

Vessel Collision Case Studies

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This is a good collection made of the four real-life vessel collision case studies. The training set shall be used as a good supplementary visual tool when learning the essentials of the ship collision prevention. Each of the cases included in the set has been provided with the very detailed and understandable explanation. Moreover, when performing the analysis of the situations that led to the incidents, reference was made to the relevant provisions of the applicable rules and regulations, such as the COLREG

The incident happened in the Gulf of Mexico in an area south of Louisiana. The incident occurred at night, in good visibility and moderate weather. Two ships, a bulk carrier E and a tanker J were both proceeding outbound at full sea speed and heading of 180 degrees. Additionally, a lash carrier A was proceeding inbound at full sea speed and heading of 326 degrees toward the south-west sea buoy. At a time of twelve minutes before collision, ship A observed the red side light and mast head lights of the two vessels and ship E observed green lights and mast head lights of ship A on a bearing of forty degrees port side. The vessels were in a crossing situation. Meanwhile, ship J has overtaken ship E on her own starboard side….

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