

This is one of the most successful and popular books on the history of seamanship. We all understand that it would be next to impossible to try and write a complete and truly comprehensive history of the seamanship in a single volume. However, the author of this publication has managed to provide readers with an excellent and very interesting work. The seamanship itself began so many centuries ago - no one knows when exactly but people believe that happened in the Stone Age.

The content of this book will lead the readers through the whole history of seamanship starting from the old-time boats and up to the modern nuclear powered ships navigated by electronics. What the author did is that he arranged the material presented to the readers in six separate chapters, each of them covering one particular period of the history. The opening chapter is dealing with the earliest days of seamanship while in the second chapter we move to the antiquity.

The last chapter covers the times of the mechanical revolution. The main body of the volume is supplemented with the compact glossary of seamanship terminology which will be definitely appreciated by the people relatively new to the maritime world. Numerous brilliant photographs and images are there to provide additional information making it even more interesting to read.

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This is a very interesting and a truly breathtaking story telling readers about the sinking of one of the most well known American container vessels - El Faro. The tragedy of the crew consisting of thirty-five people is told in the pages of this book. This happened on 1st of October, 2015 when the Hurricane Joaquin reached Bermuda Triangle - it just swallowed El Faro and this eventually resulted in the worst disaster of the American shipping in the past 35 years.

It is still a mystery how a modern ship duly equipped with all necessary satellite communication systems, electronic navigation means and absolutely latest weather forecasting aids could just vanish. There were hundreds of interviews with the recognized maritime experts and with the family members of the people working on board El Faro, and there were even some conversations of the crew members recorded by the shipboard data recorder.

Rachel Slade, the professional journalist, did every effort to try and unravel the mystery of sinking of this ship. Her work has resulted in this perfectly reported account, taking readers straight into the heart of the American shipping industry. The book will be interesting not only to the professional mariners but is actually aimed at much broader readership.

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Throughout our history, people have always utilized various boats, rafts and vessel for traveling across water, and this started many thousand years ago. In general, a ship can be referred to as any craft capable of traveling on water, however ships have significantly developed and passed all the way from simplest log rafts to the huge oil tankers.

This development has of course affected life on land, in shipbuilding facilities and marine ports where thousands of people work loading and discharging different cargoes transported by sea. It should be noted that the difference between a boat and a ship is not very clear even today.

Generally, ships are larger and travel across the oceans and seas, while boats are relatively small and would commonly travel on coastal waters, lakes and rivers; there can be exceptions though. Nowadays, boats and ships appear in so many sizes and shapes and sizes, and there is a very wide range of the ways they are used by people - from small rowing boats to enormous cruise liners taking people from one continent to another.

The perfect selection of different boats and ships contained in this publication is intended to illustrate the broad range of jobs they can do, as well as their importance for transport industry, commerce and leisure, combat and exploration. Several projects will definitely help readers get better understanding of the technical side of vessels, particularly how the ships float, how they are powered, and how they are controlled.

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An absolutely perfect and so popular atlas aimed at all categories of readers. The wealth of information provided inside the book includes interesting facts, maps covering the whole Earth, and statistical data which will be appreciated by the people with the real interest in geography.

This new edition of the publication provides the updated information and maps duly reflecting all changes that occurred to the borders of the countries and names - the atlas will be particularly interesting for the students but it can be used by anyone. The readers say that this is a great reference source.

The atlas opens with the political and physical world maps followed with the demonstration of the standard time zones. Then, each of the world's regions is addressed in detail, note that the maps themselves and full of additional information and interesting facts making using the atlas funny.

After that, each of the world’s countries is dealt with – in this section of the book the readers will be given a brief but comprehensive info covering the geography and climate, people and society, the economy and many other facts. We would say that this atlas is a must-have one in every home and not only aimed at seamen.

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The oceans of the world are still very mysterious places. The life within the oceans is still a sort of mystery. However, the world is paying due attention to the serious and continually increasing environmental problems beneath their waves - this shall be treated seriously by every single human. For so many years people believed that nothing could affect the life of the sea creatures since they are well beneath the waves.

Now we all come to understand that this is not a case, and the main reason for that is the human activity, not only increase in the human population but also such activities and maritime shipping, offshore exploration and production of oil and gas, and so many other activities directly or indirectly affecting the oceans. Have a look into this Atlas telling you about the oceans and seas of our planet.

It opens with some brief introduction which is followed by the chapters on the ocean geology and ocean life zones, endangered marine species, coastal and temperate waters, tropical, polar and open waters, etc. each of the oceans has been addressed separately. The glossary with the basic terms has been included. Note that we have some other publications like this one, namely Atlas A-Z - A Pocket Guide to the World Today, Lloyd's Maritime Atlas of World Ports and Shipping Places, and Atlas of Maritime History.

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This World Atlas is one of the most popular publications that will be interesting to everyone. The materials contained in this book have been arranged by continent, and the author moves eastward starting from the IDL, standing for the International Date Line. The first chapter of the Atlas will provide readers with the detailed and interesting descriptions of the structure of Earth, associated systems and the essential features.

The Atlas can definitely be treated as one of the best guides to the world of today. It is good that the content opens with quite comprehensive and thorough insight for each of the continents, covering their physical characteristics, information about political and economic systems. This data is followed by the professionally made maps of each geopolitical region.

The way the information is presented in the pages of the present volume makes it very useful even to the people not directly associated with the maritime industry but still interested in the structure of the world and willing to have a single volume where they could find all necessary information about every part of the planet. Have a look and save this one for the future reading and reference.

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It goes without saying that knotting is a very enjoyable and pleasant pastime for anyone in love of sea and maritime life. For the majority of people it is possible to learn how to make, or tie, knots without any significant difficulties. They say that the process of tying the knots is similar to reading a good book and the result of the process will satisfy them same way as the completed crossword would normally do.

We would say that every single mariner shall have a good understanding at least of the few most commonly used knots. In fact there are several thousands of knots and the number of the available variations is really infinite. In addition to that, there are so many new knots and combinations emerging every year. That is why this manual for the knot tying has been complied and recommended to broad readership not limited to the people working on board.

You will find lots of useful information and step by step instruction for making various knots, hitches, bends, loops and bindings, sling, plaits, mats, rings etc. This book covers everything you may need to train yourself in making good knots. Note that there is also a very good glossary of terminology included in the book for reference.

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This is the ninth edition of the world popular Reference Atlas. In this one the authors have tried to incorporate numerous revisions as well as the very latest updates that affect every single page and every map in the Atlas. The content of the publication reflects all the changes in the geopolitical situation. The Atlas can be used by everyone starting from the children and up to the maritime industry professionals.

People do appreciate the amount of the information included by the editors of the book as well as the style in which the information is presented. The Atlas is remarkably user-friendly and is recommended to use as an excellent reference source. The information presented on the maps in this Atlas is very accurate and clear; every effort has been made to make the content easily accessible.

The very latest technological advances including digital cartography have been applied when developing this publication. A must-have publication for any person interested in geography, maritime world, different countries of the world, covering every single region of the planet and every country. Numerous colorful and detailed images supplement the text part of the volume to make it more interesting.

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