

Vosper MTBs In Action

Author(s) T. Garth Connelly, Don Gree
Publisher Squadron/Signal Publications
Date 2000
Pages 51
Format pdf
Size 23 Mb







The British Navy built and used their own MTB, standing for the Motor Torpedo Boats - throughout the World War Two. Those boats served in the English Channel, Atlantic, Pacific, and the Mediterranean. This publication by T. Garth Connelly and Don Greer provides an excellent review of the boat types, their use and history. It contains many perfect and clear black-and-white photos demonstrating the typical construction of the MTBs, their interior, exterior, engines, weapons.

There is also plenty of statistics and data, operational stories, and two pages of color plates. This book will obviously be very useful for everyone interested in naval history as well as for the ship model makers since there are so many photos plus color drawings. It's a compact but comprehensive volume giving a good summary with lots of image content and detailed plans that will be appreciated by the ship modelers.

The history told in the pages of this publication will make all readers go into the deeper reading about the naval warfare of the Second World War, and British Forces, in particular. As per the reviews, nothing in the content of this book is redundant or out of place, and the style of presenting the material is excellent making this book world popular among the professionals and enthusiasts of the naval history and warfare.

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