

Modern Electronic Navigation Aids

Author(s) Bhatia & Sinha
Publisher LATA Publications
Date 2006
Pages 142
Format pdf
Size 15 Mb







This is a very good publication on the electronic navigation means. The introductory part of the volume gives some brief insight to the world of the modern navigation. The second chapter is dealing with the DECCA navigator which is a navigation system commonly used for fixing the position through measuring the phase difference existing between the CW signals that are transmitted by two stations, i.e. slave and master.

The third chapter addresses the Loran-C long-range position fixing system, measuring the time differences between master and secondary pulses. The GPS and echo sounders are dealt with in the separate chapters, same as with the Doppler log and rate of turn indicator. The readers will find valuable information on the auto-pilots as well as the newly introduced and widely implemented ECDIS.

The last two chapters of the publication are devoted to the integrated navigation systems and gyro compasses. The book will be of great help for the students of the maritime colleges as well as to the practicing ship navigators who are in need to refresh their theoretical knowledge of the subject – they will definitely appreciate the material contained in the book and the way it is presented and explained.

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