Here is one of the best, perfectly detailed and complete maritime dictionaries available today. It will be an excellent information source for the readers interested in square rigged vessels since the content details every part in three languages - English, French and German. It will also be very highly appreciated by the naval historians.
The book is full of reproduced illustrations that will definitely impress all enthusiasts of the maritime history. The author of the dictionary was in fact the first one to properly recognize the whole complexity and variety in maritime technical terminology and the demand for the classification of the terms.
Using his thirty-five-year sailing experience, he has managed to set out a truly exhaustive yet easily understandable explanations of all parts of the structure and equipment of the vessel, describing the man types of sailing and steam ships, iron and wooden ship hulls, propulsion machinery, anchoring arrangements, spars and masts, rigging, up to the bends and knots, concluding the content of his work with the list of standard measurements.
Since the time of the original publication in 1885, the volume remains invaluable resource for every single reader with the interest in ships and life on board, marine engineering and understanding of the maritime language...