

This book contains the results of the years job performed by the sailing experts through their sailing program. Second, one of their excellent licensed and certified instructors explains sailing in a series of classroom sessions to reinforce the book. Most important, the new sailor sets sail for comprehensive sessions on the Colgate 26 sailboat, which was designed by Steve specifically for sail training.

The trainees who have completed the course sail without an instructor, gaining the confidence that comes from handling a 26-foot sailboat with other new sailors. The book is heartily recommended to anyone with the interest interested in starting a brand new, healthy and wonderful lifestyle. They will learn with a good basis and enjoy sailing forever. Learn it right the first time and you will see that the rewards are incredible—and this book teaches it right.

To help achieve the goal of start sailing, we wrote this volume back in 2005. Because some sailors prefer to sail close to home on small to midsize sailboats, we present here a colorful and easy to read stand-alone volume aimed at new sailors. The reader is about to embark on a most rewarding adventure, taking you from the desire to learn how to sail to ready to sail in easy, logical steps.

We have always been strong proponents of learning the right way the first time. When I started Offshore Sailing School in 1964, I realized I was encapsulating over twenty years of intense sailing knowledge into three or four days of training. In that short time, if you absorb everything —that is, everything this book—you will gain a sailing foundation that will last a lifetime...

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The publication is an excellent reference book that has already proven valuable for all sailors who follow the RYA course. The content of this respected and worldwide recognized practical guidebook is covering literally whole syllabus of the coastal skipper/yachtmaster course in details and is perfectly illustrated with numerous color photographs and charts. The book is full of examples included for better understanding and easier following. The publication opens with the intro showing the RYA cruising scheme followed by the general information.

The main part of the publication is arranged in nineteen sections dealing with charts and positions, navigational equipment, electronics on board, tidal heights and streams, position finding techniques, estimated position and course to steer, pilotage and signposts, weather aspects, passage planning, safety and survival issues; in addition, the author addressed anchoring and mooring techniques together with the berthing, hitches and bends, and communication related matters, including GMDSS and distress signals.

The answers to all questions have also been provided. The Glossary of sailing terms is included for ready reference. Four appendices provide information on recommended equipment including medical items, safety checksheet and theory syllabus.

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This book is devoted to sailing and provides readers with the information and necessary professional guidance to the sails and sail technology also covering the performance matters. The content is presented in a very concise way though it is quite comprehensive and the text part is supplemented by the numerous personal anecdotes and informative photo making the learning process not only easy but sometimes even funny.

The book provides a definitive look at the recent technical advances in sailcloth and hardware, engineering aspects, sail trim etc. it also contains several case studies illustrating which of the fibers, sails and fabrics would better suit different sailing applications. The volume will be very interesting to the sailors who will find it practical and giving all information they require to apply to their yachts and boats.

This book is arranged in fifteen chapters covering all important topics. Some additional information is there in the appendices. The Basic Boat Diagram and Glossary of terms used in sailing has also been included for reference. The book is considered a best choice for the newcomers o sailing but will also be useful to the experienced sailors.

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This is one of the best books for beginner sailors. They will find all necessary information explained very clearly and in the easy to understand manner and such approach has already been greatly appreciated by the newbies. The author covered literally all aspects of sailing and compiled the text in a way considered the best for the beginners. The volume starts with the introduction where the author explains what it is to be a sailor.

In fact, sailing cannot be considered a precise science and is rather a sort of art. The main content of the publication starts with winds covering the wind strength and speed tables, working winds, true and apparent winds etc. The chapter Getting Underway is dealing with the bending sail, steering and coursekeeping, heaving-to, tacking and all other activities, literally everything the sailor will have to do when underway.

Then there is a chapter devoted to the boats and familiarizing readers with the boat construction, materials they are commonly made of, stability, buoyancy etc. The rigging and sails of the boats have been covered each in separate chapters. in addition to that, the book provide the information about the established Rules of the Road and instructions to follow in case of emergency.

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The book is recommended to the people who like sailing yachts and want to know how they are designed. The readers who have already tried this book liked how the authors explained the different design choices using numerous general and specific examples. It is a really outstanding volume for the persons willing to get a deep practical understanding of the contemporary yacht design.

The broad experience of the author has allowed him to prepare an excellent book featuring concise and clear text covering all important aspects. The volume has been organized in quite interesting way and includes several complementary chapters dealing with the design principles. This book shall be treated as the best guide for the beginner yacht designers. There are numerous line drawings that will be appreciated by the newcomers to the world of yacht design who will refer to subject drawings for identification of the shapes making fast performance of the yachts.

The volume will provide all technical information that commonly has to be researched in the books on naval architecture. The interesting prose by Bob Perry will make the learning process much easier and makes this book vital for the designers.

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This publication is maybe the most popular of all books devoted to yachting and has been a real bestseller since the time of the original; release. The book has managed to establish itself as a perfect reference source for the Yachtmaster trainees plus to the skippers regardless of their experience level. The author of the book is a recognized yachting expert; he is bringing together all fundamental information of contemporary cruising in a single volume making it accessible for everyone.

The content ought to be learned by any person intending to sail on a small boat. The author has covered all important topics related to the yachting and his efforts have eventually resulted in this excellent guidebook. The text is supplemented with numerous charts and live examples for better understanding. It is a real Bible of sailing and shall be considered required reading for the boat skippers - it can be used for the classroom training or even on board.

In fact there is no other book available today to provide same coverage of the relevant topics and explain every facet of boat sailing in such comprehensive manner. There should be a copy of this book possessed on board any boat since it contains absolutely everything that the boaters shall know about sailing theory and practice.

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The present instructional book shall serve as an excellent guide for the beginners covering both catamaran and mono-hull sailing with particular attention paid to the basic sailing techniques, safety matters and, what is very important, fun! The author is not using any of complicated marine jargon usually getting most of the novices stymied, and proceeds directly to the fundamental questions, for instance, how to leave the dock and where the brakes are located.

The simple theoretical principles and techniques addressed in the pages of this volume are nicely illustrated in detail. This book has already been very well met by the beginner sailors from all around the world who have appreciated the approach used by the author to presentation of the material making it easily understandable to all of them.

Spending some time with the book and going thoroughly through all chapters and information provided will definitely guarantee a good understanding and getting a required theoretical basis for the beginner sailors to start practicing on the water. Recommended to all newcomers to the world of yachting regardless of their level, knowledge and skills - all of them will find this guide useful.

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This book is for those willing to learn sailing but feeling like they are navigating in murky waters. Here is a second edition of the world popular sailing text-book introducing the very fundamentals of sailing and looking at the many different sailboat types together with their basic parts, teaching beginner sailors everything they need to be aware of prior to leaving the dock.

The content has been compiled by two American sailing champions so this is something we all can trust. The book will tell the readers how to find and choose a good sailing school, show the correct use of lifejackets, demonstrate making ten most popular nautical knots, teach how to handle potential sailing emergencies, for example if the boat gets capsized or there is a man overboard, how to read nautical charts, plot the course and use basic navigational equipment, how to move from one point to another, etc.

The intention of the author was to show the newcomers that to get out on the water is much easier than they would think. The sailor-speak has been kept to a minimum, however the readers will be given some basic terminology they will need for safe and effective communication with the crew members. In fact, this is not only a text-book but also an excellent reference book giving the required sailing skills and confidence.

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