Ship Modeling


The content of the book was worked out by R. C. Andersen and aimed at the ship model builders. There are not too many publications available today that would provide the ship modeling enthusiasts with same amount of the practical and useful information. The materials selected by the author for inclusion in this book is supplemented by the numerous clear and informative diagrams for better understanding.

This volume is primarily intended to provide the detailed description of how exactly the XVII century English, Dutch, French and many other European navy and trading vessels were rigged, from the running rigging of the topsails and topgallants to the bowsprit and lower masts. It contains for than three hundred and fifty line drawings illustrating the rigging of all presented ships in detail.

The title will for sure be of great use for people who like ships and modeling, and who are interested in naval history and warships of the past. Even if you are not ship modeler, have a look in the book and you will find a true wealth of the historical information inside. Who knows, you may get taken away with the romance of sea and come to the world of ship modeling - why not to start with this one...

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This book was written by the professional ship model maker putting to paper the effective and most popular methods he has developed himself during his thirty years spent at the work bench with the main intention to provide some help and practical guidance to the beginners taking their very first steps in this exciting hobby. The readers are not expected to have any serious skills in model making.

All they need to do is to understand a coach and follow the instructions. The author is leading the readers through the whole process of model making starting from choosing a modeling kit through setting a work shop and up to the final stage of decorating and even displaying ready models, with the incredible clarity and patience. There are dozens of practical shortcuts revealed in this volume.

Note that the volume includes a concise yet comprehensive Italian-English glossary of nautical terms which will be very useful when you start to assemble the Italian modeling kits widely presented in American and of course European shops today. Take a look in this book and you will understand that building ship models is not difficult at all - it contains absolutely everything you will ever require in order to get successfully started in a perfect pastime that will definitely last a lifetime...

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The ship modelling is a truly fascinating and deservedly popular hobby owing to the enormously wide field of chronological and geographical choice. It is equally interesting to artists and craftsmen, students and professionals, technical and non-technical persons - in fact everyone - since it is quite inexpensive and reachable for all still permitting remarkably broad science, artistry and craftsmanship standards.

This book was designed for she ship modellers and its author is a practical and expert model maker with a thorough knowledge and understanding of the vessels and the sea which he gained from so many years of his sailing experience. All people with the interest in ship model making who have tried this book, found it very useful and practical - the content of the volume has proven to be greatly helpful in their hobby.

That is why and following their recommendations, we would suggest that all ship modellers, regardless of their level and skills, have a look in this publication since all of them will definitely find something interesting in its pages. In fact, it is one of the best available volumes available today of ship modelling - just have a look and leave your comment.

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Well, it goes without saying that sailing is one of the most adventurous and significant aspects of human history. The mariners of the past are truly legendary people recalled today due to their courage. From the other side, their ingenuity can be expressed by the highest degree of technical advances that was achieved in the development of sailing vessels.

That is why the sailing vessels really deserve their right to be represented in the art collection owing to their magnificent structure and decorations. The present picture publication was released to illustrate the ship models contained in the famous collection of the Museum. Though not forming too large group, these models are outstanding and some of them are even unique, such as the McKay half-models and the Royal George.

The detailed photographs of the models exposed in the Museum are supplemented by a short yet quite informative narrative providing some additional information about particular vessel. The present volume was designed to be of great interest for the ship modelers, naval history enthusiasts and even general readers who will definitely find huge amount of useful and perfectly illustrated information.

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This set consists of two maritime atlases. The language is French. The files inside contain detailed black-and-white drawings/sketches of the sailing ships of the past. This set will be useful for ship modelers as well as everyone else fond of the sailing fleet of the past.

The quality of the images contained in both atlases is quite satisfactory, so the readers will definitely not experience any problems connected with the loss of quality during the scaling. We would recommend the present set of atlases to all people with the serious interest in the naval history and ships of the past, and particularly to the ship modelers.

The publication is very rare and the content will be greatly appreciated by all model makers since they will find the information not available in most of the other publications on the subject of ship modeling.

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Set of the drawings of the Spanish ships. The language of the comments on the drawings is Spanish. Though the quality of the major part leaves much to be desired, this material may be useful for ship modelers or any other persons interested in naval history.

In this compilation there are drawings and sketches for almost fifty famous Spanish vessels of the past - Cañonero Eolo y Tritux, Jaime I y Alfonso, Anteproyecto Lancha Torpedera, Artabro, Audaz, Azor, Barcaza embarque y fondeo minas, Barcaza Lanzamiento Torpedos, Buque escuela mecanicos Virgen de la caridad, Calarredes, Acorazado Espana, Canonero Magallanes, Lezo, Concha, Elcano, Transporte de Ataque Aragon, Destructores Velasco Alsedo, Sumergibles General Mola, Crucero Cardenal Cisneros, Crucero Almirante Cervera, Crucero Mendez Nuñez, Crucero Navarra, Crucero Príncipe Alfonso, Destructor Charles Adams, Lazaga Corbeta Descubierta, Isla de Luzon, Destructor Lepanto, Destructor Mendez Nunez, Destructores Huesca y Teruel, Dragaminas Bidasoam, Destructores Ceuta y Melilla, Dragaminas Oceanicos Tipo Guadiana, Transporte de Ataque Galicia, Buque Hidrografico Malaspina, Sumergible Garcia de los Reyes, Lanchas Alemanas, Cruceros Marques de la Ensenada, Isla de Cuba, Minador Neptuno, Destructores tipo Oquendo, Petrolero Pluton, Petrolero Teide, Proyecto Guardacostas Kanguro, Remolcador 1845, Submarinos Isaac Peral Y Cosme Garcia, Buque Escuela Juan Sebastian Elcano, Sumergible Narciso Monturiol, Sumergible Tipo B, Transformacion Crucero Canarias en Portaaviones, Transporte de Ataque Castilla, Dragaminas Tipo Nalón.

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The book will provide ship modelers, both beginners and experienced, with some perfect virtual how-to's. Following chapters are included in the book - Introduction; Preparations; Tools; Simple Planking; Scale Planking; Spiling; Joggle Planks and Stealers; Butts; Shaping; Fastenings; Planking the Stern Counter; Seams. In addition, the book has been supplemented with a compact yet useful and comprehensive Glossary of Planking Terms.

In short, this is a truly excellent publication explaining planking very thoroughly while keeping the language simple and easy to understand even to the beginner ship and boat modelers. The text instructions are accompanied with very informative illustrations helping to understand the process. We recommend this booklet to the modelers making their first steps as well as to the experienced builders who may still find something new in the pages of this book or at least refresh their knowledge of planking model ships...

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The book by Robert Bruckshaw has been dedicated to the so-called Admiralty models. The volume opens with a section providing some the general information on these models of the vessels which will be telling the readers everything they wanted to know about the models, the materials they are commonly made of, and other important things.

In fact, creating a model of the vessel is a sort of marine art because a model is a smaller example of a real ship. We can definitely recommend the present publication to all people with the deep interest in ship model making because they may find here some information quite difficult to be found somewhere else, in other publications on model making.

The author, who is the recognized experts in this field, has managed to create a volume that provides all required information presented in a manner making it understandable and easy-to-follow even for the novices...

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