

More than a century ago the best and largest ocean liner in the world, got wrecked by a huge iceberg; this disaster resulted in the tragic loss of a nearly 1500 human lives. The story of Titanic was always very interesting to the people, and there are so many movies, books and songs dedicated to the subject tragedy. People still dream of raising the sunken ship from the seabed; however, no one has ever dared to do that.

Needless to say that Titanic is maybe the most famous ship ever, with the name known literally to anyone in the world. From the keel laying day on 31 March 1909, the popularity of the future liner grew so fast due to the numerous advertisement all around the planet. Even so many years after the tragic loss, Titanic is still in the heart of everyone with passion to the sea. There are new facts discovered every year and new photographs, of higher quality, do appear on a regular basis.

This book is covering a huge number of interesting facts and as such shall be on the bookshelf of any Titanic fan. It will keep the readers flicking through all its pages, giving them perfectly selected facts, including serious historical facts and those quite funny ones; check the book and you will not be disappointed.

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This is one of the best volumes available today on the knots, and that is why it gained such popularity among the readers all around the planet. The content provides the absolutely completed coverage of the knots, justifying the Knot Bible title given to this volume. The author has covered the knots and splices, whipping, bends and even decorative knots commonly found on board yachts and boats.

The publication will therefore be appreciated by all people willing to be able to master any knot – the detailed step by step instructions provided here will be very helpful. There are more than two hundred knots covered here; prior to explaining the making process, the author analyzes the strength of each know and its reliability together with the usefulness and ease of making for each particular know.

Numerous photographs supplement each of the instructions showing the process and making it even easier to follow, so be sure you will make your first knots nearly immediately upon reading the appropriate chapter. In addition to that, the author uses the instructive diagrams providing extra information, and newly introduced know-how sections making reading the book even more interesting.

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Some fifty years ago, nine mariners set off on the absolutely most daring sailing race of those ever held. The idea was to perform a unique single-handed round-the-world voyage, and it was intended to be non-stop one, adding even more difficulty. It should be noted that no one had ever dared to accomplish such a trip before and they were the ones to change the very face of sailing.

However, the sad truth was that only one of them managed to complete the voyage successfully and have glory and fame, while the other eight people had no reward but the failure and even death. The author of the book, Peter Nichols, made a good attempt to tell the story of the subject voyage. The readers have already named this volume extraordinary since it chronicles the historic contest of the human against the ocean, the human without any contemporary electronic means of navigation, mobile communication, satellite service, positioning systems and other things like that.

The publication will be appreciated by the people with the interest in the maritime history and prominent people of the past times – needless to say that the story of those nine men deserves our attention, so read this book and you will be impressed. The book is presented in both pdf and epub formats.

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An excellent and extremely interesting one. This book is featuring the truly incredible and fascinating stories of eight ships together with their passengers. Some of those people did vanished without any sort of trace, and the author is exploring several maritime mishaps that have never been explained before. According to the reviews submitted by the readers, he has the ability to properly capture the very essence of the mystery cases; and, at the same time, the author of this volume manages to maintain a highly readable narrative text.

We would definitely say that this is a real must have book for all lovers of the sea stories and especially mysteries. They will for sure enjoy reading this book since it is so informative and also sheds the light on the numerous maritime cases of the past. Highly recommended to the people with the interest in the historical mysteries.



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This publication will tell you about the battle of the human with the nature, namely with the Atlantic Ocean which has always been treated as the most dangerous one, and it still presents deadly challenge to the people crossing the oceans. The publication is truly delightful thanks to how the author chronicled the entire history of human attempts to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the very early times of navigation and up to the latest attempt to cross the Atlantic on the small fast boats.

The period in between includes the fascinating stories of the discoveries and slave trading, emigration and passenger cruise shipping, and of course wars. For people, this ocean has been a testing ground for the ship design and technologies. These design features and technologies are also dealt with in this book, together with all other important and interesting topics including but not limited to the small boats and yachts, early steam ships, unconventional crafts, winds, wild seas, currents, disasters and future prospects. The content is rich with information provided by the historians and experienced mariners and other shipping industry people, it is very reader-friendly and full of informative historical images.

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The present publication was created wit the ultimate intention of the author, William Longyard, to try and reach back through five centuries in order to gather an excellent collection of the interesting and fascinating sea adventures. The main heroes of these stories are watercrafrs, staring from the small sailboats and canoes.

Among the prominent seafarers of the past and their vessels covered in the publication there are kite-powered kayak boat of Ed Giller, then you will read about the Gladys Gradely's attempt to be the very first woman to sail across the Atlantic Ocean on her own and with no help, Hugo Vihlen crossing the ocean in the small, just six-foot sail boat named April Fool, and many other stories, each of them will for sure be of interest to all sea enthusiasts.

The book is great as it shows, on the basis of the experience of its heroes, that the oceans can actually be crosses by people who dare. This book will teach you something you may not find in other publications dedicated to the marine history. In fact, very limited number of the reference publications will make for such riveting and fascinating reading, that is why you' better take this one and have a close look inside, you will not get disappointed.

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Alfred was born in Sunderland on 15" July 1884. He grew up living with his parents, and his younger brother William who was born three years later, in 1897. Their home was a modest terraced house in a fairly decent area of the town, and for his early education, he attended a "Penny-a-Week" School. Sunderland and Newcastle, at the time together formed the biggest ship building area in the world, and his father worked in the ship yards as a boiler inspector, checking the safety of boilers on the ships, and he was also a collector and dealer of machinery parts.

We don't know much more about Alfred's childhood except this tale of a summer holiday. When he was nine years old, he went by himself to visit his grandparents during his summer holidays. His grandfather John Learmond was head of the Customs in Cork, Ireland. Alfred was put on a train at Sunderland, under the care of the Guard, and transferred to the ferry to cross to Ireland, then took another train from Belfast to Cork. During this holiday he also travelled to Blarney Castle and kissed the famous Blarney Stone to give him good luck.

He certainly had that. After he left school, at the age of 14, he followed the family tradition and became an apprentice. He also became a choirboy in his local church, and later played the organ for the church services. Perhaps it was this experience that gave him a yearning to enter the church, because alter completing his apprenticeship he leit the world of engineering went on to a religious school - Kelham College, in Newark to study for the Priesthood. His fellow students and the lecturers at the College thought he was a very serious young man and not able to lighten up, so one day the students, as a prank, rolled him up in a corridor mat, which ended up outside the Principals door.

Alfred laughed so much the Principal came out of his office to see what was going on. He looked down at Alfred sternly, but then broke into a smile and said "Well Burlinson, I'm pleased to see you laughing at last". After that, he became accepted by the other students and life became more enjoyable, but the pressure of trying to master Greek and Latin was too much and sadly he was forced to give up this ambition. He returned to engineering, and using his apprenticeship qualifications he signed up with a merchant ship in 1908, as a junior engineer...

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The book focuses on the following areas of marine geology science - the world's oceans overview, marine exploration, submarine volcanoes, the dynamic seafloor, coastal geology, abyssal currents, ridges and trenches, marine biology, sea riches and ocean resources, rare seafloor formation etc.

This is the very latest released which has been significantly expanded and thoroughly revised in order to take into consideration all recent developments in the field - the author has performed a very close examination of the relationship existing there between water together with its life forms and various geologic structures.

He is looking at different ideas for the origin of our Planet, oceans and continents, and also tries to find out how those processes manage to fit into the origin of the whole universe. The publication is actually covering the complete realm of the undersea landscapes taken with the life forms, from ocean volcanoes to the huge submarine canyons.

An excellent learning tool to be used for getting a good understanding of the marine geology. Will be appreciated by all specialists and students due to the information contained and analysis performed by the author.

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