The Guidance for Ship Operators on PSC contains very valuable information on the ILO MLC Convention which addresses matters of shipping companies obligations related to the contractual arrangements, H&S issues, working hours, crew accommodation, manning agencies, seafarers' welfare and catering standards. There should no any difficulties for the majority of shipping companies to get in due compliance with all the requirements of the convention.
Apart from the brief general overview of the PSC inspection of MLC certification, the booklet contains information on the Maritime Labor Certificate and DMLC. The advice provided in the pages of this small yet quite useful leaflet is mainly intended to provide the operators of the vessels with the assistance in avoiding the potential problems that are usually faced in the course of the PSC inspections. It appeared as a result of close and effective co-operation of ISF and ICS, two organizations that are respected and recognized in the world of shipping.
We would recommend this booklet for familiarization to the crew members as well as the staff of the shipping companies ashore as it directly affects their day-to-day activities and will play considerably significant role in making the work more smooth and effective to both seafarer and company.