

Stowaways Checklist

Author(s) UK P&I Club
Publisher UK P&I Club
Date 2011
Pages 4
Format pdf
Size 1 Mb







Another compact but useful publication - this one is intended to provide readers with the specific guidance to the main steps to be taken for the prevention and dealing with the stowaways. It is really necessary to ensure that the recommendations of the relevant sections of the ISPS Code have been duly implemented, and this particularly relates to the gangways of the vessel as well as the dock areas - this has to be done prior to a vessel's call at the port or at the time of entering the port.

All access point on board the vessel should be duly secured. Make sure that one of the crew members has been specifically assigned the duty of manning the gangway and monitoring every single embarking and disembarking person. In some cases additional precautions may be required, e.g. utilization of the CCTV technology. The ramps of the ro-ro ships shall be monitored all the time and all access points located on the deck shall be locked to prevent any unauthorized entry.

All expected visitors to the vessel shall be known to the Master and gangway watcher together with the expected arrival time and intended business. They shall all be instructed to report to the gangway watched in the first instance. The ship shall be carefully searched prior to the departure including all areas that are commonly difficult to access or where there is lack of light...

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