Marine Science & Oceanography


This volume prepared by three authors - Giovanni Randazzo, Andrew Cooper and Derek Jackson - is drawing together a series of specific studies related to the geomorphology and temporal evolution of the spits in all areas of the world. The publication offers its readers some of the truly unique insights into the examination of the subject landforms from the scientific viewpoint; the author also addressed how the people impact these landforms and provided a global perspective on the genesis and evolution of the spits.

The spits are treated as the natural environments with their evolution being linked to the coast as well as the supply of the sediments, morphology of the near shore area, changes in the sea level and coastal dynamics. Note that the GMSL, standing for the global mean sea level, has already risen by ten to twenty centimeters over the past century. There were several scientific researches that indicated that the sea levels all around the world have been rising since the early 1990s, and the average rate was about 3.5 millimeters per year.

And this trend, when linked to the ongoing process of global warming, will inevitable be causing significant major changes in the morphology of spits, representing a sort of signature of past changes in the environment and providing a natural landform indicator of the changes to climate.

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The world ocean covers more than seventy percent of the Earth's surface, so-called "the blue planet". More than ninety percent of the living space of the Earth is accumulated in the ocean waters and until half-billion years back, literally all forms of life existed there. The global health of our planet together with all its inhabitants seriously depends on the water cycling and nutrients and minerals carried by the water.

The oceans of the world have always influenced the weather and climate patterns. The relationship between the sea and the human began in ancient times when lack of technology significantly limited people's ability to explore the ocean waters. There are many economically valuable resources that are acquired from the seas, and the scientists in the field of marine science and oceanography have also revealed the insight into the very origin of life to study the reproduction and development of the organisms and various geological processes.

The term "marine biology" covers numerous sciences all relating to the sea, for example marine biology and oceanography, marine chemistry and others. The present title tells the readers about the prominent people who made the marine science, from Sir C. Wyville Thomson to Robert D. Ballard. In addition to the chapters dedicated to these people, there is also a glossary of terms.

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This book written by famous scientist and professional astronomer J. B. Zirker is dedicated to the ocean waves, including tsunamis, stormy ocean waves and ripples, and the book is aimed at any interested persons including surfers and ocean scientists. The book is very hard to put down. It presents a very fascinating reading for them and is considered a great one for the oceanography classes, especially at undergraduate level.

The author has provided an up-to-date and quite comprehensive account of the matters whose complexity is commonly very hardly appreciated by non-professionals in the field and non-scientists. The deep insights, comprehensive narratives and historic perspectives included to the publication do not contain any single equation and presence of graphics has been kept to a minimum, making the volume very reader-friendly and being the reason why the title has been recognized as a very remarkable achievement.

We would say that this book may already be used as a standard textbook for the ocean as well as weather forecasters, scientists, plus climate modelers and students. The author has applied a very fresh look to the ocean waves and also provided the theory with numerous illustrations to make the content more accessible for everyone.

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This "Marine Protected Areas: Tools for Sustaining Ocean Ecosystems" is a report produced by OSB (Ocean Studies Board) representing the culmination of a long, two-year examination of this approach to marine resource management.

This publication is aimed to be a sound basis for all future efforts to implement and design protected areas and marine reserves as it provides necessary recommendations about how to use the knowledge we possess and also a description of what we need to improve the effectiveness of it.

The authors of the volume have performed the comparison of the traditional approaches used in case of the marine resource management to augment the associated strategies with the protected area systems and are actually arguing that the proper implementation of the marine protected areas shall definitely be adaptive and incremental...

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Subject work has been released to address all existing contemporary problems of the White Sea together with its basin, and the main focus has been made on the interaction between the marine and social-economic environments. Different technologies are commonly applied to the investigation of the global and regional changes, remote sensing plus various field observations, and methods of numerical modelling plus GIS, standing for the "Geographic Information Systems".

The present volume presents a first attempt of application of the multi-disciplinary quantitative approach to the assessment of various changes that are occurring today as well as of the anticipated changes. The results of numerous relevant researches have been included in this volume. When trying to achieve all goals declared by the authors of this volume, the decision was made to co-author it by a huge team of recognized industry experts.

The main content of this book has been arranged in ten major thematic chapters addressing the geography of the area in question, its watershed hydrology, anthropogenic impact, climate and oceanographic regime, profile of the aquatic eco-system, satellite oceanography, economical issues, GIS, water quality assessment, and numerical simulations.

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This excellent title has been released to present a good overview of the knowledge relating specifically to the Red Sea, and covering everything from the geological formation of this sea and oceanographic development, straight to the influences on the environment and ecology. The team of authors of the volume have gathered the valuable contributions from the world popular and respected researchers interested in the geophysics, oceanography, geology and environment of the region; in the meantime the publication provides readers with the comprehensive and thoroughly updated data.

The book will be very interesting to all researchers involved in the study of the Red Sea together with its surroundings, and to the professionals dealing with managing and planning of the sea, its resources and environment. The Red Sea is considered a truly unique area. The book starts with the introductory chapter providing some general information on the Red Sea, its structure, origin and environment. Then some historical background is given, depicting the geological evolution of the region. Numerous chapters of this book address lineaments in gravity data, seismicity, seismo-tectonic setting, salt flows and volcanic eruptions, sea-level changes, hydrothermal activity, heat balance, impacts of climate change, corals, and so many other valuable information.

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The water-waves theory is considered a fascinating and interesting topic, including a really broad range of various natural phenomena, and covering the most important general aspects of the motion of waves, including the waves' behavior prediction in the presence of various obstacles.

However, even the simple problems sometimes appear to be quite difficult to be tacked mathematically unless you make some simplified assumption. The present interesting title has been mainly dedicated to the advanced mathematical work directly relating to the scattering of the water waves.

The main emphasis as been laid by the author on the computational and mathematical techniques that are commonly necessary in order to perform the mathematical study of these problems. The main content of this title is made up of nine chapters with the first chapter being pure introductory while the second one addresses the wave scattering that involves the rigid plates.

The following two parts cover the scattering by a rectangular trench utilizing the Galerkin technique, and scattering by a dock utilizing the Carleman equation. The fifth chapter touches several problems including the upper surface discontinuities. Remaining chapters of the work deal with the energy identities, scattering of the two-layer fluids and various wave scattering problems...

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And here is the excellent handbook specifically designed and released for the environmental managers and policy-makers who are working for the water authorities and will also be useful for the engineering companies directly involved in various water quality programs, especially ones in the developing countries. The book will also be found suitable when used as a textbook or main/supplementary training material for the associated WQM training courses.

The recent years showed the constantly increasing awareness of the water pollution and serious concern about it all around the planet. Numerous completely new approached have been introduced and developed in order to achieve the sustainable and reasonable exploitation of the various water resources. It goes without any saying that the duly worked out policy framework is a critically important element in water resource management. The opening chapter of this volume is intended to propose some of the general principles for the entire process of policy making and of the structure or relevant policy documentation.

The text is supplemented with several real life examples of the policy elements supporting the sustainable management of the resources. The other chapters concentrate on the strategy formulation and outline the major guiding principles for the control of the water pollution.

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