Marine Regulations & Guides


A compact booklet with the guidelines to the health and safety in marine ports released by the Health and Safety Executive. Most of the ports are challenging objects to work. People may be involved in transportation of different cargo types and working with different people when performing this tasks. It should be taken into account that some of those people may not speak English.

The work in ports does not stop, people work day and night, in any weather conditions. They often work under pressure to load and discharge the cargo quickly in order to catch a tide; sometimes speedy loading and unloading is required to get a wharf freed. The guidebook was actually released to highlight the main hazards commonly found in marine ports.

It is primarily aimed at the worker but will also be interesting and useful to the stakeholders and visiting drivers - in fact to everyone visiting docks and working there on a regular or occasional basis since the content of this small publication clearly outlines what they shall do to ensure compliance with the law requirements.

They will find, in a compact and simple form, the information about tackling the hazards, know what to do should the things go not as they were planned to, and get familiarized with the major hazards associated with the lifting operations, transportation etc.

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The first book of the two-volume set addressing the explosives regulations. It is dealing with the safety provisions and provides required guidance of the applicable regulations. The content will be interesting to the people assigned any duties governed by the Explosives Regulations. The book gives good technical guidance to help such people achieve due compliance with the safety provisions of the above mentioned regulations.

The authors have identifies specialist and topic based guidance to provide enough information. The volume starts with the information about the safety requirements continued with the chapter addressing the effective fire and explosion measures including management arrangements and proper housekeeping tips, segregating explosive materials, prevention of fires/explosions, general precautions and protection of people, separation distances to be maintained to eliminate the risk of fire or explosion, procedures for the disposal, discarding and decontamination of explosive materials and other information.

Note that the document is not specifically addressing the shipboard activities and was not prepared for marine industry in mind; however, the general information provided in its pages will definitely be of some use during the shipboard and port activities. There second volume of this set is devoted to the security provisions and is also recommended.

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The second volume of the set continuing to provide guidance on the Explosives Regulations. while the first book of the set was dealing with the safety provisions, this one is solely devoted to the security provisions. The book starts with some introduction followed by the chapters providing general security requirements and general security principles to be taken into consideration when performing any explosives operations.

The next two chapters are dealing with the management arrangements and regulatory framework while the following chapter is telling readers how important it is to prevent any unauthorized acquisition or access to the explosive materials. The prohibitions associated with the transportation of the explosives are also addressed together with the restrictions imposed on prohibited persons.

The rest of the document is covering such important aspects as proper identification of the explosives using the UIC, i.e. unique identification code, marking requirements, site codes and record keeping, reporting any losses, plastic explosive materials, pyrotechnics items etc. A short but comprehensive glossary of terminology concludes each book of this set providing explanation of the terms used throughout the document. A good publication recommended to anyone dealing with the explosive materials.

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The officially released ILO guidelines to be used for the medical examination of the people working at sea. the document was endorsed by the ILO and IMO MSC and will provide required complementary advice to the competent authorities as well as medical personnel and stakeholders of the maritime industry on proper application of the provisions of MLC 2006 and STCW 1978 conventions.

All seafarers shall undergo periodical medical examination in order to reduce the risks to the safety of the vessel and other crew members. This is a must-do to safeguard the health and safety of the personnel. Both conventions listed above require seafarers to hold a formal certificate of medical examination - subject certificate would normally have detailed information and indicate particular fitness aspects that should be assessed.

The intention was to provide the authorities with the recognized set of specific criteria - these criteria may be used either directly or, otherwise, they may serve as a basis when developing the national standards in line with the internationally recognized requirements. The guidelines are presented in consistent manner and shall be of practical use for all parties concerned.

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The present Code of Practice and guidance was prepared to provide readers with the practical advice on the compliance with the DGHAR 2016. Subject regulations contain special measures that shall be implemented in order to reduce the risks of serious incidents that commonly occur when the dangerous cargoes pass through the harbors and associated areas.

The regulations also contain a complete set of relevant safety procedures for the duty holders for safeguarding of the safe ports against the accidents that involve such goods through proper coordination of the activities between vessel and shore. This guidebook is aimed at all people engaged in relevant activities in the sea ports and harbors, docks and jetties and wharves where the dangerous goods are handled.

The guide is issued by the HSE, standing for the Health and Safety executive; note that following all guidelines contained in the book is not considered mandatory unless this has been specifically stated. Apart from the regulations themselves, the book contains appendixes providing additional guidance as well as useful references, list of dangerous goods, licensing of the explosive goods, byelaw-related provisions etc.

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An excellent reference publication released by MCA containing the detailed guidance on the major issues related to the harbor authorities and supplementing the Port Marine Safety Code. Both documents refer to the existing legal documents and apply to statutory harbor authorities.

The Guide is describing legal duties and powers; the information contained will be appreciated by the people assigned port management related tasks, who will find inside a remarkably comprehensive advice about marine SMS, standing for the safety management systems, marine services and risk assessment, navigation, emergency preparedness/response, pilotage etc.

The Guide also addresses the coastal security. The authors of the volume have used all experience and expertise to offer best solutions in support of the present paper to the ports and companies that support port operations. A short glossary of terms is provided. While applicable to all marine ports, the content of this guidebook shall be applied in reasonable manner and proportionally to each of them.

It has been specifically designed to provide some general guidance and is full of live examples of how the organizations could meet their commitments related to the compliance with the requirements of the Code. Do not treat this document as the only available means of compliance.

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Another MCA publication setting out a standard governing every aspect of PMS, i.e. port marine safety, and aiming to enhance marine safety for the people using or working in the port environment. The content shall be considered applicable to all harbor authorities and other facilities in the UK.

The present Code, accompanied with the Guide to Good Practice also available at our site, is intended to play a critical instrumental role in achieving and maintaining good safety record in all British ports and harbors, through a pragmatic and reasonably proportionate approach to the established safety standards enabling all people involved to apply the principles stated in it.

All organizations and facilities not being statutory harbor authorities, including marinas, berths and terminals, are highly recommended to seek compliance with the requirements of the Code, adopting their marine SMS and underpinning this with a risk assessment conducted in a formal way.

Note that the Code is supported by the UK government and treated as the efficient and effective was to maintain and promote nationally recognized standards of marine port safety. Covering literally all major aspects of marine port safety, the Code together with the Guide mentioned above, is a must-have volume for all persons involved.

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This guide is a signature documents as well as the info source for all members of the IALA, continuing the traditions and seeing it duly updated with the recent developments and achievements related to the marine aids of navigational technologies and their practical application. The content of the volume is a result of the years of close collaboration of the recognized experts.

The book is intended to play a major role in the info suite of IALA and shall be treated as a main information source for the marine aids practitioners everywhere in the world, and one of the primary guidance documents. The publication has already been translated into many languages of the world in order to be used in the regions where English is not a primary speaking language. The readers are encouraged to consult the associated IALA website I order to get the useful information reference to assist in performing their everyday activities, as they will find everything they need there.

The book opens with the general information on IALA-AISM followed by the chapter on the main concept and accuracy of marine navigation, operation requirements etc. the electronic navigation aids and VTS are addressed separately. Same applied to the power supplies, as well as the provision, management, design etc.

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