

Safer Mooring

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Mooring is a routine procedure. It involves huge stress on the lines and sometimes huge stress for the team. The operation is quickly done and forgotten most of the time. There is one way to help ensure safer mooring – good risk analysis and proper safety planning. Remember – better planning means safer mooring. Because precise data of the berth, weather and traffic conditions may not be available until the last moment, there may be little time to plan.

Many issues need to be considered. The increased risk of mooring at night must be allowed for. How experienced are the crew members involved? Have recent incidents been considered? Ask yourself – are you missing something? Never become complacent about planning the mooring. The next step is preparation. The members of the mooring team need to be informed about the plan.

Do they understand it and know what they are expected to do? In mooring operations complacency causes accidents. The correct personal protective equipment is an important part of proper preparation. Everyone must wear boots and gloves, hard hats with straps. Once at the mooring station, first check that the lines and equipment prepared are exactly those required by the mooring plan…

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