Boatbuilding & Boating


This book written by Ernest Sims, published by Adlard Coles, has been fully dedicated to aluminum boatbuilding was prepared by Ernest Sims who has the huge experience in boat design. We think it is a truly "must" for everyone making efforts in designing and constructing their own boat from aluminum - regardless of the type.

Apart from the theoretical portion, the author of this book included some practical information related to the construction of the boats. It will be very useful for the boat designers and engineers, who can consider it as a very simple-to-use and quick reference book. We do believe that one copy of this publication shall always be kept on every boatbuilder's deck.

Even though this book can be used by beginners to the field of boat construction, it is mostly aimed to be used  by people having at least some boatbuilding experience since it will be much easier for them to understand the material provided. In any case, regardless of who is using this book, the information compiled by the author and practical examples included in it made this publication very valuable and world popular. Every boatbuilder will definitely find something inside and will benefit from using this book. 

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Here is an excellent manual for the boat owners and marine technicians prepared by Ed Sherman. The declared intention of the author, who is the senior writer of the American Boat & Yacht Council, was to provide readers with necessary knowledge on the proper troubleshooting of the modern complex electrical systems installed on boats and protect such electronic installation from the interference.

The readers of this book will also get to know how to eliminate various charging and starting problems, and how to track down the wide range of wiring, grounding, bonding, and corrosion problems. We would treat it as the top notch for every advance amateur electrical do-it-yourself boater. Though it is not too big and thick, this book is densely packed and full of valuable technical information related to the corrosion, RFI, electrical leakage and other important issues requiring the immediate attention of the persons handling and maintaining the boat. It features very good and high-quality graphics and images.

It is not actually a primer on electronics but rather perfect textbook for those who have some fundamental understanding of electricity. Do not miss this one - you know, boats always have some electrical issues and you' better get prepared to fix them yourself.

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