Electrics & Electronics


This volume surveys the latest technologies that are used to satisfy the world's need for the cleanest and most efficient electricity and provides a good and thorough examination of the synchronous generators used for various applications. It offers readers a very focused treatment to the modeling and design, control of the performance and testing of the grid-connected and stand-alone generators being operated synchronously.

The publication gives a nice intro to the electrical energy and it's generation, and covers the basic principles of the operation of electric generators. Separate chapter has been devoted to the most popular models of the prime movers for the transients that are used for the active control of generators, while individual chapters of the book explore the various aspects of the large and medium-power generators.

There are many sample results, examples and illustrations highlighting the concept. The book will supply it's readers with all tools that are required to design the right power generation technologies, validate and deploy them, and to fulfill the very complex energy requirements of tomorrow. An excellent book on the topic and perfect reference source for anyone involved in design, construction, operation, maintenance and/or repair of the generators.

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This handbook is intended to cover all modern technologies related to the propulsion of the vessels and power electronics as well as ocean energy. The material in question has been studied with the depth and breadth that the reader will hardly find in any other publication of same kind. The author has made a good attempt to examine the power electronic systems utilized for vessel propulsion as well as for extracting the energy of the ocean, which shall be treated as the mirror images.

The publication comprises of sixteen chapters divided into four major parts, namely power electronics and motor drives, in which the author explains the very basic converters and drives, cooling methods and power quality, electric propulsion technologies, mainly focusing on the ships propulsion by means of the superconducting motors and other latest technologies, renewable ocean energy, exploring the energy coming from the ocean waves and currents as well as from the wind farms installed offshore, and, finally, system integration aspects, where the author is discussing the energy storage and system reliability factors, essential for any of the power systems.

This is a really ideal textbook that may be used even in marine academies with engineering programs. It will be equally useful to marine engineers, ship constructors and all other specialists.

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The present book begins with the very brief intro to the basics of the semiconductor technology, including their structure, band theory of crystals and description of the energy level diagram. Difference between extrinsic and intrinsic semiconductors is explained in this opening chapter, and types (N- and P-) of the extrinsic ones have also been covered together with some other information.

The next chapter has been dedicated to the semiconductor junction diodes while the third one addresses the diode circuits and provides the necessary information about clippers, clampers, rectifiers, comparators, filter circuits, voltage multiplying circuits etc. Then there comes a chapters dealing with the transistors, integrated circuits, and their fabrications.

The rest of the titles include transistor biaising techniques, two-port network theory and circuit models, small signal basic amplifiers, multistage and feedback amplifiers, power, tuned and wideband amplifiers, oscillators, multi-vibrators, basic logic gates, and other information. Definitely needful publication for the electricians and all people dealing with the design, maintenance and repair of the electrical equipment and systems.

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Here is the 2nd thoroughly updated edition of the world famous "The Art of Electronics" book, which has been revised in order to include all latest developments of the electronics world. The present publication is worldwide accepted as very successful reference book on the analog/digital electronic circuit design, in fact it revolutionized the whole process of teaching electronics by emphasizing the methods that are currently in use by circuit designers -- a combination of the basic laws and rules of thumb plus huge number of tricks.

The efforts of the authors resulted in largely nonmathematical treatment encouraging circuit intuition as well as brainstorming and simplified calculations of the electrical circuit performance and values. The publication is full of sharp insights and, at the same time, requires minimum knowledge of mathematics. The depth and richness of examples supplementing the theoretical material, is truly genuine.

We would recommend this book to any person involved in the experiments or researches in the field of electronics since it is delightful; note that all schematics are readable and the circuits do work. The publication features a tremendous diversity of invaluable technical info and will provide readers with an easy way to learn everything about the electronic design.

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We are glad to introduce the fifth release of the Programmable Logic Controllers which continues to be very easy-to-use book, providing readers with the very basic principles of such controllers without tying to any particular manufacturer of PLC.

The present volume contains a truly extensive number of various examples and solved problems intended to assist in better and more thorough understanding of the theory provided, and utilizes various popular controllers, trying to highlight the fundamental knowledge to be used without having to address any of the PLC manufacturers. The publication is intended to help the readers to understand the basic principles of the design and internal architecture, principles of operation of the controllers and to identify the associated safety issues as well as fault diagnostics methods, ways of proper testing and debugging.

Numerous case studies have been included in this edition of the book to supplement the theory; the title also features the extended coverage of the sequences, and much more details have been provided there relating to the programming using the sequential function charts, testing inputs and outputs, comparison of various relay-controlled systems etc.; the IEC programming standard has also been touched in this publication together with the programming devices, security issues etc.​

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The present publication was written by John Winders on the basis of the training materials of the Transformer Applications course. It aims to cover the most relevant and important topics, like basic theory of the transformers, two-winding transformer connections, transformer impedance/losses and three-winding transformers, automatic transformers, short circuits, inrush currents, auxiliary electrical equipment, reading and applying name plate data, and, finally, maintenance, troubleshooting and testing, as well as their reliability.

The theoretical materials that are provided by the author are supplemented with lots of equations, data tables and illustration for their easier understanding. The author has covered the underlying theory of the power transformers and also touched the issues relating to the application of this theoretical knowledge to the design process of the transformers. This handbook would also be very helpful when used as a sort of practical reference for the industrial power engineers.

In addition to all the summaries provided in each of the chapters, the main body of the publication gives a truly excellent descriptions of the various auxiliary electrical equipment and systems. In short, the book gives the info on how to read and interpret, and subsequently apply the data on the transformer's nameplate...

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Another Newnes electrical engineering publication is intended to serve as a perfect reference which would cover the different important aspects of application of high power semi-conductor technology to various power conversion equipment, large motor drives, utility auxiliaries, power supplies and many other applications.

The book covers such areas as electrical power and various power apparatus, feedback control systems, phase control, pulsed converters, rectifiers, switch mode systems, converter equations, rotating machines, different thermal considerations, etc. It includes more than two hundred of illustrations, many examples and features a very down-to-earth approach without any isoteric information and too complex jargon. the readers will be provided with the valuable cautionary advice basing on the examples of costly design goofs.

The author of the book did a really remarkable job making the complex power electronics design transparent and easy-to-understand for the readers, thanks to the direct and very simple language used in his explanations and also owing to the minimum reliance on the math. Would say this is the recommended reading for any person making the practical steps in the field of power systems design.

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Here is another part of The Electric Power Engineering Handbook prepared by Leonard Grigsby. The author offers the readers detailed and duly focused technical information which covers virtually all aspects relating to the protection, stability, control and operation of the electrical power systems.

The material that has been chose by the author for inclusion in this volume has been compiled using the contributions by the recognized industry specialists under the direct technical guidance provided by accomplished authority in the field of electrical power engineering. Indeed, nearly every part of the publication has been significantly updated to keep pace with all recent technological developments in power systems of today, reflecting all changes and updates made to the relevant national/international industry standards and recommended practices.

There are some completely new chapters that have been added by the author on the power system oscillations, stability controls, dynamic modeling etc - all mentioned changes were made with the intention to keep the publication relevant in the fast evolving field. As a result, we are quite sure that this book will help you ensure safest, most efficient and best-quality power delivery, and may recommend it for use by both students and industry professionals to get to the desired level of technical knowledge.

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