

Wrinkles in Practical Navigation

Author(s) Squire Thorntobn Stratford Lecky
Publisher George Philip & Son
Date 1918
Pages 822
Format pdf
Size 37 Mb







Even though there are so many good works on Navigation available today, the present publication has been serving as a textbook for several generations of mariners. This is a true classics and the contribution of this book to the provision of safety of marine navigation is great. The volume was published one century ago but the content is still interesting to the mariners of today due to the way the information is presented.

The book opens with the description of basic navigational instruments, mile and knot, and the mariner's compass together with some interesting facts on its construction and usage. The other navigational tools such as the sextant and marine chronometer have also been explained in detail making them easily to understand even to the newcomers to the magic world of navigation. The nautical charts have been dealt with including chart and map projections, Admiralty charts and all information normally conveyed by the charts.

The other sections of this publication address such important aspects as sounding machines, sounding logs, binoculars and telescope used at sea, ocean meteorology, time and position, summer lines and double altitudes, compass adjustment and so many others - the list is really impressive.

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