Marine Engineering


You shall definitely have a look into this excellent publication prepared by the MarineInsight team. The document is dealing with the boilers installed on board marine ships. This book covers the design and construction of the boilers while the second part of the set addresses their operation and technical maintenance.

The author starts with the types of the marine boilers and their working principles, including the smoke/water tube boilers, composite boilers, and explaining the difference between the main boiler types. The mountings used for installation of the boilers, are paid particular attention, taking into account their critical importance for the safe operation of the boiler. The construction of the marine boilers is explained, as well, together with the associated problems.

The closing section of the volume deals with the boiler burners, including their types, advantages and disadvantages, periodical inspection and routing maintenance. This is a perfect choice for the people who want to get general understanding of the marine boilers, owing to the clear and understandable explanations given by the author and supplemented with the nice and colorful images.

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This is the second book of the set on the marine boilers. The first one was dealing with the design and construction of the boilers. In this book the operation and maintenance of the marine boilers are covered. There are five major sections in the book. In the first section the boiler water systems and treatment are discussed, with the due attention paid to all components, maintenance and applicable requirements.

The second section of the volume is devoted to the operational procedures, including starting/stopping, routine operation and technical maintenance, efficiency of the boiler operation etc. Then, the author proceeds to the automation and control systems, including alarms and shutdowns installed on the marine boilers, burner controls, feed water supply and other aspects. The fourth section deals with the periodical checks and inspections of the boilers, valve checks, and associated tests and SOLAS requirements.

The closing section of the publication covers the emergency operations, such as the fires and blowback, automation failure, dry running and others. The set is absolutely recommended to the marine engineers and any crew member involved in the operation and maintenance of the shipboard boilers.

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The present training manual was developed with the intention of the authors to satisfy the demands of the training entities for the practical title on the subject of maintenance of the shipboard machinery and equipment, which would be used for the guidance of the people involved in the troubleshooting of the equipment both ashore and on board ships. It will be of huge value when utilized to be used together with the other publications covering the engine operations.

The authors have provided detailed explanations of the most commonly used methods applied to prevent or detect the casualties and irregularities taking place when operating the shipboard machinery, as well as the technical routine maintenance and repair. Note that the publication will also be very useful for the training purposes and can form a part of the company technical training program.

The trainees who have successfully familiarized themselves with all information contained in the volume will be able to perform their duties in the engine room in much more efficient manner. The volume opens with the chapter presenting a compact troubleshooting guide an providing all operators of the shipboard engines with the proper procedures that shall be followed when finding the causes of the faulty operation.

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In this volume, the basic design features and operation of the low speed marine diesel engines of the crosshead type are discussed. The author has covered the essential design of the subject two-stroke engines together with their construction, components and their arrangement, monitoring of the engine work and control etc.

Due attention has been paid to the selection of the proper engines and its subsequent installation on board ship, operating the engine, and the engines controlled electronically. The main text part of the publication is supplemented with the numerous detailed and informative drawings illustrating the mechanics of the different designs of the marine diesel engines. The volume will be great when used as guidance for the people preparing for the exams for the competency certificates; in addition, it will be very helpful for the marine engineers working on board ships and willing to refresh their knowledge.

The book opens with the chapter providing general information about the low speed engines. The second chapter focuses on the engine construction, followed by the chapter on the safety and additional systems installed on the engines. Then the main portion of the book starts dealing with the operation of the engines and their routine technical maintenance.

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Just imagine, the volume presented to your attention here, is the fifteenth edition of the title so popular among the marine engineers of the beginning of the last century. By the time of its release, the publication had already been treated as maybe the best reference books on marine engineering of all those available at that time.

Apart from the general marine engineering content, the volume also includes valuable guidance for the marine surveyors involved in surveying the shipboard machinery and equipment. The learners start with the prime movers and measurements relating to the engine power, efficiency of the machinery installed on board ships, followed by the ship propulsion and resistance experienced by the ship’s hull. After that, all of the engine components are dealt with in detail, including the cylinders, pistons and rods, shafting and connecting rods, main bearings, etc.

It would be good to focus on the shipboard pumping arrangements, including all types of pumps and services, for example air pumps, bilge pump, feed water pumps and so many others. The ship valves are also explained in a very clear way. Taking into account the really impressive coverage of the topics, it would be impractical to list all of them here, so we just recommend you to have this volume – even though it obviously does not reflect the modern technological trends, the theoretical essentials are perfectly covered.

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The control valves are considered vital components of the modern manufacturing, and their significance importance is constantly increasing. It is very important to perform proper selection and maintenance of the control valves in order to get the safety, efficiency, ecology and profitability increased and maintained at high level. The present volume shall serve as a primary reference source since the time of the original printing several decades back.

And this fourth release of the book is presenting the vital technical information related to the performance of these valves and the recent developments. The first chapter offers a brief introduction to the valves, providing the commonly used definitions for the applied terminology. The second chapter is developing the topic of the valve performance, while the third chapter is covering the control valves together with the types of actuators. The following chapter provides the descriptions of the analog positioners and digital controllers, boosters and some other accessories, while the fifth chapter contains a concise yet truly comprehensive guidance to the selection of the best valves for the particular applications.

The remaining chapters provide the required information about the desuperheaters and bypass systems, installation and maintenance procedures to be followed, recognized standards and agencies entitled to approve the design and construction of the control valves, piping reference data, common conversions and engineering reference data tables. The volume shall be used as the reference book and also as a textbook...

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The main declared intention of the authors of this volume was to provide assistance to the piping engineers during the selection of valves for particular application and duly meeting all design parameters of specific process service. The book addresses virtually all types of valves and gives a good resume of the main concepts. The content is fairly comprehensive, the explanations are clear and supplemented by illustrations.

According to the reviews, the volume is remarkably instrumental and helpful when used for the calculation of the pressure drop. The commonly used packing materials have also been covered in detail. This is an excellent choice for both specialists and novices. This latest edition will be equally useful for the designers and project engineers. There are several new chapters added and covering the valve locking devices and actuators, bleed- and double ball valves plus providing the useful glossary of terms.

Ten chapters of the book are focusing on the different important aspects of valve technology. Due attention was paid by the authors to the new generations of valves intended for use offshore. In addition, the book addresses newly introduced environmental friendly equipment and relevant procedures considered critically important issue in the oil and gas industry of today...

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Another brilliant title presented by MarineInsight experts. This one is devoted to the components of the two-stroke marine engines. A two-stroke engine is deservedly considered the most critical part of the merchant ship since it provides the power required to propel the ship transporting the cargoes between ports.

Though there are numerous newly established regulations and technologies released to govern the maintenance and operation of these engines, some of the things remain same, and these include technical maintenance procedures, such as testing and measurements as well as taking clearances.

The authors of this volume have prepared an excellent compilation of the important checks and tests plus measurements commonly performed on the components of the two-stroke marine diesel engines. The content of the publication is covering the calibration procedures to be followed when conducting routine technical maintenance of the MAN B&W and SULZER marine diesel engines widely used on board marine ships.

The volume will definitely be of great practical interest for the students of marine engineering as well as for the machinery room personnel who will find many useful tips to be applied for their day to day work.

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