast Water Management convention which has entered into force recently. The proper record keeping of all ballast water activities is one of the requirements and this sample form may be used. This form contains all data fields prescribed by the convention.

The pages of the ballast water record book are showing a comprehensive list of the items related to the ballast water operations which shall be recorded in accordance with the regulation B-2 of the Annex to the BWM convention. Subject items have all been duly grouped into several operational sections; each of the sections, in turn, has been denoted by a specific letter code.

When filling in the Book, the date and operational letter code shall be inserted together with the item number in the appropriate columns; all required particulars must be recorded in chronological order in the blank spaces. The entries shall be made in a working language of the vessel. Each of the operations will be signed for and also dated by the officer in charge of the particular operation concerned. Each page shall be subsequently countersigned by the Master. The Book contains references to the quantity of ballast water...

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The ultimate goal of this training package consisting of the booklet you read and supplementing video film is to provide trainees with the description of the ways in which the seafarers could manage to limit the marine environment pollution. The content has been specifically designed for the ship officers who are required to be duly aware of all problems relating to ensuring compliance with the relevant regulations as well as company policy and best practice guidelines of the shipping industry.

The original intention of the authors was to let officers achieve better training results and also to motivate other crew members. The material contained in this booklet is arranged in four sections. While the first section provides introduction, the second one is dealing with the MARPOL regulations currently in force.

The third section is covering established and effective methods of training for prevention of marine pollution from ship's operational discharges or from any accidental events. The last section of the booklet provides trainees with the references including bunkering procedures checklist and others. Numerous assessment questions with answers have been provided and shall be used for tracking the training progress.

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In maritime shipping industry of today, the suppliers of bunker fuel tend to employ different dubious practices for the typical operations, and subject malpractices are commonly prevalent in Asian region. Regardless of where the ship is being bunkered, the huge importance of proper and accurate measuring the fuel tanks both prior to and upon completion of the delivery is considered critical phase of all bunker stem operations.

That is why attention shall be paid by the members of the bunkering team taking the barge measurements to the application of the proper trim and list and recording the real temperature of the fuel. Some of the ways of concealing fuel would include hidden compartments and altered lengths of the sounding pipes, short bunker delivery and incorrect sounding tables, doctored gauging devices and others.

The present guidebook prepared by MarineInsight experts shall therefore be of great practical use for the people directly participating in the bunkering process. Apart from the description of different malpractices, the book will provide tips to get better understanding of the bunker gravitating and so-called cappuccino effect, coriolis flow meters, bunker surveys and also different methods and techniques used for detecting concealment of the fuel.

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This training booklet together with the training video film on same topic are dealing with the oil record book of the vessel and belong to the four-part training set devoted to the management of the wastes generated in the engine room of the vessel. Three other parts of the set address the oily water and separators, sludge and the incinerator, and sewage and waste water management; note that each part also consists of the booklet and video.

The content of the volume, when duly familiarized with by the trainees, particularly marine engineers and other members of the engine room team, will enable them all to get proper understanding of the purpose of the shipboard ORB, standing for the oil record book, and to make correct entries. They will also be able to properly identify all record keeping issues. The other features of the booklet include exercises that will be appreciated by the crew members needing some practice in filling in the book since they will show the correct entries.

The appendix contains excerpts from the relevant international regulations. Definitely recommended training for the trainees and seafarers involved in the management of the shipboard wastes and willing to keep their work compliant with all applicable regulations.

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This is one more part of the training series developed and released to address the management of the shipboard wastes. While the other parts of the training pack are dealing with the oily water and separators, sewage and waste water management and the oil record book, the present one has been devoted to the sludge and incinerator and is supplemented with this booklet.

The main objective of this training is to enable the engineer officers to use the video film as the basis when conducting training sessions for the engine team members. The trainees who satisfactorily complete the course will be able to review all regulations and rules that commonly govern the discharge of the shipboard garbage and sludge and use of the incinerators, perform proper identification and review of the relevant management programs, get the understanding of the procedures established on board for the routine technical maintenance of the incinerators and also the most important features of the newly introduced IMO specifications etc.

They will be able to properly use the shipboard incinerators and other equipment associated with the management of the wastes generated on board with particular attention paid to the sludge wastes...

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This training set made of the video and associated training booklet belongs to the package including three other parts covering the oily water and separators, sludge and the incinerator, and the oil record book. The original intention of the authors of this booklet was to enable ship engineer officers to conduct training sections for the groups of engine room personnel.

Upon completion of this part of the training the trainees will get the understanding of the operation of the extended aeration plants, review the applicable international regulations that govern the discharge of the shipboard sewage. They will also have an opportunity to discuss how to control what should go to into the sewage treatment plant and what should not, and review the established procedures to be followed when conducting the routine technical maintenance of the plants, shutting them down for cleaning and removal of the collected sludge from inside.

And, what is the most important, they will be able to properly relate the points that have been raised in this video and booklet to the actual operation of the shipboard sewage treatment plants. Recommended to the machinery room personnel of any vessel.

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