

Here is one of the best, perfectly detailed and complete maritime dictionaries available today. It will be an excellent information source for the readers interested in square rigged vessels since the content details every part in three languages - English, French and German. It will also be very highly appreciated by the naval historians.

The book is full of reproduced illustrations that will definitely impress all enthusiasts of the maritime history. The author of the dictionary was in fact the first one to properly recognize the whole complexity and variety in maritime technical terminology and the demand for the classification of the terms.

Using his thirty-five-year sailing experience, he has managed to set out a truly exhaustive yet easily understandable explanations of all parts of the structure and equipment of the vessel, describing the man types of sailing and steam ships, iron and wooden ship hulls, propulsion machinery, anchoring arrangements, spars and masts, rigging, up to the bends and knots, concluding the content of his work with the list of standard measurements.

Since the time of the original publication in 1885, the volume remains invaluable resource for every single reader with the interest in ships and life on board, marine engineering and understanding of the maritime language...

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This is one of the best reference books teaching people to use simple and plain English to reach max effectiveness in their communication in writing. The author of the volume has presented simple and practical guidelines on how the written papers shall appear and be formatted, also covering the presentations. The suggestions given by the author are remarkably straightforward and reasonable.

The book is highly recommended to the people willing to improve their writing skills and experiencing problems with expressing their thoughts in a clear way. Follow the instructions provided by Bailey and you will increase your productivity and efficiency in your day to day written communications. According to the numerous reviews of this book submitted by the students from different parts of the world, including both native and non-native speakers of English, it shall be treated as an absolutely indispensable manual.

While the first part of the volume is dealing with writing, its second half is devoted to the presenting. he authors provides valuable recommendations on using the tables and headings, bullets etc. making the process of writing easy and pleasant, and the result readable and clear.

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The present dictionary is designed to serve as an excellent and very useful reference to the nautical terminology including names and parts, terms and expressions of and related to the sea and ships. It should be noted that the content of the book does not include names of people and specific vessels, types of ships and actual events.

Furthermore, taking into account the size and usefulness matters, the author of the dictionary has not included more archaic and technical terms, naval gunnery and theory of navigation, and some other areas. Each entry in the dictionary has been presented in a self-explanatory way to make using the book easier.

Please also note that even though this is a sort of technical work, it is not necessary for the user of the dictionary to refer to some further entries to understand any one entry. In short, this is one of the best dictionaries of the nautical terms available today and maybe one of the most useful publications.

All entries have been listed in strict alphabetical order; the entries that are cross-references will appear in brackets behind ones to which they are referred. We particularly recommend this dictionary to the students and all people with the interest in sea, ships, their construction and work, and all relevant areas.

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Have a look into one of the bestseller ESL guides. The present second release of the publication is now providing additional review exercises intended to reinforce all lessons learned. This is the excellent choice for those tending to repeat the mistakes they usually do when speaking or writing in English. The content of the volume has been found to be very engaging and fun helping readers communicate easier.

The book has already been appreciated by the English learners as a truly comprehensive guide to be used by the people willing to get their English skills significantly improved. The author provides clear explanations of the fundamental elements giving numerous examples of the frequently made errors. All of the examples are presented in color for better understanding.

The common pitfalls have been highlighted with the maximum attention being paid to the misspelling and mispronunciation, incorrect usage of the verb tenses etc. The book will help learners avoid wrong application of their own grammar rules to English language - this applies to non-native students. Each of the chapters concludes with the review exercises. The format of the book makes the material easy to understand, and it is recommended to anyone working on the improvement of their spoken or written language.

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The comprehensive glossary of shipping and chartering terminology developed by the Rickmers Linie company. The author of the publication has made an excellent job when selecting them from thousands of terms commonly encountered in the maritime shipping business. The information contained in this booklet will be of great practical importance for absolutely all participants of the industry.

Taking into account that the publication is covering all relevant aspects of the shipping industry, we would definitely recommend this volume to everyone. It shall be noted, however, that all definitions and terms included in the book are there for the general explanation and shall not be considered legally binding.

The publication rather presents a list of frequently used terminology and most important general shipping and chartering abbreviations together with their definitions that the readers may come across during their activities. We recommend our users to get this publication and have it readily available at all times, either electronically or printed. The clear and easily understandable definitions and explanations compiled by Kevin Stephens will be greatly appreciated by all parties involved.

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When preparing this glossary of navigation, the author was intending to provide young naval officers with the explanation of the navigation terminology trying to share his great marine experience. There is one thing that makes this glossary different from any other similar source of information. Each of the terms contained in the books is provided not only with full and clear explanation together with the different bearings with the analysis.

The articles are arranged in the alphabetical order and it is very easy to find the appropriate entry. The glossary has been serving the training needs of the many generations of maritime students so we can definitely say that its practical use and value are proven. We recommend all our users engaged in maritime shipping and marine navigation in particular to download a copy of this brilliant glossary and add it to their collection of navigation books.

Note that it will be particularly useful when you read the classic old-time books since the terminology used a century ago may differ from the navigation terms used today. Some of the terms are already obsolete and as such may not be contained in the contemporary glossaries and dictionaries.

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The present dictionary was specifically designed and published for a very broad readership. It is intended to be used by the students and professional naval architects as well as by the shipbuilders willing to get and apply a thorough knowledge of the ship hydrodynamics. The book will be also useful to the hydrodynamicists and physicists who want to know how to apply the knowledge they already possess, to the solution of the various practical ship problems.

The terms contained in the dictionary are arranged in the standard alphabetical order for easier use. there are descriptions and definitions provided for the numerous properties of the liquids as well as of the most important physical constants related to the hydrodynamics of the ships. There are seven major sections in the volume.

While the first one is dealing with the general terminology, the other six sections are covering the maneuvering and hydrodynamics, ship hull geometry and seakeeping, ship propulsion and performance. The symbols have been given as per the ITTC list. The information contained in the dictionary will be of great practical use for both students and practicing engineers so we highly recommend this one.

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This is the latest, fifth, edition of the world popular title. The publication was written for the learners of English needing assistance with the grammar. It is intended for self-study with no teacher. The students will find answers to all questions they have. The book will be perfect for the students at intermediate and advanced levels, i.e. people having some basic knowledge of the grammar. Most of the aspects commonly causing difficulty are addressed.

Each of 145 units contained in the volume concentrates on one specific topic and consists of two parts – explanation and exercises. The keys to all exercises are provided at the end of the book. Some additional information is provided in the appendices to the main content. The readers may feel free starting with any unit as they are not listed in order of difficulty. Of course, you can start with the first one and go all the way to the last unit, but this is not a textbook but rather a reference book so just find the unit with the unit covering the topic you are interested in, and start there.

Numerous examples and illustrations make the learning process easy going. Once you have read the first part of the lesson, make sure you make all the exercises and check yourself to track the progress. The set consists of two books – the main Grammar, and Supplementary Exercises.

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