Mechanics & Mechanical Engineering


This useful manual was specifically released to present, in a reasonable practical and very clear manner, a really indispensable information resource to be used by the estimators as well a the owners/contractors who are directly involved with estimation of the mechanical costs on different construction projects, including comprehensive technical information, graphs and formulas, and charts.

The publication covers all relevant time-proven and effective procedures together with the established methodologies, offering its readers a broad range of the readily available forms, real-life examples and detailed guidelines to estimation. The readers will learn from the world leading experts how to produce the correct, accurate, quick and easy estimates of the sheet metals, plumbing and piping.

This publication is also expected to be of great value to mechanics and constructors, general contractors and engineers when used for scheduling of their activities, cost accounting and control, plus all associated aspects of the mechanical engineering - they will be given literally everything they need to estimate/bid the projects, including the background info showing where exactly the estimating numbers are coming from, and for sure knowing this all is very important. Subject information includes the correction factor tables which are easy to find and to understand.

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A good and comprehensive text - the author included introductory as well as intermediate and advanced materials which would definitely be appropriate for both students and seniors of mechanical engineering. It is covering all topics relating to the mechanical vibration, presented in quite simple and reader-friendly manner.

The list of the topics addressed in this book includes the very fundamentals of vibration, free vibration of the systems with single degree of freedom, vibration that is excited harmonically and the one under general forcing conditions, systems with two- or more freedom degrees, determination of the natural frequencies plus mode shapes, vibration control, it's measurement and applications, continuous systems, various numerical integration methods and their application to the vibration analysis; FEM (Finite element method), mathematical relationships and material properties, deflection of beams and plates, matrices, Laplace transform; it also provides some introduction to MATLAB program.

The author's aim was to prepare a book that would serve as an intro to the mechanical vibration and, looking at the tremendous number of favorable reactions by the students, professionals and all other interested parties, we may say that he definitely did succeed. This latest edition of the volume retains the style of the previous release but the material contained has been significantly re-worked.

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This book has been developed specifically to fill the existing need for students and professionals of mechanical engineering. With more than a thousand of pages containing useful and valuable information, more than five hundred illustrations and numerous data tables, it shall definitely be looked at as a very comprehensive handbook. The content of the handbook was worked out to cover literally all major fields of the mechanical engineering, including the definitions and mathematical formulas, theoretical information and live practical examples, and understandable explanations of all principles. We would say that this book is the essential companion for all students.

In fact, it may be used by anyone who is preparing to sit for the engineering licensing exams. Though the size of the book is quite small to make it compact, the material has been covered in depth, and that makes the book very handy for the practicing engineers in need for the quick reference tool.  The ultimate purpose of the authors was to provide readers with the text including both theory and examples, and they did succeed in this. Note that it will be equally useful for the researchers and designers since it is convenient to use and detailed.

The content includes the fundamental theories and laws including controls and math. The special features of the book include charts and tables, contributions by the respected experts, formulas with explanations, and special chapters dedicated to the mechanical design.

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This handbook provides all students and practicing mechanical engineers with an essential reference text. James Carvill, the author of the handbook, has added numerous informative illustrations and data tables to the text to provide a clear and clear access to the information presented. The book includes many live examples of the detailed calculations on the applications of the relevant technologies that are commonly in use by the engineers as well as draftsmen and designers.

Though the handbook was mainly intended for students and professionals in mechanical engineering, it contents allows it to be useful for the marine engineers, specialists in offshore and mining engineering, and in fact a wide range of branches. This reference book contains all formulas that the readers may need to be able to correctly solve any mechanical engineering problem, without exhausting them with derivations.

The material is presented in a very clear manner and the lay-out is perfect. The book was prepared with the express intention of the author to present a compact yet quite comprehensive source of technical information that will be of particular value to the engineers owing to the coverage of all main disciplines of mechanical engineers and incorporation of the fundamental principles, formulas, tables and descriptive matter...

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This spectacular title has been specifically intended for the students who have just started their study of the mechanical engineering design. They will definitely find that the content of this book directs them into understanding of fundamentals of the design-related decisions and the standards related to the industrial components. The authors - Keith Nisbett and Richard Budynas - have combined the focus on the basics with a contemporary emphasis on the design issues together with the newly developed applications.

This tenth release of the book retains the well-designed approach of the authors that has already made it one of the most popular books on machine design. The book is full of useful information supplemented with numerous examples. It is also excellent when used for the self-study for all people willing to familiarize themselves with the basics of the machine design and for the professionals who want to refresh their knowledge in this field.

This publication has been deservedly treated as an extremely useful one worldwide, summarizing the essentials of the mechanics from A to Z, covering everything in between. The paragraphs of the book are precise making it useful even for the experts. The material has been presented in four big parts, addressing the basics of design, failure prevention, design of various mechanical elements, and special topics.

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And excellent, easily accessible but still quite comprehensive introduction into the field of mechanical engineering providing a readable and straightforward approach. This sixth release of the publication is including a completely chapter dedicated to the selection of the materials and the discussion of the newly introduced materials plus a new glossary of the key terminology used in the field of materials engineering.

The text of the book has been completely rewritten providing the students and all other interested readers with the information relating to the broadly ranging area of the general materials engineering and associated manufacturing processes for more than four decades. The authors of the volume have made every effort to avoid using of the excessive professional jargon and mathematical complexity which is usually there in the majority of the other books, and they have still managed to retain the practical approach for which this publication is known. The readers will also note the increasing focus made on the selection of the materials.

Though the main intention of the authors was to make a textbook fully meeting the requirements of the engineering syllabuses, the publication also provides a vary useful and valuable desktop reference for the practicing mechanical engineers who need a quick source of relevant technical information.

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This perfect handbook will help all interested readers save their time owing to the pretty common-sense and direct techniques providing a quick and accurate real-life solutions to all engineering problems. The author of the publication has managed to assemble a huge number of practical shortcuts together with the associated calculations, supplemented with the concise reviews in a single volume.

The book will serve as an excellent reference tool for the people involved in any field of mechanical engineering. The material presented in the book has been compiled on the basis of the invaluable contributions made by the mechanical engineering experts. The readers will find the easy-to-understand technical descriptions of all aspects of engineering and also get familiarized with the equipment. The book is recommended to anyone from students to specialists because of the remarkably broad coverage and presentation. The volume is absolutely full of the fundamental theoretical info, methods for quick calculation, informative illustrations and data diagrams.

The content consists of sixteen chapters covering everything that would be expected to make the volume practically useful for the engineers. The author has also included the chapters on vibration and fatigue, and there is even a separate chapter fully dedicated to the engineering economics.

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For years, this handbook has been considered one of the most comprehensive and popular reference works in the field of engineering, design and metalworking as well as the other relevant areas. It has been in wide use in technical schools and colleges as the practical and authoritative tool, providing students with the most basic and essential aspects of manufacturing practice.

The present release contains serious updates and revisions of the existing material and also some new materials; some of the major sections have been extensively renovated, including properties of the materials, machine elements, mathematics, gauging, threads, measuring, manufacturing etc. As a result, the content of the publication has been increased to nearly three thousand pages. Note that this volume is not just for the professionals, i.e. it can easily be used by any people with the interest in the fields of engineering mentioned above.

The carefully selected and compiled content of the volume has made this book world popular and treated as a Bible for the practicing engineers and students, with many readers calling it the best engineering reference book ever published. In short, we would recommend this publication for any technical person and consider it a must-have handbook on the bookshelf of any professional engineer.

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