

Who greens the waves

Author(s) Judith van Leeuwen
Publisher Wogegingen Academic Publishers
Date 2010
Pages 201
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The main content of this volume prepared by Judith van Leeuwen, is presenting a culmination of a very interesting and important research project performed by the author, whose intention was to thoroughly explore the idea of the environmental governance of the maritime/offshore industry, looking from the historical perspective. The book opens with some introductory information, including the general info on the marine environment, governance, research questions etc.

The following chapter of has been mainly dedicated to the changing spheres of authority in the environmental governance, while the third chapter is dealing with the research methodology while the fourth and fifth chapters address changing authority in the maritime/offshore field. The other chapter is focusing on the comparison conducted of the environmental governance of the offshore vs shipping industries. The closing chapter of the volume contains the conclusions and reflection. The main portion of the document has been supplemented with the references and several appendices, summary, info on the conceptual framework, various established methods of research plus associated questions.

The environment protection is quite a new field of research and study, and that is the basic reason why there are no too many sources of info available on the subject matters. This, in turn, is what makes the present volume so valuable to all interested persons.

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