

Children and adults alike are drawn to the presence and power of the sea. Crashing waves» changing tides, and the endless expanse of sparkling water evoke emotions of awe wonder and excitement in even the youngest of hearts. Like the waters they live in, animals of the sea attract attention as well. Personifying grace under pressure, sea animals swim, scuttle, fly» and leap in and out of the water, carrying on their lives amid the thundering crash of waves or in the silence of their homes beneath the sea.

This book is designed to help you delve into the saltwater world. As you teach your students about sea mammals, fish, reptiles, birds, and invertebrates (animals without backbones), you'll shed light on a vast and intriguing population. You'll build bridges from curiosity to knowledge, giving children a solid base of wisdom they can count on every time they set foot in an aquarium or carry on a discussion about life in the sea. Through hands-on activities, games, and discussions, your students will learn to differentiate between mammals and reptiles invertebrates and fish.

They'll look beyond the surface and realize that ocean waters are teeming with life, and that each bit of life is one part of a food chain. They will learn about the need for gills and fins and the benefits salty waters offer to the creatures that live there. In short, your students will begin to understand the nature of life in the sea.

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The last decades have seen a very far reaching revolution in the whole world oil industry. By some measures, United States are on their way to becoming the biggest producer of the oil on the planet - this outcome would be considered impossible even a few years ago. This publication was prepared by the award winning professional on the geopolitics, Steve A. Yetiv - according to his explanations, the increased oil production in the United Stated is not going to result in any serious reduction in the oil prices taken long-term...

The readers have already found this volume full of truth and really wonderful, and they say it is an excellent up-to-date treatment of the issues commonly related to the oil supply and security. The author of the book is taking stock on the effect the fracking revolution is expected to have on both long and short term oil prices. The book reflects many well thought out points - they will grab the attention of anyone looking at the issues in a logical way. In short, this is a great title offering a solid professional overview about the major risks in the oil industry including the oil security... Highly recommended reading to all participants of the oil industry - from exploration up to and including production.

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The title of the publication is quite self-explanatory - it tells readers about mapping the coasts. The coasts are places where the land and sea meet - they are not only very beautiful looking, but they are also deservedly considered to be among the planet's most fascinating landforms. Well, they are not that easy to describe as no coastline can be exactly the same with the course of the time.

There are tides making the ocean surface rise and fall regularly, changing the coast line. There are waves that pound the shores and break down the rocks, adding or moving the layers of dirt and sand. There are rivers that spill into the oceans - they deposit the debris gathered along their way...

In short, you will learn about the process of mapping coasts, how to do it in a correct way providing accurate results. The glossary containing the frequently used terminology is included for better understanding of the text.

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Well, we can say that the deep sea divers work in completely another world - they get there with the first jump off the edge of the vessel or boar or platform. There are so many things to explore, taking into account that the oceans cover more than seventy percent of the surface of our planet. The oceans are being studied by many types of specialists and scientists.

Moreover, there are people diving to do some job underwater and people diving just for fun. And all of those people use mathematics before, in the course of, and after diving. The scientists actually talk about the ocean, one ocean, as the world's oceans are connected. They usually divide it into several levels, or "zones" based on the water depth. The divers usually need special equipment, depending on the pressure they will be exposed to under the water, i.e. depending on the depth.

As it comes clear from the title, this book is going to tell the readers about different ways the math is used by the divers. Apart from the information on the main subject, the readers will find so many interesting facts inside, related to the marine biology, Antarctic researches, deep diving etc. The glossary of the most frequently used terminology is also there.

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This book is a real treasure for the people having interest in the history of the United States Navy fleet - we are quite sure that all of them will find the content of this volume fascinating, since the author of the volume did join the early Navy and the story before the Civil War, and the story of his naval life is really very interesting. The book shows the readers that the author was developing his views causing him to write this text on sea power.

Some perfectly dry humour of the author is making reading the book not only cognitive but also very enjoyable. This is one of the most popular books by Alfred Thayer Mohan. The book is a reproduction of the original classic edition dated early last century, with the quality significantly improved. The content is culturally important for everyone who like sea.

Long story short, we do recommend the present publication not only to the specialists in the marine industry and naval history but also to the general reader and even to the people having no marine background but still interested with marine life and naval history. We are quite sure that they will not get disappointed with this volume and consider deserving a place in their collection of books.

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The author of this volume, Don Bamford, has represented the culmination of the lifelong human passion for sailing and also for the sailing history as applied to Canada. Being a professional sailor and boat builder, he is taking readers so deep into the sailing to feel its spirit, as applicable to the major historical events on the Lakes and to the interesting stories of the men and places there.

The remarkably extensive historical research conducted by the author will take you back to the times of European contact. The author chronicles the truly glory times of the schooners and brigs, warships dominating the Great Lakes during the war, particularly focusing on the War of 1812. He has also paid particular attention to the ship constructors and naval architects and to the real life challenges on building these vessels in the wild conditions of the colonies.

The author is also documenting the critical role that was played by the sailing ships in the process of settlement, and capturing the commercial role of sailing on the Great Lakes. The book is richly illustrated with numerous archival photographs and the content is supported with a full index. Will be equally appreciated by the armchair historians and people who actually love sailing...

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The book tells the reader about the catastrophes of the Wilhelm Gustloff, Lancastria, Mont Blanc, Sultana and Dona Paz ships. Contents of the book as follows - Introduction; In the hands of God; America's Atlantic; The Halifax explosion; War at sea; Britain's darkest hour; The age of total loss; Ten thousand dead; Worse than Titanic.

The author of the publication has presented the content in a very concise manner putting lots of useful and interesting information in a logical format. The actual causes of the disasters occurring at sea can be very different - from icebergs to the torpedoes; the vessels can get sunk by fires and explosions on board, flooding and capsizing, storms, hurricanes, collisions and, of course, human error.

With marine disasters, there are real stories of the people as well as the vessels. There are stories of human tragedies, war, cowardice and heroism, sacrifice and greed. There were also some stories or survival and rescue, but only for a very luck few... In short, we may conclude that this is an excellent source of information for the people interested in naval history, war, naval battles, and marine vehicles in general. Will be appreciated by any sea lover.

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DK Eyewitness is the most trusted non-fiction series in reference publishing today. It is popular worldwide and copies are sold in more than forty languages. This volume has been dedicated to the oil - the reader will find useful and interesting information in the book, such us the history of oil exploration and production, characteristics and application, will see how oil affects our lives. This release of the DK is dedicated to oil.

The readers will be given an excellent chance to discover the very interesting story of the petroleum and its exploration as well as understand the ways in which oil shapes our world. Take this book, open it and feel yourself an eyewitness to the fascinating world of fossil fuels - get a thorough understanding of where these fuels actually come from, how people can use them, and get an idea about the various effects that these fossil fuels are having on our planet and its environment.

The information contained in the pages of this volume will be valuable for all readers; please also note that the approach used by the author to the compilation of the material will make the content of the book easily understandable even to the junior readers. Highly recommended.

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