

Vessel general permit (video)

Format flv
Duration 50 min
Size 223 Mb





This set of two training video supplements the training booklet. The whole program was developed by the Videotel with the idea to provide all people on board with the necessary information on the VGP. The first video will explain what the Vessel General Permit is and what ships shall do in order to reach full compliance. The second video will take the viewers through all applicable requirements for the various discharge streams.

The VGP itself is a permit to the implementation of the United States environmental regulations relating to the effluent discharges from merchant ships. Subject regulations apply to the vessels more that seventy-nine feet in length visiting American ports and operating in American waters. The Permit supplements the relevant provisions of MARPOL convention which is internationally applied and making a part of the legal system of the United Stated.

What it means is that the ships in US waters shall be in full compliance with all requirements of the MARPOL together with the VGP. The main purpose of the Permit is to raise due awareness of the discharges, enabling better water pollution control from all merchant fleet vessels in the United States waters.

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