

The main content of this document book was prepared by the outstanding experts in the different important fields of marine engineering and fluid dynamics, applied maths, chemistry and physics, and compiled by Matthias Ehehardt; the contributions by the world-leading specialists included in this volume are providing readers with the thorough coverage of the remarkably broad range of relevant subjects, from the pure maths to the real life applications in the business directly connected with the oil spills engineering.

The publication offers a really inter-disciplinary approach and the authors are presenting both numerical methods and mathematical models to solve the associated partial differential equations; moreover, note that the book contains the descriptions of the several practical experiments involving the real pollution cases. This work is deservedly expected to present a great practical interest to the specialists and researchers in the subject field as well as to the graduate students in various environmental sciences, physics and maths, demonstrating a very wide range of established techniques that are required for these pollution problems to be adequately solved.

In addition, it should also be useful to the practitioners who are dealing with the prevention of the pollution by oil, offering such people a perfect reference tool to perform their professional duties.

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The author of this volume has examined the key role that is played by the IMO in control and prevention of marine pollution from ships. Saiful Karim has thoroughly analyzed this complex issue and presented the results of his work in a remarkably simple manner. The arguments presented by the author are very appealing.

The volume starts with some general introductory info about the IMO and marine pollution problem as well as relevant international legal documents. The second chapter is devoted to the institutional structure of the IMO and the law-making process, while the third chapter is dealing with the prevention of marine pollution, response to spills and compensation.

The next chapter addresses the ballast water management and bio-fouling issues. The rest of the volume is dealing with the recycling of vessels, reduction of emissions, and other important aspects of pollution prevention. The book will be useful for the policy-makers, students, environmentalists, lawyers and judges and all other persons.

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Here is the latest edition of the popular and premier air pollution book - it was completely revised by the team of author and now includes many new components. This textbook covers the wide range of topics that er relating to the study of the air pollution; in addition to that, there are some new chapters included in the book covering the atmospheric emissions and long term effects of the pollution.

The authors of the book also present the updated info on acidic development, mathematical modeling, long distance transport etc. It is a perfect compendium for every person involved, either directly or not directly, in making serious decisions in conjunction with the air pollution prevention and control. It will be useful even for non-specialists since they will find very concise and technically correct answers to the most difficult problems. We would say that the book presents a thorough multi-disciplinary overview of all the aspects that are relating to the air pollution - it will also be very interesting for people willing to know a bit more about the subject topic in general.

Written by the recognized industry experts, this textbook is a truly outstanding place to start learning about pollution topics and their relations to the other problems. The material has been presented in a very easy to read manner making the book very handy and helpful for everyone, not only to specialists.

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It goes without saying that people never enjoy corrosion. The corrosion is commonly perceived as a very nasty phenomena with which people have to cope. The present comprehensive volume by Alec Groysman is aimed to clearly explained the corrosion to everybody and the author has made his best to present the explanation in a maximum lucid and interesting way.

The content of the volume will be easily understandable even for the beginners and young engineers. However, the problem of corrosion has been addressed quite deeply and it means that the book will be of great professional interest even for the practicing engineers and scientists in this field. The author has used a fresh style of writing and explanation and covered such the important topics as oxygen solubility in water, reversible/irreversible potential, practical monitoring and control of pollution, iron and steel oxidation, humanitarian aspects and many others.

The text part of the volume has been supplemented with numerous practical real-life examples of different corrosion phenomena. The corrosion has been explained in six big chapters starting from the corrosion mechanisms and its parameters, through the corrosion phenomena and types of corrosion. The publication would be recommended to all people willing to get a deeper insight in the corrosion types, associated mechanisms and preventative measures.

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This is the second release of the title providing all interested readers with the valuable practical guidelines on the proper and, of course, efficient utilization of available resources when designing the intelligent transportation systems. The author of this volume has made an excellent and successful attempt to explain everyone how exactly the functional design alternatives could meet the project objectives and all applicable requirements with the optimal cost effectiveness achieved and has also clarified the existing relation of the principles of planning of transportation and diversion of the traffic to the selection of the functional ITS devices as well as the equipment locations.

The author has also provided working and proven methodologies for translation of the objectives to the functional devices, plus the determination of the densities of service deployment, selection of the location of CCTV equipment, and arrangement of the message signs and other important aspects.

The readers of the volume will get the due understanding of the reduction of the recurrent congestion, improvement of the incident clearance time, etc. The author has also examined all latest developments in the associated vehicle technologies and also the exploration of their potential for the safety improvement, touching their energy efficiency and mobility. This resource will be greatly beneficial to all ITS managers and designers...

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The present manual is intended to provide readers with a comprehensive overview of the whole process of designing the ship channels and also the operation of different deep draft ship navigation projects. The reliability of the shipping channels is of great importance to the commercial navigation; note that it is also considered vital to the defense interests of the country since it plays one of the key roles in the rapid deployment of the vessels serving the Navy, Army and the Coast Guard.

The document is covering the established ship channel design practices and other critically important aspects, and is expected to be used as a design guidance for all practicing engineers as well as for the government agencies engaged in the design/operation of the above mentioned systems; for sure, it is a great textbook for the classes and training courses relating to navigation engineering. Arranged in nearly twenty chapters, the content of the document addresses the project design and ship characteristics, describes different factors that commonly influence the channel design, depth, alignment and width of the ship channels, estuary hydraulics, jetties and ship locks, sedimentation, various important environmental considerations, ice management, real-life case studies, operational matters, maintenance, model studies etc.



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The present volume is mainly intended to serve as a reference book and class text in technical drawing. The content of the book includes numerous problems that cover literally every single phase of the subject; it is also constituting a full teaching unit.

The authors have been encouraged in their initial aim by the extensive use of the text of this volume during the past several decades, and that aim was to prepare a tool which would be teaching the engineering language and to keep it duly updated with the latest developments.

The original idea was to explain and illustrate each of the fundamental principles from the student's standpoint and to make the content interesting enough so that the students can read the book and study on their own initiatives. This fourth release of the book constitutes the thorough revision that the text did undergo. In fact, very small part of the original text and illustration has remained from the previous edition of the book. A huge number of new problems and informative illustrations have been added and hundreds of the old illustrations have been completely redrawn.

The entire content of the book has been revised in order to duly reflect the latest recognized American Standards. Another improvement to the content is the adoption of a new format permitting the reproduction of illustrations larger for easier use.

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This perfectly compiled and really useful volume is actually intended to provide people with a course of engineering mathematics. No matter what field of engineering readers are actually studying, all of them will for sure require proper knowledge of math that is covered in this volume. The authors have applied a remarkably thorough approach putting the concepts into the engineering context to help readers get correct understanding of the relevance of math techniques shown in this book and also get full appreciation of drawing upon them throughout their studies.

The main content of the volume has been arranged in thirteen chapters covering the general intro to both geometry and algebra, functions and complex numbers, vector and matrix algebra, discrete mathematics, sequences, limits and series, integration and differentiation, further calculus, ordinary differential equations as well as Fourier series and Laplace transforms, theory of probability plus data handling.

All chapters have been supplemented with the practical review exercises for easier understanding of the subject. Some of the additional valuable info is there the appendices to the main part, covering the trigonometric identities and derivatives/integrals, and some useful results and standard integrals. 

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