Mechanics & Mechanical Engineering


The main content of this title is aimed to cover all important aspects of the fluid mechanics to be used by both professional engineers and students. There are many books on fluid mechanics available today, only some of them are comprehensively addressing all particular needs of the courses in fluid mechanics. Though the present volume has been primarily intended to be used by the students of mechanical engineering, it will also be equally useful for the students of any other engineering discipline.

Moreover, it could be used for the self-study if the readers possesses some basic knowledge of differential equations and calculus. As per the reviews, this is one of the best available graduate textbooks in the field recommended to everyone. The book will provide a truly coherent spread of the technical material necessary to gain the required knowledge. The derivation and explanations contained in the publication is expected to be of great use to all interested readers, not limited to the students but also including practicing engineers, scientists and researchers. Meinhard Schobeiri, the author of the title, has included the end-chapter problems and projects to help readers easier understand the material. It will definitely serve as a very practical and useful addition to the popular texts addressing the important aspects of fluid mechanics.

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This work reflects the job of the author in touching literally all highlights of the hydraulic fluids. It is quite compact but very comprehensive publication well worth having. The author did not go deep into any rheological or tribological diatribes in order to keep the content of his book easy to follow for all categories of readers.

As a result, the volume will provide a solid technical overview presented in a very plain language with no dwelling on theories and complex formulas. The author has provided an excellent review of the developments in the field of hydraulic fluids, offers required guidance on all suitable maintenance procedures, and discusses the correct applications and selection of the subject fluids, investigating their chemical/physical properties relating to the operational requirements. The book provides the technical information and data that will be very useful for both students and specialists who are directly involved with hydraulics, concerned with both mechanical components, design of the systems, proper selection and maintenance of the hydraulic fluids.

The content of this reference text was built on the basis of the forty-year practical experience of the author, bringing together exceptionally comprehensive coverage of selection and behavior of the fluids. It also includes a complete technical analysis of the latest advances in synthetic oils... 

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As it comes quite clear from the title of this booklet, it is fully dedicated to the axial piston units. The content of this training resource has been divided into three parts, namely the basic principles, principles of function, and components. The first part of the book covers the types of the hydraulic circuits, namely open- and closed circuit.

The second part of the textbook, in turn, addresses the bent-axis, including the subject principle, description of the function and calculation principle, forty-degree-tapered piston, rotary group forces etc., and swashplate, again including the principle and functions, calculations and same set of aspects. The last part of the publication is covering the selection of the typical models from the individual groups of products, standard models of design of the swashplate and bent-axis, and a summary of the control devices.

The publication has been officially released by Mannesmann Rexroth to serve as a part of their training program. For the scope of the hydraulic engineering, there are three main types of the circuits to be considered - open/closed/semi-closed circuits. In the present book the authors have been looking into the first two types of the circuit in details. In turn, the circuits of the semi-closed type are considered a mixture of the above mentioned types and are used in various applications...

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The book has been specifically designed to provide all interested parties with a practical and useful reference source; it will be of particular use for the plant supervisors, maintenance technicians and supervisors, and practicing plant engineers.

The author of the publication have been mainly focusing on the established best practices that shall be used by the maintenance personnel in order to keep their equipment working at peak reliability level and companies to function in a maximum possible profitability by reducing the maintenance costs and increasing the capacity and productivity of the technical maintenance.

Following all techniques and practices outlined in this volume will definitely result in significant reduction in the number of self-induced failures. The reference materials presented in the book could be used directly on the plant floor to help the maintenance team perform their everyday duties in a very effective manner. The data has been offered in a concise and easy-to-follow format facilitating its use in quite adverse conditions commonly faced at the plant floor.

Each of the subjects has been reduced to the simplest terms in order to make the volume suitable for the widest range of readers. Taking into account that the volume is not specific to any particular type of plant, it thus can will be useful in any facility type.

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The hydraulics is commonly considered a complex and sometimes even intimidating discipline. Simply speaking, it is the study of how exactly water and other fluids of similar type behave and how can they get harnessed for the practical use. In fact, hydraulics is one of the very basic scientific and engineering disciplines; this would mean that the professionals are definitely required to possess a serious working knowledge of the fundamental concepts; however, most of the books on hydraulics available today, are mainly aimed at the readers having quite strong mathematical and engineering background.

This book applies completely different approach to this subject, utilizing the very basic principles of hydraulics and also demonstrating how exactly they are applied in practices. The content of this volume has been presented in a remarkably clear manner and the main text is supplemented with numerous live examples and informative illustrations for easier understanding of the theory.

The author appeals to the broad range of students and specialists who need the intro to hydraulics. It should be noted, however, that hydraulics is not something only about the water since there are so many other fluids behaving in quite similar manner and similarly affect quite a wide range of people...

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Here is a really comprehensive publication covering all issues relating to the metal failures; the whole content of this volume has been significantly updated in order to keep it fully in line with all latest developments in this field and all ongoing industry trends. This publication has already become one of the classic engineering resources recognized for the authoritative and concise treatment of the metal failure mechanisms and methods of examination commonly utilized for the determination of the reasons.

This second edition of the volume features the complete coverage of all relevant topics including plastic deformation and localized necking, fatigue and crack, elastic behavior of the materials, staircase method, tensors and their notations, alloys etc. Among the analytical methods addressed within this volume there are fracture mechanics, stress and fatigue analysis, NDT and corrosion science. Numerous real-life case studies have also been included to demonstrate the application of the fundamental principles of metallurgy and failure analysis to the so broad range of situations.

There are also many problems and their solutions which have been included with the intention to fill the gap existing there between the theory and its practical application. The readers will learn how to conduct the investigation and analysis of the failures using the effective methods all described in this book.

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This volume presents the third release of the Mechanical Engineer's Handbook and is made of two parts. The first part of the book called Materials consists of fourteen chapters covering all materials, including metals and plastics, ceramics, composite materials and even smart materials. Among the metals covered there are steels, including carbon steel, alloy steel and stainless steel, aluminum, copper, titanium, nickel together with their alloys.

The original intent of all of the chapters dedicated to the materials was to provide readers with the professional advice of the typical use of these materials and criteria making them suitable for the particular specific purposes. Subject part of the volume concludes with a separate chapter addressing the sources of materials data, in order to guide the readers on finding reliable data related to the properties of materials; moreover, there is one chapter on the established analytical methods of selection of the materials, providing them with the proven techniques for specifying the suitable materials.

The second part of the book is dealing with the mechanical design; it consists of twenty-two chapters covering a very wide range of relevant topics including the basics of stress analysis, the FEM, shock and vibration, measurement and controlling the noise, quality enhancement, elimination of the defects and so many other important aspects.

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In his useful and infomative work, the author - Paulo Davim - volume has mainly focused on the very latest technological advances in various fields of mechanical engineering, trying to cover in a single volume such interesting topics as sustainability in mechanical engineering, magneto-rheological fluid technology, plus application of solar distillation systems, structural dynamics and visco-elastic passive damping treatments, tribological behavior of rare earth lube oils; thermomechanical modeling of multiphase steels, implementing STEP-NC language of machine control, optical real-time management for the auto-production lines, modeling/optimization of mechanical processes and associated systems, modeling of micromachining, micro milling, simulative tests and formability in modern sheet metal forming education, digital image processing in modern machining, and multimedia resources in engineering education.

The main intention of the author was to provide readers, including students and professionals, and even enthusiasts in this field, with the carefully compiled collection of the real examples demonstrating the research/development and also the education issues in contemporary mechanical engineering. The book is expected to be useful when looked at as the research book for the engineering courses and will definitely be of equal interest for researchers and academics, practicing engineers and other pros.

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