

Tanker Chartering

Author(s) ICS
Publisher Marisec Publications
Date 2016
Pages 325
Format pdf
Size 20 Mb







This is one of the most useful publications on tanker chartering of those available today. The volume was developed and released by one of the most recognized organization of today’s maritime world. The readers will start with some brief information about the historical background and development of the tanker shipping; here, the structure and arrangements on the tankers will also be addressed.

After that, the chapter devoted to the tanker chartering geography will go, followed by the one dealing with the structure of the market from new construction of the tankers and up to their scraping. The voyage estimating has been covered in the next chapter with the attention paid to the route, bunkers, port time, expenses and other aspects. The remaining chapters of this publication are dealing with the chartering market practice, lay time and time-charters, financial elements and charter parties, etc.

The closing part of the book provides information about the major organizations in the industry, such as the AAA, BIMCO, ACOPS, FONASBA, ICS, ECASBA, ICS, ITF, INTERTANKO, OSRL and many others. Several appendices provide supplementary information such as the firm offer form, voyage tanker checklist, examples of bill of lading, letters of indemnity etc.

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