Nautical Charts & Tables


BA Tidal Stream Atlas NP209 - Orkney and Shetland Islands

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The present collection of selected meteorological tables is one of the rarest and oldest navigation publications available. The book was originally published more that hundred and fifty years ago, in 1852. Of course there have been so many technological developments in the field of maritime navigation since then; however, the book will still be good to the people with the interest in practical meteorology.

The main content of the publication has been arranged in four major section. The first section contains thermometrical tables and comparison of the thermometrical scales, in total there are fifteen tables with supplementary information. The second section contains five hygrometrical tables including elastic forces of aqueous vapors, psychometrical tables for deducing the force of vapor, relative humidity etc.

The third section provides barometrical tables including reduction of the barometrical observations. Finally, the last fourth section of the volume contains hypsometrical tables. Each of the series features distinct paging that runs throughout the set, it is there at the page bottom. Have a look in the book and you may like to have it in your collection. The appendix is dealing with the comparison of the English-French length measures.

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This classic publication belongs to the famous and historical The Rudder ON series. The nautical books and other instruments that are commonly used on board marine ships for navigation are usually quite large sized. This does not present any sort of problem on large conventional vessels since there is lot of space available to keep and use them.

However, on smaller ships the crew members usually prefer more compact volumes. That is the reason why the decision was made by the author of this publication to reduce its size to the maximum practical extent. In the meantime every effort was made to include all important information. The volume opens with a chapter devoted to the altitude diagrams also explaining dip of the horizon and parallax.

There are numerous tables included in this section addressing main refraction, difference of latitude and departure for degrees from 1 to 45, log. sines, tangents, and secants, dip of the sea horizon, the Sun's parallax in altitude, correction of the Moon's altitude, and comparison of Admiralty knots and statute miles. The remaining portion of the publication is dealing with using sextant, etc. In short, the book will be interesting for the people who like navigation and are interested with the traditional navigation techniques.

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One of the oldest publications available today and covering the subject of the ocean meteorology. It is a truly classic volume. The main content of the textbook is based on the annual lectures read by the author of this publication at the world famous Royal Naval College. The author has omitted most of the theoretical part making the focuses on the practical issue of making passages from one port to another.

There are eight chapters in this book. The first chapter provides general introductory information about the meteorology, characteristics of the atmosphere, wind force, moisture, rain and clouds, low and high pressure areas etc. The second chapter addresses the ocean characteristics, currents, southern and northern ice etc, while the third chapter has been devoted to the North and South Atlantic Ocean together with the current systems and winds.

The fourth chapter is dealing with the Indian Ocean and passages across it. The last three chapters of the textbook cover the Indian Archipelago and China Sea North Pacific Ocean, again with the wind and current systems, hurricanes and cyclones, prognostics, law of storms, ocean depth and temperature, ocean density and saltiness, circulation of the ocean waters, isothermal charts and many other important aspects of the ocean meteorology.

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This Nautical Almanac presents compilation of information generated by the software developed by the author, Enno Rodegerdts. A great number of tables produced by the program will serve as valuable instrument for the navigator. The accuracy of the data contained in these tables has been numerously checked and confirmed; however, it cannot be fully guaranteed so you would better use them as a supplementary tool.

The information contained in the Almanac includes yearly calendar and useful links to time signals, Bowditch - The American Practical Navigator, The Terrestrial Almanac, individual latitudes, and sight reduction forms and methods. Then we have couple of pages of useful formulas for determining Hc and Z using calculator, for calculating latitude using the Sun and others. After that and before proceeding to the main content of the Almanac, several pages of the book are devoted to the explanation of the information, Moon phases and conversion of Arc to Time.

We strongly recommend students of marine navigation to download this Almanac and use it as a training tool. The information carefully arranged by the author will definitely help them in their activities and also will be useful on board ships and boats when used as the additional navigational publication.

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The present publication was released to supplement The Nautical Almanac 2018. The content of the document was developed by the TNA Office of the U.S. Naval Observatory working jointly with the UKHO specialists. It will provide navigators with additional information required for safe navigation. The material is arranged thirteen chapters.

The first chapter is covering such phenomena as eclipses, Moon phases and seasons, helio- and geocentric planetary phenomena, perigee and occultations, together with the apogee of the Moon etc. In this chapter the authors are also dealing with the visibility of the Planets, configuration diaries an other relevant matters.

The other chapters of the document address the international time zones and eclipses, moonset and moonrise tables, mean sidereal time and circumpolar stars. They also provide explanation of setting and rising tables, Gregorian calendar, perihelion passages of the comets, magnitudes and elongations of the Planets and other information. As it was a case with the Nautical Almanac, this publication will be useful to the people when it is used as a supplementary tool for their training or daily working activities.

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One of the oldest titles presented here - just imagine, the original release of the publication dates back to 1869. Written by one of the most well known and recognized experts of the past times, this publication was greatly appreciated and well met by the marine navigators. Of course, nowadays, in the century of electronic navigation means the content of this classic volume may seem irrelevant and obsolete.

However, it would be good for any professional navigator of today to have an understanding of the fundamentals of theoretical navigation including the methods that were in use at the very beginning. As it comes from the original title of the book, it contains the azimuth and hour angles for the declination and latitude, and this information used to be necessary to provide safe navigation.

The tables contained in the pages of this volume were used to find azimuth at sea using the hour angle, in all latitudes considered navigable, and an every two declination degrees between the zodiac limits, whenever the sun, planet, moon or known star was observed at any convenient distance from zenith. Have a look in this book to have a general idea what the mariners of the past had to go through when making their sea voyages...

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One of the best publications available today to the people new to the world of maritime navigation. What is the chart? It is actually a sea map. A chart gives a good systematic and diagrammatic representation of particular subject or description. The charts are specifically developed to provide easily understood information that would be viewed at one glance. Charts have been in use throughout the history but the sea charts have been introduced quite recently.

Navigation charts, as it is implied by the name, normally represent the features of the earth on a piece of flat paper; they also include the details of the sea details, the land and coast because all of those details may be used during navigation and contribute to the safe passage. The volume covers literally all important aspects of the charts and chartwork. The author starts with the chart types and basic introductory information, tools and instruments.

Then the content proceeds to the terminology commonly associated with the chartwork including the most widely used abbreviations, signs and symbols. The effect of current and wind is dealt with separately, followed by the description of the position line and running fix. Among other topics addressed by the author there are theory of tides, ECDIS, ocean passage planning, missing course, tidal streams and tidal calculations, chart projections and many others.

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