Service and Operational Manuals — Navigation Equipment & DP


The operator's guide for the CyScan PRS, i.e. position reference sensor. The document starts with the introduction providing the part names and serial numbers plus software versions, followed by the chapters with the instructions on the proper use of the system including screen layout, navigation, alarms and controls.

The other three chapters provide the troubleshooting tips with the possible problems and proposed remedies, alarm codes information on fuses/indicators, valuable technical notes including targets, divergence and operation in low temperatures and technical specifications. Check the guides for installers and engineers as well.

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The installer's guide for the CyScan PRS. The document starts with description of the layout of the system components, followed by the instructions on mechanical installation including sensor orientation and mounting. The next chapter addresses the cable installation including technical specifications of the cables, computer options and connection tips.

Remaining chapters of the document cover the set-up of the console including blanking zones, offsets and log creation, and various aspects training of the operators, technical notes and the specific checklist on the installation of the CyScan. Check the guides for operators and engineers as well.

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The engineer's guide for the CyScan PRS. The document opens with the instructions on removing/fitting the key components of the system, describing the stages of assembly and disassembly and providing an overview of the components. The next chapter deals with the engineer level access to the system including the ways to start, setting the ports, scanning the engineering functions etc.

The last chapter of the document provides users with the technical notes covering the connector pin-outs, message types and bits definition. Everything the engineer of the CyScan needs. Check the guides for operators and installers as well.

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Conning 3500 serves as main input and visualisation device for any SMC configuration, such as NavPilot 3500 or DPT 3500. It provides the operator with valuable primary navigation information grouped in a set of functional or 'Conning' mimics. Each mimic is designed for a specific operating condition. It is built from a collection of components from Imtech's extensive SMC library, and may be completed with any ship specific special functionality.

In addition to the visually presented navigation information, the system may be configured to generate acoustic support such as alarm signals. Conning 3500 is a client application that, depending on the configuration on board, may be installed on a DPT 3500 Server, a dedicated Conning 3500 client system, or a a multi-purpose workstation. In principle, the application can be installed in two hardware depending versions - a version for a system with track ball or mouse, and a touch screen version providing a pop-up dialog whenever the operator wants to enter settings-Several clients may run in parallel on a number of operating positions. Depending on the configuration, operator accessibility may be limited to avoid conflicts between the operator positions in different rooms.

A Conning 3500 client requires a server application for providing data. A DPT 3500 DP2 class configuration contains two servers in a master/slave set-up and an independent joystick server. The Conning by default shows data from, and provides access to, the Master server; however, provisions are available to temporarily address the Slave server.

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This document presents the officially distributed manual for the AMVER ship reporting system which is widely used on the vessels operated by the USCG with the purpose of promotion of the safety of both human life and safety at sea.

The mission of the AMVER is to provide the SAR authorities with a quickly delivered and accurate information of the positions of the ships located close to the reported distress, as well as their characteristics. The information in this paper has been arranged in twelve volumes providing the general information on the systems and its use, communication network and format of the report, as well as the reporting requirements.

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