Naval History


This book is solely dedicated to a life of Sir Andrew Cunningham, the Admiral of the Royal Navy and one of the most prominent historic characters, leading sailor of the Navy of the World War Two. He was known for his initials "ABS" and he is still commemorated. The principal theatre of his naval operations was in the Mediterranean sea where he held the line against the strategic situations worse that they could be expected and even imagined by the people dealing with the planning.

This fact has been exemplified by the role that the Royal Navy played in conducting the fighting withdrawal versus the  catastrophic odds from Crete is spring of the year 1941. Admiral felt and knew that not only the fate of the British expeditionary forces but also reputation of the whole Navy was at stake, and this made him resolute in his actual support fir the subject operation. He also held against Churchill's demands for the more offensive actions than just demanded by the strategic circumstances or the resources possessed by the Admiral.

And that was quite different sort of battle, highly political and continual, but for sure, should that battle be lost by Cunningham, the potential consequences could be terrible. The publication will provide naval historians and just enthusiasts with all required information and very interesting facts related to the life and fight of the Admiral Cunningham.

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The author of this world popular and famous publication, Ian Johnston, who is a professional graphic designer having a deep interest in ships and their construction, presents the perfect and rare collection of the selected stunning shipyard photographic images, most of which have never been published anywhere before. The Clydebank ship construction yard, although known mostly for capital vessels and large liners, did build a vast range of the vessels between 1914 and 1920.

This book includes two hundred images intended to depict in really unprecedented detail every single technical aspect of the shipyard's output, from Aquitania (1914) to Enterprise (1920). These images chronicle the huge impact that the war had on the working conditions in the ship yard, and especially in the introduction of women to the workforce. The publication is a remarkably vivid portrait of the lost industry at the very top point of its success.

The quality of the photos contained in the book is truly incredible and the descriptions are accurately detailed and very interesting to all categories of readers regardless of their background. The vast majority of the images are focusing on the construction of the fifty-four vessels that took place at the shipyard in the period 1914-1919...

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According to the numerous reviews submitted by the readers from different parts of the world, this book definitely deserves the attention of anyone interested in marine world and maritime history. They all recommend this one to all fans of the early times of the world exploration as the book provide the perfect presentation of the material quite within any other titles. Hundreds of footnotes given by the author as supplementary information will be of particular use to the people deeply dealing with the subject.

There are also dozens of images to make reading more interesting and fascinating. This book should be read slowly and attentively, thoroughly passing all the ideas of the sixteenth century, so please note that this will require some of your time and attention. Read it and we are sure you will not get disappointed as you will get to know so much more about one of the most important periods in the world maritime history.

In fact, it is a great story of one of the greatest seafarers and explorers, told by one of the crew members of the vessel, that is why the book is so highly recommended to the general readership and fans of the marine history, in particular, who will all benefit from the content.

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This work by Jason Burns is focusing on the shipwrecking events and on the history as well as the archaeology of a single vessel. The publication provides readers with the information on the international shipping and struggle for dominance in the maritime shipping in the XIX century.

The author has successfully used a wealth of the historical information and data together with the results obtained in the course of the numerous archaeological surveys to shed the light on the wreck of a XIX-century merchant ship off Pensacola, Florida, US, offering readers a very interesting story, well-written and researched... Stroll along the white sands of Santa Rosa Island on Florida's Panhandle, gaze out to the clear emerald waters of the Gulf of Mexico, then close your eyes and imagine this scene: at daybreak the storm has abated, but heavy seas still pound the beach...



In his book the author, Jason Burns, used the very wide assortment of historical data along with the results of various archaeological surveys in order to tell the readers the fascinating story of the shipwreck happened to a XIX-century merchant vessel "Catharine" not far from Pensacola, Florida. He offers a very interesting reading, well written and researched.



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According to the professional reviews, the major strength of this publication by Brian Rouleau is that the author has not limited the scope of his research to either Atlantic or Pacific. He rather sets out to perform the examination of the global maritime empire. This new volume forces the readers to reconsider the ways in which the foreign relations are working.

The author of the book has professionally crafted a truly impressive reimagining of the working-class seamen placing them at the centre of the American relationship with the other world in the early and mid-XIX century. The straightforward arguments and imaginative research conducted by the author has made this publication an uncommonly pleasant reading. The efforts made by Rouleau has eventually resulted in this groundbreaking study of the American sailors abroad; in this volume, he has rewritten the whole history of the foreign relations of the United States in the antebellum are.

One of the point revealed by the author was that the Manifest Density was the global process extending quite far beyond the terrestrial borders of America, and he has done this through a very keen analysis and impressively thorough research. The content of the volume is illustrating a very wide range of the inter-cultural encounters between the seafarers and the people who they met all around the globe.

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Here is the final volume of Admiral Morison's monumental work on the naval history. The book consists of three big chapters - Iwo Jima, Okinawa and Miscellaneous Operations. The text part is supplemented with numerous illustrations. Several useful and informative maps and charts have also been provided in the publication in order to help reader get some better understanding of the operations that took place in the course of the World War Two campaigns.

This nice title is expected to serve as a practical source of reference and knowledge. In his excellent work, Admiral Morrison has made an attempt to thoroughly examine two famous naval campaigns in which he did participate personally, namely Okinawa and Iwo Jima. He has described all consequences of the kamikaze attacks on the ships of the United States Navy fleet and discussed the strategy that did actually lead to the final campaigns of that war and to the dropping of the A-bombs.

The author has also addressed the logistical problems connected with supplying the armies and fleets far away from the bases, submarine attacks, and quite controversial loss of the famous USS Indianapolis, providing readers with the detailed account of the negotiations that resulted in the Japan's surrender.

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This publication was prepared by Roy Fenton, who is the well-known author of more than twenty books on shipping history. Throughout the history, the tramps ships were always called the taxi of the seas. They had no regular schedules and voyaged everywhere and anywhere, picking up and dropping off various cargoes, mainly bulk cargoes like timber, grain, coal, oil and others.

In this book the author did his best to describe the evolution of the tramp ships over the course of more than hundred years. The preset introductory publication is expected to provide the readers with the close look at the design and construction of the tramp vessels together with the description of their machinery installations, also covering the operation and management of the subject vessels as well as the life and work of the officers and crew members.

The main body of the book consists of the three hundred wonderful photographs of the individual vessels that are vividly illustrating the whole process of development of the tramp and maritime trade in the end-XIX century, both World Wars and post-war times. Each of the captions provides the ship dimensions, shipyards and owners, as well as valuable notes. The design features of the ships have been highlighted to make this book a classic one, inspiring all historians and enthusiasts of the merchant shipping.

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The content of the present book is mainly focusing in the maritime conflicts looked at as one of the parts of the process of transformation that took place in Europe from the end-XVIII century to the mid-XVII century. The main lines of the subject transformation are quite well-known, Looking from the maritime perspective, some of the parts of this transformation process were considered particularly important.

The long-distance maritime trade has significantly increased and the role of the capitalist entrepreneurs in human society has become much more important in Europe. In the whole Mediterranean area, in the Ottoman and Spanish empires dominated in the beginning of the XVI century. The last decades of the XVI century and early decades of the XVII century showed the rapid rise of both political and economic power of the north-western Europe and stagnation of the Mediterranean...

In this publication, the author has emphasized the role of the maritime conflicts in the naval history and transformation of Europe, in particular. It starts with the clear description of the important role of the warfare, followed by the major technology as well as tactics and strategy, information on changing maritime societies, maritime wars, organizations and states, maritime state formation and Atlantic warfare, galley navies, major sailing navies and wealth of other important and valuable historical information.

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