Naval Architecture


This title has been specifically designed with the intention of John Newman, its author, to meet the needs for the ocean hydrodynamics text that is duly updated in terms of the approach and content. The publication is solidly based on the fundamental information; however, it also guides the students to a proper and thorough understanding of the various engineering applications.

The content of the volume is very well-written and extremely easy-to-follow. The readers can learn a lot about the hydrofoil theory through the induction effects. It will be also useful for the people willing to get the understanding of the outboard propellers. The book is aimed to satisfy the existing needs for a good and comprehensive textbook that would cover the application of the hydrodynamics to the various marine problems.

The topics presented in the book cover the whole diversity of the problems related to the ship steering and propulsion. The matter addressed in the book has been chosen taking into consideration its huge practical importance. Unfortunately, due to the restricted space some of the topics could not be covered, such as the 3D boundary level computations. However, the information that has been included in the book is remarkably useful and practical.

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The publication is primarily dealing with the flows over the ship propellers that operate behind vessels, together with the forces and movements generated by the propellers on the ship's hull and shafting. An excellent presentation of all complex technical concepts related to the subject. This book is a remarkably useful encyclopedic resource. It is reflecting the results of the work conducted by many researchers in the field and their professional experience collected during last sixty years.

For easier understanding, all mathematical derivations and concepts have all been explained in detail. The main content of the book has been divided in two parts. The first part the subject of the book has been outlines with the comprehensive practical applications to the representation of the performance of the hydrofoils, both with and without cavitation as well as propellers and wings. The second part of the volume is addressing the unsteady forces acting on ship propellers in wakes using the lifting-surface theory together with the vibratory forces included by the ship propellers on the boundaries and hulls.

The last chapter of the book describes the rational procedure to optimize of the compound propulsors with the intention to increase the efficiency. This is one of the best deck references available for the research engineers as well as all other specialists and even students. 

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The present guide has been specifically designed and released to assist marine surveyors and ship masters tin ensuring that they perform the draught surveys in the maximum correct and accurate manner. We know that the accurate measurement of the dry bulk cargo can considerably minimize the risk of potential shortage claims and associated disputes.

The authors of this publication have outlined the established and proven methods and corrections for the draught surveys to be conducted to the required level of accuracy. The content of the guide provides them with the formulas and recommended procedures for nearly every situation that can be encountered in the course of the draught survey. The authors have also included the UN ECE forms for the draught surveys for reference. The guide starts with short introduction and description of the practical procedure of the draught survey. Apart from that, the main content of the guide has three parts covering the information required for the surveys, assessment of the underwater volume of the ship, and deductibles.

A glossary is there at the end of the guide containing and explaining all terminology. Five appendices provide some valuable additional information, such as the equipment, information and corrections check lists, metric/imperial conversions and check list of reservations.

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The content of the present excellent book is mainly based on the reviewed and updated information of this edition. The volume has been prepared by the award-winning author of many other naval architecture books and former VP of RINA. The book will be ideal for the people making their first steps in the subject an also for those willing to refresh their technical knowledge.

The title will provide all of them with a remarkably broad appreciation of naval architecture explaining the theory in physical terms without submerging the readers too deep into the mathematics. The author have covered all basic principles of naval architecture and has also addressed the contemporary fields, such as the design and manufacture using the computer aid, i.e. CAD/CAM. This latest release of the book is reflecting literally all ongoing technical developments and also addresses the international regulations. The content of the book is very easy to follow and this approach has already made this book very popular among the newcomers.

Of course, a proper knowledge and understanding of the basics of naval architecture is critically important not only for them but also to all other people who are working in the marine industry, such as the marine engineers, ship surveyors and crew members, as they all have to possess at least some general knowledge of the subject.

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Some ten years back the world economic crisis has resulted in a significant reduction in the number of transported containers because of the decreased overall amount of transported cargo. As a result of this, so many container carriers have been laid up or had to operate with a relatively small amount of cargo. In such loading condition a stability of the container ships is very high.

In a majority of the cases the VCG, i.e. vertical centre of gravity of the ships is located below the coordinate of the lightship condition, and this happens because of the huge amounts of ballast water in the tanks located in the double bottom and wings plus very small amounts of cargo situated at the bottoms of the cargo holds. We required large amounts of ballast water to get the ship's hull and propulsion arrangements immersed and also to limit the longitudinal bending moment within the structure of the hull. In the classic loading condition higher amounts of cargo require less amounts of ballast and in these cases the stability is less.

Under the circumstances described within the present publication, some accidents have occurred to container ships in the recent past. Subject accidents caused damage to the vessels and heavily injured (and even killed) several crew members who were thrown through the ship's bridge because of the very high transverse accelerations due to the heavy rolling...

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During two decades that have passed since the original publication of this book, there have been several significant technical advances in the field of design and construction of vessels and other marine floating structures. For example, nowadays, computers are among the critically important instruments in any engineering environment, including marine engineering and ship hull construction and computers have already replaced the ubiquitous slide rules of the shipbuilding engineers of earlier generations.

Note that the advances concepts and computational methods are still under development and some of them are introduced as a part of common naval engineering practice of today. These advanced practices include the FEM, standing for the finite element analysis, CFD, i.e. computational fluid dynamics, numerical modeling of the ship hull form and associated coefficients, random methods of processing, and some of them have already been incorporated into the newly established design and manufacturing systems.

The book covers all important aspects of the intact ship stability starting from its elementary principles, determination of the weights of the vessels and their centers of gravity, stability curves and metacentric height, effects that the free liquid surfaces and changes in weights have on stability, inclining test, stability of the grounded vessel, submerged equilibrium etc.

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The present title is intended to provide the required introductory technical background to the naval architecture statistics. Each of the subjects discussed within this volume has been treated in detail, and this approach has been applied starting from the very first principle. The main objective of J. Jensen, the author of this volume, was to derive and present readers all required theoretical information for the prediction of the extreme loads and evaluation of the corresponding stresses in the hull girder of the ship.

Though some part of the book is dedicated to the reliability analysis, this treatment shall be supplemented with the methods for the detailed evaluation of stress and also for the assessment of the structural strength of the ship's hull prior to the commencement of the reliability analysis. The class societies have issued their regulations covering the structural analysis of a vessel and proper selection of its scantlings. In the past, subject regulations gave formulas for the calculation of the hull thickness and size of the stiffening members.

Such empirical regulations must be conservative so that they can be applied to the majority of the vessels. However the regulation have been changed with the advent of the powerful computers. Nowadays, naval architects can perform the structural analysis of the hull using the rational methods that are based on the first principles...

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The global warming and exploration of the hydrocarbons that is carried out in the Arctic region results in the constantly increasing maritime activity in iced waters. Nowadays, it is possible to predict if a ship will be capable of surviving an encounter with the ice of a particular given thickness; however such knowledge will not be enough to accurately predict the associated increase of the fuel costs.

In the present thesis the investigation of the validity of the analytical formulations for the ice resistance in the above mentioned geographical region has been performed. Subject formulations have been based on the trials in the Swedish-Finnish waters having lower salinity and relatively warm climate in comparison to the ones of the Arctic waters. This has been conducted by comparing the ship resistance that is estimated on the basis of the information obtained from the onboard measurements of the ship's speed and thickness of the ice as well as the engine power with the estimates received from the analytical formulations.

The topic addressed in this book is very challenging and rewarding. The thesis starts with the introduction followed by the description of the characteristics of the sea ice, models used for the calculation of the ice induced hull resistance, open-water resistance, analysis of the relevant statistical data, and many other important aspects.

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